A World of Heartfelt Appreciation

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Friends…on June 28th, my friend and colleague Diane Sori posted an article regarding my personal story and our current situation thanks to Obamacare. I can’t thank her donate 1enough for her desire to help…and help, she indeed has.

I wanted to bring you all up to speed with the progress made to this point, but before I do that, allow to take a moment to offer our most sincere appreciation for all that has been done…for all the kind and heartfelt donations to our GoFundMe site and for all the sharing of our story.

Your help in this most trying time, your generous donations mean more to us than words could ever express.

We are overwhelmed with gratitude and we thank each and every one who has given so generously to help us out.

Now then…on to the update…

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The Truth is Coming Back

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS

ven 1Over the past few days, we have been asked, “what happened to CPR?” Many of our readers and listeners have wanted to know why we weren’t on the air and why the CPR station wasn’t active.

It’s time to provide some answers.

There are two old adages that come to mind…first…all good things must come to an end, and regrettably that is the case with cprworldwidemedia.com. Due to the serious nature of the network’s CEO’s health concerns, he is no longer, at least at this time, able to keep the station up and active.

Several of us, in his absence, did all we could to keep CPR a viable entity but at the end of the day, we simply lacked the proper resources or the necessary protocols to continue. Sadly, last week, we were left with no choice but to allow the lights to be turned off, the doors to be locked, and the station to go dark.

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Desert Stormed –Patriot Militias Used the 2nd to Protect the 1st

2 AMEND 1From Obama and his ballyhooed pen to the abject hypocrisy from the ilk of Feinstein and Schumer, every time a high profile crime takes place  involving a gun, more and more gun control laws are called for by liberals and socialists.

A shooting at a school?

More restrictive gun laws. That’s the answer.

A shooting at a mall or movie theater?

More restrictive gun control laws will fix it.

Mass shootings on a military post?

Yep. You guessed it. More and more and MORE restrictive gun laws and you can just about bet your bottom dollar that, after last weekend’s Bundy Ranch standoff where armed federal agents were intimidated into retreat by equally armed citizens, we’re going to be hearing about the need to restrict We the People from our right to keep and bear arms…again.

It is abjectly absurd what liberals and socialists want you to believe regarding our right to keep and bear arms.

 “I, like most Americans, believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms. And we recognize the traditions of gun ownership that passed on from generation to generation—THAT HUNTING AND SHOOTING are part of a cherished national heritage.”

That, from one Barack Hussein Obama who claims to have been a Constitutional professor and wants you to believe that the 2nd Amendment was, of all things, about hunting.


It is an oft parroted lie by liberals desperately trying to restrict the 2nd Amendment.

“Nobody needs an AR-15 to go hunting.”

Here’s one from that crackpot Diane Feinstein:

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