A Verdict Desperately Searching For a Crime

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

First off, allow me to state the simply obvious…democrats have lost their socialist collective minds. There’s not a contained democrat or liberal marble to be found, the cheese has slipped from their crackers, they’re crazier than soup sandwiches…

And nuttier than a port­a ­potty at a peanut festival.

Democrats are so desperate to alter the results of the 2016 election before we get to the 2020 election, that they no longer give a happy damn that they’re acting like idiots who claim to be invisible.

While I’m not exactly sure from either a scientific, or medical standpoint what their affliction is called, I am willing to bet it’s really hard to pronounce.

Democrats are insisting that President Trump must be impeached, that much is clear by the amount of bellowing and bloviating they’re engaged in 24/7, but what neither we, nor they can quite figure out is…


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Democrats Pre-Planning Their Own Political Funeral

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

If you were going to take a vote on making a witch hunt inquiry official, there couldn’t have been a more appropriate day to do so than on Halloween, and that is exactly what the wicked one of the west coast did on October, 31st.

Let me be staggeringly honest here…vodka-soaked Nancy Pelosi spent 7 months trying to gin up some sort of mandate to either move forward with such an official impeachment inquiry, fabricated though it may be, or get to work getting things done to fix real issues we face as a country, and the best she could do was prove that the liberal/socialist radicals that are leading her party are perpetrating a transparent sham.

Save 2 democrats who just couldn’t bring themselves to join the revenge-minded, sour-grapes line of pressured thinking, every democrat in the House voted for moving the impeachment inquiry to the next level, and every single Republican voted against it.

As Pelosi stated some 7 months ago…

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Outing a CIA Station Chief??? Nice Try but…

outed 1Remember Valerie Plame? The “covert” CIA agent that liberals are so SURE was outed by Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby? Liberals, when losing any foreign policy argument continue to bring that up to this very day because, liberals like to ignore the facts.

Far be it for me to try and confuse liberals WITH the facts.

Okay…not so far be it.

Here are the facts regarding the outing of Plame…

First of all…Valerie Plame was NOT a covert agent. She was, in fact, very well known as a CIA agent working on nuclear counterproliferation.

Her “outing” wasn’t outing at all and neither Libby nor Cheney had a single thing to do with it.

It was, in fact, Richard Armitage, then the Deputy Secretary of State who was giving background to Bob Novak who was, at the time, writing a column regarding the Bush 2003 State of the Union speech and it was Novak who asked, off handedly, why it was that Joseph Wilson, a liberal and harsh critic of Bush 43 had been sent to Niger by the CIA to investigate what Bush had referred to as Iraq’s intention to purchase yellowcake uranium FROM Niger.

Armitage responded…“you know his wife works at the CIA, and she suggested that he be sent to Niger.”

Novak connected the dots using a ‘Who’s Who” and Wilson’s own bio and wrote about it in his column.

Those are the facts…not conjecture as Armitage himself later confirmed Novak’s version of the meeting but liberals, as they are all too eager to do, still hold up Scooter Libby and Cheney as the culprets in outing the non covert Plame and always point to the fact that Libby was convicted of it.

That also is a fabricated bending of the truth as Libby was NOT convicted of outing Plame…

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