I would like to take a moment and address all of this Trayvon and Zimmerman nonsense.
I am seeing it all over social media and frankly, enough is enough.
I’m talking about all those who say there should be nothing more said regarding Trayvon and Zimmerman. They say we need to focus and while I agree, I am still at something of a loss.
Focus on what, exactly?
It seems every other post I see telling me to focus is telling me to focus on something different.
Focus on Benghazi…THAT is THE most important thing.
Focus on Obamacare. THAT is THE most important thing.
Focus on Obama’s records fraud. THAT is THE most important thing.
Focus on the IRS abuse of power.
Focus on the NRA.
Focus on agenda 21.
Focus on abortion.
Focus on Extortion 17.
Focus on this…Focus on THAT…