Weekend Edition: The Debate – Why Obama Lost

So. Why DID Obama look so bad in the 1st debate? What happened? Why did he lose so badly?

I believe that, to get to the root of it, we first must look at the fall-out.

Since the debate, the Obama campaign, liberals, liberal pundits and liberal celebrities have been trying to explain away Obama’s dismal performance.

First they said that Romney was all style and no substance.

This would be a good time to remind you that liberals always accuse conservatives of what they, themselves are guilty of.

Then, they said that Obama didn’t do well because…Romney was lying. Obama himself said that Romney was lying and suggested that, “If you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth.”

I agree which is why I won’t be voting for Obama.

Al Gore said Obama’s disaster of a debate was due to Denver’s altitude.

None of those things, thrown at the wall, stuck.

So…Yesterday, Obama’s minions said it was because Romney spent more time preparing.

Oh? That’s a crime of some sort? While Obama was on the radio with “Pimp with a LimP”…on The View, Lettererman…60 Minutes…Partying with Beyonce and Jay-Z…skipping meetings with world leaders and skipping his Daily Intell Briefings…Romney was preparing for the debate?

That fell flat in a hurry as well.

NOW…the latest reason being thrown at the wall for Obama’s lousy debate showing is…Romney isn’t as conservative as Obama thought he would be???

Good grief…

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Obama’s Second Shellacking!!!

And so the first presidential debate of 2012 is in the books.

Romney 1.

Obama 0.

Obama hasn’t taken a shellacking like that since the 2010 midterm elections.

It was so one sided that even liberal pundits were lamenting their loss. There was no tingle running up Chris Matthew’s leg. Bill Maher tweeted: “Obama made a lot of great points tonight. Unfortunately, most of them were for Romney.”

CNN, MSNBC, ALL the liberal media had Romney squarely in the winner’s column.

VAN JONES said: “Romney was able to ‘out-Obama’ Obama. On the connection piece, on the authenticity piece, on the being able to tell the story.”

It came down to several things.

Romney was more upbeat than was Obama and it showed throughout. Obama just didn’t have the energy level…Head down…and smirking often.

It’s more than that though. Much more.

Mitt Romney was on point. He had the facts. He had the numbers. And he let them flow. Mitt Romney never seemed to be searching for answers.

Obama did. There were several times throughout the 90 minute debate that Obama had to circle around to discover an answer in his responses to questions.

Off prompter…Obama is lost.

Mitt Romney was on the offensive.

Obama played defense and played defense badly.

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Debate 1 – Here We Go!!!

Domestic Policy.

That’s the topic of tonight’s first debate between the contenders for the presidency.

Domestic Policy.

Obama will be spinning faster than the centrifuges in Iran. He’s tried NOT to talk about Domestic Policy as the economy continues to drag itself along, barely alive.

For weeks. If not months, Obama has preferred to talk about his FOREIGN policy because…he felt that was a much shinier ball than his domestic policy.

That all changed 3 weeks ago.


Now he’s pulled the cover-up covers up over his head.

4 Americans dead. A terrorist attack. Failed attempts to divert, as liberals are want to do, the attention to a stupid You Tube Video.

He dodged and ducked, did the View and Letterman…spoke at the U.N. and ran away from even having lunch there not to mention his snubbing of Netanyahu.

He hung with Beyonce and Jay-Z…did a radio show…Pimp with a Limp…The morning after the terrorist attack, he flew to Vegas for a fund raiser.

The foreign policy ain’t got that sparkle anymore does it?

So…Domestic Policy…

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I have been reminiscing lately, about my childhood, and I have come to the most startling conclusion. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE MIRICLE that I am alive today to reminisce about my childhood!

When I was a kid, the world around us was MUCH more dangerous than it is today.

A few days ago, while watching Elizabeth Warren at the convention, I decided the time was ripe to do something I had, for far too long, neglected.

I read the label on a bottle of recently purchased shampoo.

Along with all the directions, which can only be read with the use of an electron microscope, were the only words clearly visible from space…



My God given common sense has, so far, prevented me from drinking the shampoo.

As fascinating as I found Elizabeth Warren, I left the TV and headed for the bathroom where I started checking OTHER labels.

Did you know that your antiperspirant is ALSO for external use only?

Our hair dryer has a warning on IT too.


Set aside, for a moment, the shocking possibility of being electrocuted and consider…on the moron scale…where one would have to be to believe that, while in the shower, with the water running, one could get their hair dry.

Let’s face facts.

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The Empty Chair Convention Begins


Talk about your rough starts…

Obama and his minions are kicking off their 2012 Liberal/Socialist convention amid what is understatedly, a malaise.

Yesterday, the day before the Occupy Charlotte event gets under way, was “National Empty Chair Day,” an event which was born from Clint Eastwood’s Republican Convention appearance which will stretch until the end of the Liberal/Socialist convention on Thursday.

Bolstered by a grassroots effort on social media, “National Empty Chair Day” was replete with a never ending display of creative images of empty chairs posted from sea to shining sea.

Conservative Patriots placed empty chairs everywhere they could think of. In front of their homes, in parks, on streets, the bottoms of pools, stacked, in rows, in offices…everywhere.

We, at The National Patriot, added in our own take on it…seen here.

Over the weekend, on the eve of “National Empty Chair Day,” Mount  Suckmore…The giant sand sculpture of Obama outside the convention hall was damaged by heavy rain.

