A Tea for Two Foes – Liberals and RINOs

org 1How did things turn out in your state’s primary elections this year? Did your Tea Party candidate win? Some did, a few, too few for my liking and most likely for your liking as well.

Why is that? Why didn’t we win MORE primaries?

I’ll tell you why. Because as Tea Party Patriots and those who want a return to a Constitutional republic, far too many of us stand on our own little individual islands when it comes to candidates and that is exactly what liberals and for that matter, the GOP establishment want us to do.

It’s time to change all that and start winning…not only in the primary elections but in the general elections too but what we need is a strategy. A WINNING strategy.

First off…one of the main reasons the Tea Party didn’t show well in this year’s primaries is right there on our voter registration cards.

Back in 2010, with the decisive victory in the house, the shellacking of the liberals, many went and changed their voter registration to Tea Party based on how proud we were of what we had just accomplished. Pride gets us nowhere and here’s why.

In MANY states, when it comes to the primaries, only registered REPUBLICANS can VOTE in the primaries. If you have reregistered as something else…Tea Party…Constitutional Party…Libertarian…whatever…you can’t vote in the primary or, if they allow you to CAST a vote…it’s wiped out by your ‘other’ party registration. That being the case, guess who wins…the GOP establishment candidate and NOT the Tea Party candidate.

We must remember that the Tea Party is a MOVEMENT, a grass roots movement…

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Friday Fume

fume 1It seems like it SHOULD have been a short week, what with Memorial Day and all but…LIBERALS COULD MAKE A ONE CAR PARADE SEEM LIKE IT TAKES A MONTH OF SUNDAYS!!!

Not to worry though, we made it through and we’ve come to yet another Friday.

Let’s just jump into the deep end of liberal insanity shall we?

Friends and Patriots…

I’m fuming.

We have an URGENT update on the “MISSING” Malaysian Flight 370!!!!

Yes, I KNOW this has been covered ad nauseum …hell I’m ad NAUSEATED by it MYSELF but THIS is important and I feel COMPELLED to bring it to you.

Dear whoever built the thing that looks for things that are lost and make noise so you can find them…

You had ONE job…

I’m talking to the nerd or team of nerds who, no doubt, acquired taxpayer dollars to fund their research to build something called a…”Towed Pinger Locator”…It’s a thingy that gets towed behind a ship to listen for and locate the black boxes of flying machines that may well have become submersibles.

Within days of Flight 370 going missing…EVERYBODY just KNEW it went into the Indian Ocean so…they go and get the ”Towed Pinger Locator” and start dragging it around and VIOLA…they started hearing “PINGS!!!”

That was 2 ½ months ago but the “PINGS” faded away and they’ve been looking around in the same area ever since but…on WEDNESDAY…we learned THIS…it seems the “PINGS” they were hearing either came from…THE SHIP they were using or…

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The Year That Was is The Year That Will Be

Of all the stories of 2013, the IRS and NSA scandals…Benghazi…the 2nd term…Obamacare…Ed Snowden…

Feel free to add to the list as it was long indeed but, perhaps THE most important issue of 2013 was…


The midterm elections now just 11 short months away.

There are 3 primary, overriding issues from 2013 that will shape 2014 and they are…

Benghazi, Obamacare and…

I’ll get to that 3rd one later but first…

 Obamacare and what is yet to come.

In a few months, Obamacare will slam headlong into the employer provided health insurance market just as it did a few months ago, derailing the private insurance market and this time, in 2014, it will effect up to 170 million Americans…

Very few in a positive way.

Employers, PLANING FOR THE RECENTLY DELAYED UNTIL 2015 MANDATE, will begin planning and informing employees regarding the dumping of the plans they have been providing thus dumping millions upon millions of American workers into the Obamacare abyss resulting in higher and higher premiums and deductibles FOR those workers.

Other employers will be cutting their workforce, laying off employees and/or, cutting others to part-time hours.

And, those employers who had plans of expansion will put those plans on hold or, drop them altogether resulting in fewer new job creations thus slowing the economy.

Sticker shock will become reality and individuals will weigh the consequences of opting out completely to pay the end of the year fines with the knowledge that should something happen, an illness, an accident…

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Weekend Edition: Let Liberals OWN Their Demise

Late last Thursday, Obama, once again, altered a law passed by congress, Obamacare,without congressional action.

Once again, he has violated the Constitutional separation of powers.

Once again, congress, notably, Republicans in the house, where all tax laws and the changes to them must originate, have done nothing regarding this unconstitutional action.

In most cases, I would be calling for heads to roll but, not in this case.

The Tea Party, Conservatives. Republicans and the RINOS are absolutely correct in keeping their mouths shut.

The reason is as plain as the noses above their muffled mouths.

Obamacare is a law that was passed ONLY by the democrats.

Not one single Republican voted FOR it and some Democrats had to LITERALLY be BRIBED to pass it.

By the dictatorial rule of then house Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, a DEMOCRAT, nobody was allowed to READ the Obamacare bill before they PASSED it and when it arrived in the senate…Obamacare passed by only 1…DEMOCRAT…vote.

Republicans have made the Democrats OWN Obamacare from the start because Republicans KNEW this to be a bad, unsustainable law and…

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How Low Will Obama Go for Fundamental Transformation?

On January 28th, 2014, his highness the king, will deliver his State of the Union speech.

