Unless We Get it Right…There Will be More Orlandos

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Before the dust had settled, and while Orlando’s survivors were still in operating lan 1rooms…before the bodies had been removed or identified from the Pulse nightclub…Obama ran to the nearest microphone to issue his warped and perverse statements.

Obama spewed the following bits of crap from his pie hole…

He said it was too early to know the “precise motivation” of the shooter.  “We have no definitive assessment on the motivation.”


That it was really our fault, because we haven’t put in place enough gun control laws to have stopped what happened in Orlando. Obama said, of what had transpired in Orlando that it was, “a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or a house of worship, or a movie theater, or a nightclub.”

And then he followed that up with this, regarding the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community and the national attitude toward them…

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Trump’s “John Miller” Con…Exposed

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Back in 1991, Donald J. Trump was giving interviews to magazines and newspapers. That miller 1in and of itself, is not surprising. But he was giving those interviews, not as Donald J. Trump…but as Donald Trump’s PR spokesman…John Miller.

In fact, in a court case in 1990, Trump admitted, under oath, that he sometimes posed as John Miller or John Baron…concocted PR representatives for himself.

Add to that, the fact that Trump, as Miller, once gave an interview to People magazine where he said some rather off-the-cuff things regarding Marla Maples and Carla Bruni. The reporter, suspecting that she had, in fact, been talking to Trump himself, played that recorded interview FOR Maples and she IDENTIFIED the voice on the tape AS Donald Trump.

Now, fast forward 25 years, to just a day or two ago, when in a telephone interview on the Today Show, when confronted with the leaked tape of the Miller interview…Trump claimed it WASN’T him and he didn’t even know a thing ABOUT this John Miller thing.

“No, I don’t think it — I don’t know anything about it. You’re telling me about it for the first time and it doesn’t sound like my voice at all. I have many, many people that are trying to imitate my voice and then you can imagine that, and this sounds like one of the scams, one of the many scams — doesn’t sound like me.”

Trump then continued…

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Oh, The Hypocrisy of it All

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

According to Donald Trump, “I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot people ancou 1d I wouldn’t lose voters.”

Is he the only one who could do such a thing and not lose any of his support?


Any penny-ante, tin-pot dictator in any 3rd world, one horse rogue nation could do it. Lil Kim in North Korea could do it. There was a time when Saddam and Gaddafi could have done it. Lenin and Stalin and Hitler did do it.

Forget 3rd world, one horse rogue nations…hell, Obama could get away with it just to name another dictator and that is exactly what’s wrong in this country. Electing a president has become a side show rather than a concerted effort to choose who would actually be the best for the job.

After Trump made his latest, ‘out of touch with reality’ statement on Saturday afternoon…his Trump-drunk followers started making excuses…”it was taken out of context,” and “he didn’t mean anything by it.” “Lighten up, he’s joking.”


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In His Own Words

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

tt 1As Donald Trump continues to lead in the polls and as we are now but two weeks from the Iowa caucus…the first votes to be cast in our nation in 2016…I felt it was high-time we take a look at WHY Trump is so popular in some conservative circles.

What IS it that the Trumpers are so giddy about?

Trumpers, in their more than self-righteous way, will line up to tell you if you just ask and, I have asked.

Here is what I have been told…

Donald Trump will not be beholding to big corporations.

Are they SURE of this? I mean, Trump has a very long history of making deals with big corporations to finance his projects from hotels and casinos to golf courses and shopping centers and let’s face a certain fact that is being completely ignored by the Trumpers…that being that Donald Trump IS a big corporation.

Trump can’t be bought.

Trumpers will tell you at the drop of a hat that Trump can’t be bought like other politicians. That he, because of his wealth, is above all that but, again there is something which Trumpers routinely, religiously ignore. Trump is the guy that BUYS politicians and their political favors.

In fact, during the very first Republican debate, Donald Trump not only admitted to buying politicians and political favors…

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We, As Conservatives, Deserve Better Than Trump

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

tru 2If Donald Trump is the best we, as Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers or Teapublicans can up with as a candidate for the presidency…we have set the bar far, FAR too low…in fact…we have made that bar subterranean as that is where moles reside.

As Conservatives, we have for years demanded a candidate that has a long record OF conservatism but does Trump possess such a record?

No, he does not.

Donald Trump has changed his voter registration, from one political party to another, over and over again. When asked, point blank in last Thursday’s prime time debate, “When exactly did you become a Republican?” Trump responded by NOT responding at all. He gave a shrug and a smirk and changed the subject, refusing to answer a direct question.

Is that what we want from a candidate for president?

No…no it is not.

As Conservatives, we have always vetted a candidate’s voting record. We have always looked for a candidate who consistently votes Conservative.

Is THAT what we find in Donald Trump’s voting record?

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MOOOchelle’s Commencement Cud-Chewing

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

Of all the blithering…blathering nonsense.heifer 1

There seems to be a few points the dictator’s wife of record left out of her graduation speech last weekend and I am more than happy to fill in the blanks.

MOOOOOOOchelle Obama gave the commencement indoctrination at Tuskegee University last weekend and during her 30 minutes of shame…she did her damnedest to incite racial hatred.

Among her words were those related to racial overtones in America as she spewed forth…

“They’re rooted in decades of structural challenges that have made too many folks feel frustrated and invisible, and those feelings are playing out in communities like Baltimore and Ferguson and so many others across this country.”

Oh really?

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