MAGA Goes Mainstream

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

The liberal Marxist elite were handed their collective hats on November, 5th, 2024 and for the past month, they have been doing lots of finger pointing, trying to assess blame for their stunning losses. While the propaganda media levels blame here, there and everywhere, they are missing the mark.

Maybe former MSNBC host, Chris Matthews came the closest to the real issue, but even he remained blind to the total realism of it all when he spoke about the underlying issues that caused the great red shift in the vote…the economy and the border.

Matthews talked about how the democrats got both those issues wrong, and about how it cost them the election. On the border, Matthews said of the democrats, “I don’t know who they think they were playing to when they let millions of people come cruising through the border at their own will because of their own decisions, they came running through that border and they didn’t do a thing about it and a lot of people are very angry about that, working people especially think they’ve been betrayed, they feel that their country has been given away, and they don’t like it.”

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The (Monu)MENTAL Meltdowns of Liberals

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

According to Kathy Griffin, a faux comedian who’s pronouns are PTSD, and TDS, Kamala’s loss is all Taylor Swift’s fault.

“I know this will get me in trouble, but I really, really wish Taylor Swift had done an event with Vice President Harris in Pennsylvania two months ago. She is so powerful, and it’s not fair that the weight of the world is on a pop star’s shoulder.”

So, let me see if I understand this correctly…according to Kathy Griffin, if only Taylor Swift, who’s entire career is based on songs she’s written about the poor choices she’s made, and who’s fan-base consists primarily of girls who are too young to vote had done an event with Kamala in Pennsylvania…Kamala Harris would have won the election?

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Kamala’s Campaign Collapse

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Anyone who believes that Joe Biden got 81 million LEGITIMATE votes in 2020 needs a check-up from the neck up.

Biden spent the entire 2020 campaign hiding in his basement, and he has spent nearly 40% of his only term sleeping on a beach in Delaware yet for three and a half years, elected liberals and their media propagandists insisted that Joe was the sharpest tool in the shed, and could run circles around everyone else.

It wasn’t as though they didn’t know the truth…they did…but they also knew that if the doddering old man could somehow keep it together, they could fool their voters into voting for him. That all came crashing down during a debate in June when the whole world got to witness the truth of the matter…the truth that Republicans had been stating for three and a half years.

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Kamala’s Low-Info Appeal

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

I would be amazed and shocked by anybody claiming that they’re intending to vote for Kamala Harris based on her knowledge of the issues, her ability to get things done, or her policy positions, but we’re talking about democrat voters here so…it’s not a surprise.

It’s more than just party-line votes that Harris will be getting in just a matter of weeks however, her voters aren’t just democrats, or perhaps more accurately, far left liberal loons…they are the bottom of the barrel low-information voters.

Kamala Harris, for the edification of the aforementioned loons, has done absolutely nothing during her time in office to lead anyone with a working brain cell to believe she’s qualified for the position. The problem is that the liberal propagandists of the mainstream media have been claiming that she’s brilliant, engaged, and adept…they claim that she’s got a plan, that her policy positions are amazing and that she will “save democracy.”

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Tampon Tim’s Friends in Low Places

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

It’s been a week since the great VP debate between J.D. Vance, and Tampon Tim and there are a few things which I believe need to be highlighted.

Given all the clap-trap, falderal, cow-cookies and outright lies spewed by liberals over the years regarding what Donald Trump said about “good people on both sides,” which has been completely debunked even by liberal “fact-checkers” because the spin put on it by the propagandist media had to rely on editing the comment taken out of context. Imagine, if you will, how the propagandists would have exploded had Trump said what Tampon Tim said last Tuesday night.

Timmy was asked about his flip-flopping position regarding banning assault weapons, which he previously opposed but now supports. Timmy launched into a long-winded response, but that bloviation began with these words – “Yeah. I sat in that office with those Sandy Hook parents. I’ve become friends with school shooters. I’ve seen it.”