After being named as the deliverer of the 2013 lie of the year, a lie repeated by him some 3 dozen times over the past 3 years, Obama’s SOTU for 2014 should be one for the ages.

Obama will, no doubt, blame republicans for last fall’s 17% government shutdown as well as for a myriad of other things republicans had nothing with which to do.

But…If he chooses to duck and run from Obamacare on January 28th 2014 as he did in the 2012 SOTU, the omission will speak louder than his droning words as Americans, by the tens of millions, from both sides of the political aisle, are being screwed BY Obamacare daily.

How will he handle the topic?

The initial prognostication of most conservatives is that Obama will turn it into yet another festival of fibs. A desperate delivering of deception.

Another litany of lies.

The American public are watching their lives be turned upside down by Obamacare and their bank accounts being drained by it. Businesses are seeing their American Dream become America’s worst nightmare and, liberals up for election in November of 2014 are heading for the deep weeds because of Obamacare.

As his poll numbers continue to decline and more and more Americans deem him unworthy of trust, even the pathological liar knows the jig is up.

So, if one takes lying out of the teleprompter, what other options does the liar have?

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Friday Fume

Well, rather than a 3rd episode of GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN FUMES…This week…We’re back to regular, garden variety liberal insanity.

Tuesday…In Pekin Illinois…26-year-old Adam Lester was arrested for doing…140 MPH…IN A 55MPH ZONE…ON A MOTORCYCLE…WITH A 16 YEAR OLD PASSENGER ON THE BACK!!!

I have no idea how they even CAUGHT the KAWASAKI COMET but…His explanation is what leads me to believe he is a liberal.


I’m willing to bet that wasn’t a problem for his passenger.



Maybe next week they’ll take a full day to remember MOTHER THERESA as a COLD HEARTED SHREW and then have CASEY ANTHONY ON TO PLUG HER NEW LIFETIME MOVIE OF THE WEEK!!!!!


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Thatcher – In Her Own Words

There will be plenty who will speak in glowing terms of Margaret Thatcher today and in the days to come in the wake of the news of her passing.

I will not be one of them.

It’s not because I didn’t have the utmost respect for Baroness Thatcher rather, because I did.

I simply don’t know the words that could exceed  the words she, herself spoke.

In HER words, The Prime Minister made the uncompromising case for the conservative ideology.

She took over a socialist dominated country in 1979 on the verge of collapse and by the time she left in 1990, her country was a shining example of success.

Her words, turned into actions, paved the way and while Conservatives in our nation are well aware of her political and economic ideologies, today’s socialists could learn a great deal and WOULD, if they weren’t so busy cheering the death of the Iron Lady.

Here, in her own words, is Margaret Thatcher.

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Illegals Are NOT Illegal Just Because They’re Illegal

Well, we CERTAINLY wouldn’t want to offend those who break our laws would we?

ILLEGAL ALIENS, it seems, will suffer hurt feelings if we CITIZENS continue the practice of referring to them as…ILLEGAL.

Boo hoo.

They are henceforth to be referred to as UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS.

Not Illegal aliens. Not illegal immigrants.

NOT undocumented immigrants either.


So says the AP…American Pravda.

What was it that Jon Conyers called them just 2 months ago?

Oh yes…

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Weekend Edition: FB – Social Media or Social Disease?

There comes a point when enough is enough.

Being threatened with banning for a period of days by Facebook because one has requested too many friends or, as happens to many of us, because we are posting too fast, is one thing but, being banned for 30 days from an increasingly unsocial social media site says you did something that clearly, you did NOT do is quite another thing altogether.

Blogger, Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor has found herself in just that situation.

Last week, after a 5 hour stint at the dentist, where she could not have posted a thing had she even wanted to, she returned home to discover she had, in fact, been banned for 30 days.

Facebook Jail.

And what was the offense?

Get this.

In a group, on FB, where Diane is an Admin…

ANOTHER Admin posted a link to an article regarding Islamists and beheadings.

FB took exception and, in retaliation…

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Putting it All on theTable

We are now a week and a day from the election.

What does Obama have left?


He’s running on empty.

The choice could not be more clear.

Mitt Romney is a man of character.

Obama, a man who’s only campaign rhetoric now is character assassination. Last week, his Chicago thugs recruited Gloria Allred to try and embroil Romney is something related to his testimony in a decade old divorce and child custody case.

A judge look at the “evidence” and told Allred to pound sand.

Mitt Romney has an economic plan to grow the national economy, cut taxes without cutting revenue, put us on a path toward energy independence, focus education on students, teachers and schools instead of the teacher’s unions, create jobs by allowing private industry to flourish and crack down on trading partners who gip the system by manipulating their currency.

Obama has the exact same plan he had 4 years ago which has doubled the deficit and added 6 trillion bucks to the debt, seen 23 million people still looking for work, increased welfare and food stamps to historic levels and led to the most anemic GDP in history.

Mitt Romney understands that peace must be gained through strength, that we must stand with our allies and against our enemies and adversaries, that there can be no daylight between our great nation and the great nation of Israel and that terrorism IS terrorism and we must stay on the offensive against it.

Obama thinks a foreign policy of appeasement and apology combined with his own personal arrogance is the right path.

Mitt Romney has spent 25 years in the private sector growing and managing businesses.

Obama has never run a lemonade stand.

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