Hillary’s Radioactive Scandal – Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

clin 1The ‘deal’ was kept quiet. The terms OF the ‘deal’ were undisclosed despite assurances that ALL terms of ANY dealings WOULD be disclosed.

The ‘deal’ has now been exposed but, according to Josh Earnest, Obama’s town liar…the fault FOR the ‘deal’ is found NOT in the ‘deal’ maker but, in true liberal fashion, in the EXPOSER of the ‘deal.’

“I’ve been in a position where there have been other, to put it mildly, conservative authors that have launched, written books based on what they report to be serious allegations against the president of the United States. And I’m often in the position of responding to those incidents and trying to defend the president from accusations that are not rooted or accompanied by any evidence. Right now, that is what is happening to Secretary Clinton.”

Does that sound vaguely familiar?

It should…

January 27, 1998…in response to a question posed by Matt Lauer on the Today Show…THIS was the answer…

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Bowe’s Release: The Truth Exposed…Part 2 of 4

trade 1Once again, our Dictator has bowed to our enemies. Once again, he has violated the laws of our nation. Once again, Obama has placed Americans in uniform and even those who DON’T wear our uniform in harm’s way.

Once again…Obama has bypassed congress and given the finger to one of our most basic tenants in the process.

Bowe Bergdahl is coming home and the door for the kidnapping of any American anywhere has been flung wide open. This regime will negotiate with terrorists and pay the ransoms.

Late last year, a law was passed by congress and signed by Obama that was aimed, specifically, at the possibility of violating the basic tenant that we, as a nation, do NOT negotiate with terrorists. It’s not a slippery slope to do so…it’s a free fall.

The law made it possible to trade Gitmo terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl but it came with one very important caveat…NO trade could be made without 30 days for congress to weigh the ramifications of it.

On Saturday, Obama traded five Gitmo terrorists for one Bowe Bergdahl and nobody in congress was notified. Not 30 days prior, not 30 hours prior, not 30 minutes prior. In fact, congress wasn’t notified until AFTER the deal was done.

And why, exactly did Obama choose to trample on the law? Why exactly does he believe this law doesn’t apply to him?

According to some high level administration mouthpiece… “Due to a near-term opportunity to save Sergeant Bergdahl’s life, we moved as quickly as possible. The administration determined that given these unique and exigent circumstances, such a transfer should go forward notwithstanding the notice requirement.”

And besides…

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Screw the Propaganda…It’s SOCIALISMCARE

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Last week, Nancy Pelosi scolded some hapless reporter for using the term, “Obamacare.”

AFFORDABLE Care Act the old bat insisted.


Affordable…AFFORDABLE. The “Affordable” Care Act.”

She repeated it and repeated it in the face of all reality because, even SHE knew that linking such an abject disaster to the Dictator was and is a pariah to her party which gave me pause to coin a new and more accurate moniker for the wretched boil.

The boil being Obamacare and not Pelosi who is something more of a hemorrhoid than a boil but, I digress.


That is exactly what it is and what I shall now be calling it.

Socialismcare being only the tip of the Dictator’s iceberg.


About a week ago, Kathleen Sebelius was asked about the prospect of rising socialismcare premiums and her response was classic.

“The increases are far less significant than what they were prior to the Affordable Care Act.”

Ask her how many people have signed up for socialismcare and Sebelius will give you and exact number.

Ask Sebelius how many of THOSE dupes have actually PAID for their socialismcare premiums and she’ll tell you she has no way, at this time, of knowing.

How many YOUNG, HEALTHY people have signed up and paid THEIR money for those who are older and less healthy?

Surprise of all surprises…

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The Obamacare Café – Eat What You’re TOLD to Eat

America was promised that the Obamacare website would be fixed, up and running by November 30th, 2013.

Kathleen Sebelius TOLD congress that it WOULD be fixed. She TOLD them it would be DONE…By November 30th, 2013.

THAT, of course, was before Kathleen Sebelius told America that the Obamacare website would be running at 80% by November 30th, 2013.

80%…According to Sebelius and the Obama administration was their definition of…SUCCESS.

So…80% by November 30th but…THAT was before Sebelius told America that users OF the website would have a much better experience on December 1st on that Obamacare website  than they had when it rolled out on October 1st, 2013.


We went from the greatest thing since sliced cheese before the October roll out to…”We’ll have it fixed” by November 30th, 2013 soon AFTER the October 1st roll out to…”We’ll have it running at 80% by November 30th and THAT will be a SUCCESS to…”WELL…You’ll have a better experience with the Obamacare website on December 1st than you did on October 1st.”

Here we are…Today is December 2nd, 2013 and how’s that Obamacare website doing?

In FACT…It’s working at 0% right now and this obtuse administration is claiming some element of success for that.

No…I did NOT miss a keystroke. I typed in 0% and I MEANT…

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