College Chaos – We Should NOT Be Surprised

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

I’m willing to bet good money that six months ago, very few if any of the indoctrinated idiots marching about on the campus of Columbia today, could have picked a “Palestinian” flag out of a four flag lineup.

That would have been the easy part. Far more difficult for today’s Ivy-League “scholars” would have been answering questions regarding Hamas, like how they came to power, who they are, who backs them, what is in their charter, or where they hide their weapons and from where do they fire their rockets.

Today, tomorrow’s doctors, attorneys, and future elected “leaders” are showing the world just how butt-stupid they really are, and exactly what their diplomas are worth.

Last week, the NY Times ran a headline that stated, “At Columbia, the Protests Continued, With Dancing and Pizza.”

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The Cold Hard Truth of War

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

While I’m sure that there will be some who believe my take on what happened a week ago during the war against Hamas is completely insensitive, I assure you that it is 100% rooted in reality.

A week ago, the IDF, in what Israel says was a “grave mistake,” targeted three vehicles which they believed to have been occupied by Hamas gunmen. The three vehicles were destroyed, but rather than containing Hamas fighters, those vehicles were occupied by members of the World Central Kitchen (WCK), occupied by seven aid workers, all of whom were killed in the strike.

One IDF Colonel and one IDF Major were dismissed from service, three IDF Commanders have been formally reprimanded and the drone unit responsible for carrying out the strike has been suspended after a report compiled by “professional, independent body that is outside of the chain of command.”

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Drones, Retaliation, and A Globalist King

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

On October 6, 2023 there was some semblance of peace in the Middle East…on October 7, 2023 the world bore witness to what could be the prelude to World War III. And the still ongoing Ukraine/Russian War will pale in comparison to the dangers we now face if we don’t stop listening to and believing all the falsehoods, lies, and innuendos our government and the media spews out in hopes of directing the public discourse.

Israel was savagely attacked on that bright sunny day in October…not unlike the sunny day that was our own 9/11…and we know said attack morphed not into uniting the world against those who do not belong amongst civilized men, but actually has…due to media manipulation and government anything but misspeaks…helped to stir up the old hatred that is the hallmark of antisemitism both here at home and abroad.

We also know whose truths and allegiances are veiled and whose are not. Joe Biden is playing both sides against each other by first saying he supports Israel’s war effort in Gaza while at the same time putting pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to scale back this rightfully fought war. And yet Biden has now initiated his own seemingly out of proportion retaliatory response to the recent drone strike on a U.S. military base inside Jordan. And with this being but an attempt to bolster his flailing presidential campaign, Joe Biden might well have set the stage for not only a wider Middle East War, but put the U.S. dead center in the middle of it.

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Arrogance, Ignorance and Anti-Semitism

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

How old is the average indoctrinated college student? Roughly, 18-22 years old…maybe a bit older for post indoctrination students? That would make your average public education indoctrinee somewhat younger than that.

It’s important to understand when today’s crop of indoctrinees was born. In the case of those currently in asylums of higher indoctrination, they would have been born around the year 2000. High school age indoctrinees would have been born in the early 2000’s.

It’s important because the propaganda they have been indoctrinated to believe stems from a history they never lived through and that has been, I believe, purposefully ignored in their various indoctrination centers so that the mind-numbed knobs would have no point of actual historical reference.

Without a point of historical reference, the present can be easily manipulated.

Here’s what I mean…

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Tlaib and Omar- The Who’s Who of Flung Poo

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So…for months, seriously from the day they entered the U.S. House, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar have taken every opportunity they could find, and when one failed to present itself, those two islamists manufactured reasons to spew their hatred of Israel everywhere they could.

They tweeted, they FB posted, they gave interviews, and joined in on rallies and boycotts against Israel. They have had nothing but vile, vulgar and typically, liberally nasty things to say about Israel and they have openly advocated the boycotting of Israel.

When APAC put together a delegation of 72 members of congress to travel to Israel…guess who turned down the invite?

Yep…Tlaib and Omar…but…

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One Man Alone is Jordan’s Future

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

What if I told you there was no “Palestinian/Israeli conflict?”

Would you believe me?

What if I told you that it isn’t the Jews or Israel that are oppressing the so-called “Palestinian” people?

Would you believe me?

What if I told you that historically there wasn’t any animosity between the “Palestinian” Arabs and the Jews…that it was invented, and orchestrated over a period of decades by bad actors…not from Israel, but from Arab states?

Would you believe that?

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Liberals…Triggered By a Myth

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

One of the big problems with liberals these days, is that you just don’t know what’s going to trigger them next. They’re getting to be as bad as the jihadis. …in that they seem to be perpetually triggered.

Last week, New York City Mayor, Bill de Bla Blasio, a perpetually triggered liberal demanded an immediate apology from Brooklyn City Councilman Kalman Yeger…or else…a demand that Yeger immediately refused.

The whole stink arose after Councilman Yeger issued a tweet in response to Ilhan Omar’s numerous and continued anti-Semitic attacks on American Jews, and her support of a certain group of people half way across the globe.

De Bla Blasio said of Yeger in his tirade…

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Ocasio-Cortez…Nothing But a Facade

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Ross Barkan of The Guardian has called Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “the future of the democratic party.” In fact, in a recent piece, Barkan said of Ocasio-Cortez, “Ocasio-Cortez is an unabashed leftist, supported by the Democratic Socialists of America and numerous progressive organizations. She ran on a platform of Medicare for all, abolishing Ice and a federal jobs guarantee. She was unafraid of calling out corporatism and capitalism.

Tom Perez, the Democratic National Committee Chairman said that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the woman who won the NY primary over liberal incumbent Joe Crowley, and she is an unapologetic, unabashed socialist. Ocasio-Cortez is also running on a platform of free everything for everybody…

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A Syrian Solution

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The current situation in Syria, has gone from bad to worse this week, as a chemical weapons attack left dozens dead, and dozens more critically injured in a northern Syrian community, the Idlib province described as a rebel enclave.

It has been described as the worst chemical attack in the war-torn country in years, but the real question is…who did it?

Therein, lies the problem.

Internationally, the UK, U.S., France and the U.N. are blaming Syria’s president, Bashar al Assad, while Russia and Putin are laying the blame on the Syrian Rebels. Al Assad says he and his military had nothing to do with it, and the rebels have even tried to blame the U.N. for the situation that led to it. Continue reading

Standing United With Israel

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

iun-1Last week, my friend and radio partner, Diane Sori, wrote an op-ed regarding the history of Obama’s deplorable actions throughout his time in office, regarding Israel…and she covered a great deal of ground.

If you haven’t yet read it…you should and I’ll put the link at the end of this article.

That said…it’s my turn to air it out regarding the recent U.N. resolution and this is going to get ugly.

First of all…in no uncertain terms…

Barack Hussein Obama’s action, in abstaining from that vote so as to allow that godforsaken resolution to pass, was beyond abysmal…

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