The Danger Of The Liberal Psyche Exposed Part 1

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Technically, it was billed as a speech to a joint session of congress, because State of the Union speeches traditionally aren’t delivered in the first few weeks of a presidential term. To be quite honest…last Tuesday’s event was, without a doubt, a State of the Union speech by President Donald Trump.

President Trump has accomplished more in the first six weeks of his second term, than most Presidents accomplish in four years, and Trump’s vision for the future is clear. That speech was the longest ever, and why not? Just to get through the tip of the accomplishment iceberg, and outline his agenda took better than an hour and a half.

Trump made it crystal clear, from his opening line, “AMERICA IS BACK,” that the free world, for the first time in the past four years, has a true leader. While Trump’s first six weeks have been bold, his agenda for America’s future is bolder still. Trump left no grey areas, no wiggle room, and no doubt that America will be leaner, meaner and stronger than ever before. He wants economic stability, stability on the world stage, the end of the status quo, a return to greatness, and common sense and an end to policies and programs meant to rob Americans blind.

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Trump vs. The Bureaucracy

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Over the past couple of weeks since President Trump’s sweeping and decisive ass kicking of Kamala Harris and the Biden/Harris regime’s policies, Trump has assembled his 2nd term cabinet at lightning speed.

Still reeling from their crushing defeat, liberals pivoted from stunned disbelief to acrimony over Trump’s cabinet…also at lightning speed…but there are several factors at play in all of this and the liberal media propagandists are too self-absorbed to understand the process.

I’ll get into some of the specific picks in a bit, but I really want to start with the overall meltdown from the lunatic left. Over on CNN and on MSNBC, the propagandists have been bemoaning Trump’s cabinet choices as having a collective lack of experience. Let me be really, really clear about this…they are bemoaning the notion that Trump’s cabinet picks have a collective lack of BUREAUCRATIC experience.

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