Friday Fume

fume 1It’s been quite the week in the land of liberal loons and at the end of every week, we try to tie it all up in one snarky package…WITH AN ATTITUDE!!!

Let’s not dally and dive right in.

Patriots and Friends…It’s FRIDAY and you KNOW what THAT means…

I’m fuming.

Remember when we told you, years ago, that Obama violated the law by placing the Fast and Furious documents he didn’t want Eric Holder to turn over to the House committee under lock and Executive Privilege key?

Sorry liberals…WE WERE RIGHT!!!

Yesterday, a FEDERAL JUDGE…one U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson to be exact…set the fast and furiously approaching date of OCT 1ST as the date by which Eric WITHHOLDER must…drum roll please…TURN OVER ALL THOSE DOCUMENTS TO DARRELL ISSA AND THE HOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE!!!

Does anyone but me smell an impending hard drive crash in the offing?

Now I KNOW that Holder just told the assembled mob in Ferguson that he TOO was a black man but…I do declare…he looks as white as sheet right now.

What’s the matter Holder? Did you just see the ghost of Brian Terry???

By October 1st, Holder has been ordered by the judge to turn over all unprivileged documents AND…all PRIVILEGED documents as well and Issa has until Oct 17th to register any objection regarding any documents that AREN’T turned over.

Why…That’s just a couple of weeks before the…

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White People Are NOT Our “Black Brother’s Keepers!!”

ferg 1I intended to write an article today about the mess in Ferguson Missouri but let’s be honest here…brutally honest…I don’t know what happened when that punk kid got shot by the cop and neither do those who are rioting, looting, committing arson, shooting or going on the attack.

Jesse Jackson doesn’t know…Al Sharpton doesn’t know…Eric Holder doesn’t know…Obama doesn’t know and neither does the grand jury that’s been seated to railroad that cop into court.

NOBODY really knows what went down in that moment nor will they until the investigation is complete and when that is done, if charges are warranted, so be it. A trial will follow, a verdict will be rendered and whatever happens next will happen…but I guarantee you this…if there is no trial or the cop is found not guilty IN a trial…there WILL be more of what we’ve seen in Ferguson over the past 12 days and nights.

It won’t just be contained IN Ferguson either and there’s a reason for that…

Now I said I was going to be brutally honest and so…here goes…

There are good people in Ferguson…plenty of them from both sides of the political aisle and of all colors of skin but what we’re seeing there now is a direct result of idiots and fools.

Perhaps the most inane thing uttered in the wake of the shooting of that punk and while the riots continue came directly from the mouth of Don Lemon at CNN a few days ago…

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Rick Perry Indicted for Having Integrity

fart 1Everything is bigger in Texas…even the brain farts.

Honestly, I don’t quite know how else to explain what is happening in Texas with the indictment of Governor Rick Perry.

It’s nothing short of a MASSIVE liberal brain fart.

They have indicted Perry for what? A VETO? He vetoed a bill which would have funded the Texas ethics watchdog, the Public Integrity Unit under the “leadership” of one Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg.

According to the Travis County Texas grand jury, Perry ABUSED his power as the Governor by first THREATENING to use his veto to defund the unit and then…by actually DOING what he SAID he would do.

Here’s the crux of it all…

Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg, a liberal elected official was in charge of the INTEGRITY unit when she got pulled over for…DRIVING DRUNK last year. That’s right…the very person who was in charge of making sure that the INTEGRITY of Texas politics was up to par was driving drunk. She got arrested and tossed into the drunk tank to dry out where she, Rosemary Lehmberg, got belligerent with the local law enforcement folks.

She pitched quite the fit because, it seems, Lehmberg didn’t seem to think SHE should be treated just like every OTHER drunk on the road.

SHE, in what little was left of her mind, figured SHE was SPECIAL. Well, here…see for yourself…

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Friday Fume

Okay…So I missed writing the Fume last week. I knew you could Fume on for ONE Friday without me.

THIS week, however, is a different egg altogether and as eggs go…LIBERALS AND SOCIALISTS ARE…


No quick hitters this week…We’re diving right in so…HANG ON…

Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

THIS guy just HAS to be an Obama voter and once you read through this, you’ll most likely agree, HE’S ONE SICK PUPPY!!!

Lucky but…SICK!!!

Here’s what happened.

Police in Tampa Florida were called out to the home of one, 57 year old Bernard Marsonek last Tuesday where they were, according TO the police, “GREETED” by a small crowd of this moron’s neighbors.

The cops found Marsonek inside his home and, upon running him through their “BAD BOY’S” DATABASE…They discovered the…um…’excited’ miscreant to be a FELON.

After a little looking about…Tampa police found, in his home…A GUN!!!

Now one would think the 2…Being a FELON in possession of a GUN…would have been enough to slap the cuffs on ol’ Bernie but…

That was NOT what he was arrested for.

Oh no…

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UC Davis Pepper Spraying…The Unintended Truth

Sometimes, video evidence isn’t what it seems to be. Sometimes, it can be very misleading if all you see is an excerpt, taken out of context, from the whole of the event. That now appears to be exactly the case with a widely circulated video clip from last week.

I am sure most people, by now, have seen the clip of police pepper spraying OWS morons at U.C. Davis. There they were, looking all peaceful, sitting on the ground, arms linked when along came the big bad police, those establishment, law enforcement officers who, out of the blue and for no reason at all, let loose with cans of pepper spray.

Oh the humanity, the horror. Doing such a thing to those who were simply exercising their 1st amendment right to gather, why, it’s just unthinkable.

UC Davis Chancellor, Linda Katehi, has, with tears in her eyes, apologized to students for the actions of the police.

Two officers and the campus police chief have been placed on leave.

UC President Mark Yudof has denounced the police for the pepper spraying of those students.

Students at UC Davis are demanding the Chancellor resign and they want the cops fired.

It’s a mess at UC Davis and all because of this piece of irrefutable video evidence.

That video clip CLEARLY show police pepper spraying those students FOR NO GOOD REASON WHATSOEVER!

Whoa…Hang on there…Not so fast.

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