It’s a fitting tribute…

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Friday Fume

Well, here we are…At the end of another week and the beginning of our 2nd year at The National Patriot!!!

Liberals really are the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to absolute stupidity…Aren’t they?

Just when you think they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel…You discover that the barrel has a BASEMENT and a MINE SHAFT under THAT!!!

Why they keep thinking they have to give the SHAFT to the rest of us is quite beyond comprehension but…THEY DO PERSIST…

AND SO DO I!!!!!

My friends…It’s Friday and, you guessed it…

I’m fuming.

Oh, for GOD’S sake!!!

Liberal/socialists are having a COW over Chick-Fil-A!!!!!!

Liberal/socialists and some in the gay community have now labeled Chick-Fil-A as…ANTI GAY!!!

As usual…the libs are LEAPING to FALSE conclusions.

Here’s what Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy said when he was questioned about donating money to a group that advocates against redefining marriage:

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Today’s Obamacare Headlines Are GROSSLY Misleading

Yesterday, in the House, yet another vote to repeal Obamacare was held. It was the 33rd time such a vote was taken in the House since the passage of the bill nobody could know what was in until they passed it.

33 times in the house.

How many times has this been debated in the Senate?


That’s because Harry Reid, just as he’s done with 30 some odd jobs bills passed in the House and all the various budgets passed in the House…Refuses to allow them to see the light of day in the Senate.

Liberals and socialists love to tell you that it’s the republicans obstructing congress or doing nothing in congress but, they’re lying.


There will be a great many variations of the headlines but, essentially, they’ll be talking about republicans voting for repeal and getting nowhere doing it.

That, however, should NOT be the headline.

HERE’S what the headline SHOULD be:

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Obama’s Tax Plan Unicorn

So…Obama’s is bending the truth to the absolute breaking point…AGAIN…And it seems that nobody is going to call him out.

Well, almost nobody.

Obama made what SEEMS like an overstatement when he said, “I’ve cut taxes for small business owners 18 times since I’ve been in office.”


18 times huh?

Okay…Let’s take a look.

Indeed there have been 18 “cuts” for small businesses in the Obama reign but, one must use quotation marks when stating it because not all the “cuts” are cuts.

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Obamacare IS a Fundamental Transformation Tax

Obamacare is THE largest TAX INCREASE, the most deceitfully CONTRIVED and UNSCRUPULOUSLY passed bill in American history!!!

As a law, Chief Justice Roberts was absolutely CORRECT in finding it CONSTITUTIONAL as a TAX law and THAT is as FAR as I believe he could possibly go in his ruling. The Supreme Court had no choice but to hear arguments and adjudicate upon the MERITS of the law itself and in that light, Chief Justice Roberts was 100% correct or…Was he?

Here’s a MAJOR problem though…According to the Anti Injunction Act from March 2nd, 1867…NO TAX LAW CAN BE ADJUDICATED UNTIL AFTER IT TAKES EFFECT and in the case of Obamacare, the Supreme Court should NOT have ruled on it in whole…AS A TAX LAW…until after 2018 but that would require yet ANOTHER round in 2 years at the High Court.

Now then, what neither he nor any of the Supreme Court could do, considering the nature of the action by which it was BROUGHT to the Highest Court, was adjudicate it upon the MANNER in which it was passed. I suggest that had THAT aspect been the focus of the case, the outcome may well have been QUITE different.

Roberts and the Court found it to be a TAX law and CONSTITUTIONAL because it’s a TAX law.

Oh…Obama TOLD us it WASN’T a tax and that nobody in the middle class would see THEIR taxes go up…”Not one single dime.” But…And I know this will come as a GREAT shock…Obama was lying. He wasn’t misspoken. He wasn’t misquoted. He wasn’t taken out of context. He wasn’t misunderstood or any of the rest of the lame excuses so often used by politicians.

It’s NOT conservative spin, right wing propaganda, parsing of words, misrepresentation by the right, racist, scare tactics or any of the other things the liberal/socialists are want to use as dismissive talking points or labels either.

Obama was flat out, bald faced, down and dirty, through is teeth, without blinking an eye and without a second thought…


And one can EASILY believe he was LYING because HE, and a handful of others, KNEW that the ONLY way to obtain passage of Obamacare, was to proceed Unconstitutionally and WITHOUT a SHRED of ethics nor rules adhered to.

Here is how it went down and WHY it SHOULD be regarded as UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

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From WHERE did the Obamacare TAX Come…EXACTLY??

Well…He tried, didn’t he?

The EMPEROR tried and tried and TRIED to convince us all that Obamacare was NOT a tax.

He said it and said it.

The EMPEROR told us it wasn’t a tax and he told us and TOLD us that under Obamacare…NOBODY would be taxed a SINGLE DIME.

The EMPEROR started telling us that the day he started the process and he KEPT telling us that it was not a tax right up to the very day his Solicitor General made the argument before the Supreme Court that…oh yes…It WAS a tax.

Then, last Thursday, in their ruling, The Supreme Court and the deciding Justice who wrote the opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts, made sure that we all knew, once and for all, that…

Obamacare IS a TAX and the only reason it is Constitutional is BECAUSE it’s a TAX.

So much for the high fives in the oval office.


“DOH…IT’S A TAX!!!!!”

According to the tweet of DNC Executive Director, Patrick Gaspard…

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