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A Potted Plant and the Pot It’s Planted In

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

To say that the situation at the world’s most expensive, and well-guarded assisted care living facility, the one at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., is deteriorating rapidly would be akin to saying the bad news is that the Titanic hit a speed bump, but the good news is that there’s now plenty of ice available on the promenade deck, or that the Hindenburg now has a smoking section.

The excuses for Joe Biden’s piss-poor debate performance were flying like wounded ducks. We were told that he had a cold. Uh-huh. One would think that if Joe had the sniffles, they would have said something BEFORE the debate, but BEFORE the debate, they told us he would show the world just how sharp he really was.

Then, a week later, we were told he had a cold AND jet-lag. Uh-huh. Jet-lag from WHAT, exactly? He had been under wraps for 10 days getting prepped FOR the debate, and hadn’t been anywhere but Camp David since coming home from an overseas flight…12 days before the debate…and I’m pretty damned sure there’s a bed on Air Force One.

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Joe Biden – Unfit For Duty

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

President Trump says that Joe Biden should be drug tested before the debates, and for good reason. We’ve all seen the two Joe Bidens. We’ve seen the Joe Biden at public functions like the G-7, and the Juneteenth party at the White House along with far too many speeches and appearances in front of cameras where he stumbles, mumbles, bumbles and crumbles.

We’ve also seen the Joe Biden that showed up at this year’s State of the Union presentation so juiced up that he delivered the speech shouting, yelling and nearly frothing at the mouth.

We all know that Joe Biden has more trouble reading what’s in his teleprompter that most people would have reading Latin through a welding helmet under water, and he tends to fall asleep when he’s given too low a dose of medication.

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Between Dumb as a Rock and a Hard Place

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Just over a week ago, Joe Biden was on the beach in Delaware…again…and he couldn’t even get crabs to show up, mostly because Cackling Kamala wasn’t there, and it’s a fair bet that she has them.

Meanwhile, future President, Donald Trump was on the beach in New Jersey, a notoriously deep blue state, and a crowd of between 80,000-100,00 people attended his rally. Many of them camped out Friday night and spent Saturday partying and waiting for the 5pm rally.

You couldn’t invent a more stark contrast between the two candidates, or their respective campaigns.

The DNC had to look at that contrast with renewed shock. The DNC has to know that they’re really stuck between dumb as a rock, and a hard place.

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Uncle Bosie and Other Biden BS

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

I know it’s been a few weeks, but there’s been so much going on lately that I haven’t had time to deal with this in a proper manner, but I just have NOT been able to get it out of my mind.

Joe Biden has told some whoppers over the years from being a truck driver, to having recent conversations with people who died years, or decades ago. He fought off Corn Pop, he’s been raised by Irish, Peurto Ricans in a black church, and he’s even gone so far as to claim he’s as sharp as a tack, but the story he told back on April, 19th, may well take the cake.

Now you know I’m a stickler for details and facts, and the details and facts surrounding that story don’t even come close to the version Biden told but…according to the official Pentagon records regarding the incident, it was a twin engine plane…not a single engine plane…Biden’s uncle was a passenger, not the pilot…the plane developed engine failure shortly after takeoff, it wasn’t shot down…and it went into the ocean hard, not crashed on the island.

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Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

With all the problems our nation’s transportation sector has experienced over the past few years, from a series of train derailments, to enormous delays in air travel, one would think that our Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, would be trying to fix the problems that actually exist before he tries to fix make-believe issues that only exist of the addled minds of liberals. Sadly, that is not the case.

Just a couple of weeks ago, a door blew off of a Boeing jet while in fight. Somehow, nobody was killed or severely injured, but the mishap, which came after a series of warnings were ignored, has now prompted the FAA to warn parents not to have babies sitting in their laps during flights lest a part of an airplane suddenly divorce itself from the aircraft and babies start getting sucked out into the wild blue, or pink yonder.

The FAA, by the way, is the government agency tasked with overseeing our nation’s regulating of civil aviation. They are in charge of everything from the safety of aircraft, to maintaining operations with air traffic controllers at airports, to seeing to it that pilots aren’t drinking before they climb into the cockpit.

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