Trump – Unfit to Serve…Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

I believe that Donald Trump is on the cusp of losing the Republican nomination and I psy 1believe he knows it which is why he has turned the blame factor up to full blast but who is really to blame?

Nobody but Donald J. Trump.

Trump’s narcissistic ego disallows any acceptance of self-blame, and his bombast flows over to his followers who have become so emotionally invested in Trump that they simply can’t handle or accept simple facts.

And there are plenty of facts.

Let’s take Colorado as an example…Trump’s followers are all over social media blaming Ted Cruz for Trump’s zero delegates, and they’re acting like this was something concocted BY Cruz at the last minute and that Cruz behaved unethically in winning all 34 of Colorado’s delegates.

Here are the facts…

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Trump Substitutes Fantasy for Substance

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

While Donald Trump has said that, “I’m capable of changing to anything I want to non 1change to,” is has become obvious that what he meant was that he’s able to pander to whoever he wants to but he has shown, all too often, that he has no intention at all of changing.

Over the past two weeks, Trump has launched frivolous and baseless attacks against Heidi Cruz, the baseless National Enquirer rubbish smelled of his hair gel and Mexican made clothing line,  issued multiple statements regarding his multiple positions on abortion, had a disastrous, nationally televised town hall appearance in which he contradicted himself over and over again while naming education and healthcare as two of the three primary functions of government and had his Chinese made campaign hat handed to him by Wisconsin talk radio host Charlie Sykes.

But change?

No, Donald Trump hasn’t changed one little bit and that is exactly why he got pummeled in the Wisconsin primary Tuesday night. Further evidence of Trump’s inability to change was evident  in a statement released by his campaign after Tuesday night’s utter defeat in Wisconsin…

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America’s Economic Nightmare, Obama’s Liberal/Socialist Dream

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

JOB 1According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the latest unemployment rate is at 5.3%…a figure ballyhooed by Obama, his regime and liberal/socialists from the left to the right coast.

While far too many Conservatives were busy sniping at Megyn Kelly and Fox News over last week’s debate and calling any and all who were not, as they were, blindly adhering themselves to Donald Trump just as the liberal/socialist sheep adhered to Obama in 2008 and again in 2012, a bunch of idiots…something very important took place.

On Friday…late Friday afternoon last, when all things the Obama regime doesn’t want you to know and amid the latest Trumped up distraction…the Bureau of Labor Statistics ALSO released another figure…that being the number of Americans unemployed and/or out of the workforce altogether and that number is…staggering.

Of Americans 16 years old and up…of working age…93,777,000 were unemployed and had made absolutely no verifiable attempt to find employment. Those are Americans…of working age…that have, because of the Obama economy…dropped out of the workforce.

That figure of 5.3%…that is the “official” unemployment rate which does NOT take into account those who have dropped out of the workforce. That 5.3% are those who DID look for work but remain unemployed.

The OUT of the workforce numbers…

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SCOTUS Decision on Obamacare Looming

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

oc 1The ruling from the Supreme Court could come at any day…Obabacare hangs in the balance and Obama himself is feeling the pressure…big time.

Yesterday, at a press conference in Germany, the dictator was asked about the upcoming decision and his response was nothing shy of, well, desperation laced with lies.

At issue are four words that appear on page 95 of the 2700 page Obamacare monstrosity and what those four fords mean but before we get to that and Obama’s lies told Monday in Germany…lets have a look back at how we got to this point to begin with.

Obama knows damn well how we got to this point and his weasling isn’t going to change any of it.

Nancy Pelosi, most likely on Obama’s orders as she is a good little minion, told us all, and congress, that in order to see what was IN the bill they would first have to PASS the bill. In other words…Obamacare wasn’t fit to be read by the very people elected to read bills BEFORE they passed them.


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6.4 Million Holier Than Thous Supported Obama

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

hol 1Earlier in the week I woke up the choir and they didn’t like it one little bit. I sent a certain segment of one particular brand of Christianity into a fit leading them to accuse me of being of a nature such that their descriptions of it were, in some cases, vile…as these self-described good and moral Christians are so apt to do when one challenges their slumber with facts.

Yesterday, I brought forth more than the quotes of our Founders and Framers to illustrate just how they deliberately kept ANY religion or specific brand of any religion from becoming the foundation of our nation and provided clear evidence and reasoning as to why they took those very deliberate steps.

That was also not well received by those who profess to follow the teachings of Jesus more closely than thou.

Today…the lesson we must learn from their actions…

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Black Liberals Addicted to Welfare – Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

stat 1Yesterday, in The National Patriot, I offered that the root of the problem, deemed today to be a racial divide and currently being blamed on various police departments around the country is, in reality, based in liberalism.

Today…I offer to you the statistics to prove my point.

The top ten poorest cities in the U.S. have all be run by liberals for decades.

The top ten most violent cities in the nation have likewise been run by liberals for decades.

And there’s something else these cities have in common…as the levels of violent crimes grow, the white population decreases as does that of law abiding black and Hispanic nuclear families. The fewer black, Hispanic and white two parent families that live in these cities…the higher and higher the rate of violent crimes rises.

According to recent FBI statistics compiled in 2013…the most recent study available…

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Liberals…Stupid to the Core Voter

By Craig Andresen- The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

stup 1Ok liberals and socialists…you can’t say we didn’t try to tell you because…we DID tell you. We told you and told you and told you some more but, did you listen?


Not only did you not listen…you said we were some

sort of special kind of terrorists for even bringing it up.

You called us every name in the book and even after all of that…we told you again.

Now we have the proof that we were right then and right now…the only way you could support Obamacare was if you were either a socialist or just plain stupid…we’ll leave the option up to you but…you’re one of the two.

For the proof of this we can now turn directly to one of the Obamacare architects…one Jonathan Gruber who, at a conference almost a month ago made the marketing plan of Obamacare clear to everyone.

What he said came as no surprise at all to Conservatives who had this all figured out way ahead of the game but should come as a slap upside the head to those who, to this day, continue to applaud Obamacare as the greatest thing ever.

YOU…are STUPID and the architects OF Obamacare, those who WROTE the damn thing…were COUNTING on it.

Here’s Gruber…

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Weekend Edition: Voter Fraud – Liberal Lies Can’t Hide the Truth

tnp eagleWell, a little over a week ago, in an article here in The National Patriot, I brought up voter fraud as one of two ways we Conservatives could lose this midterm election.
One liberal friend of mine was frothing over the article.

Joe Fortenberry claims that “in person” voter fraud, the type that could well be stemmed with voter ID laws simply doesn’t exist and he went ballistic over it…typing his comments on social media in ALL CAPS…and being vile in the process.

His reasoning, the typical liberal response when confronted with voter fraud and voter ID laws was that it doesn’t exist because virtually nobody is being prosecuted for it.

If nobody gets prosecuted…it doesn’t exist.

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Friday Fume

fume 1Well of all the…


$400,000.00 of OUR money…TAXPAYER dollars…Are about to be spent on WHAT…Exactly???

A CAMEL statue?

It’s only a one humper too.

And it’s not going to be placed in some fancy east coast art museum or on the Washington mall. Nooooooooo…


The 500-pound, fiberglass, aluminum, stainless-steel, acrylic and painted white monstrosity is called…

Get this…


So…Who’s bright idea is THIS???



And you wonder why MAHMOUD KABOOM is gonna get all ALALALALALALALALA over this thing???


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