A Thinner Thin Blue Line

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

What constitutes a mass shooting? By the numbers, a mass shooting is any shooting event in which four or more people are hit by bullets. Again, by the numbers, Chicago has had 212 such mass shootings in which at least four people have been struck by gunfire since 2016, and in those 212 shootings, a total of 1032 people have been shot, with 126 of them dying of their injuries.

None of that takes into account the number of shootings or deaths connected to them in which fewer than four people were hit. Those numbers skyrocket in Chicago with dozens being shot every week.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot has blood dripping from her hands.

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Jeffrey Epstein…Suicide or Suicided?

Investigative Report

By:Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

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“We will get to the bottom of what happened. There will be accountability.”

– Attorney General William Barr on heating of Jeffrey Epstein’s untimely death

The timing and the circumstances surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s death was perfect…Hollywood itself could not have staged it any better. And the Democrats are happily wallowing in that timing as it took the public’s attention off the much needed wall, the what is a “trade war” with China, mass shootings, as well as the circus that is the entirety of the Democrats presidential contenders…where by the way there is not a decent one in the bunch. And the timing put the spotlight back on sex…after all sex and sex scandals sells papers and bumps up media ratings better than any other news story can.

And Jeffrey Epstein’s story in itself would make a great movie if it wasn’t such a travesty from the get-go…if it wasn’t such an obvious case of “this guy needs to be permanently silenced” before he can squeal on those in high places in order to save his own sorry self.

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The Mainstream Media’s Blurred 20/20 Vision

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Obviously, there has been a mountain of things going on in the world over the past couple of weeks, and in a 24/7 news cycle, one would think that the mainstream media would have plenty of hard-hitting, current and relevant things to cover.

Take ABC’s news magazine, 20/20 for instance…

The name of the program suggests it has a clear, sharp vision of what’s important, relevant and news worthy. One would expect current topics, in-depth analysis and introspective investigative reporting…right?

Well…before I tell you what they hyped since Christmas for their first show of the new year this Friday, January 4th, 2019…let me tell you a few of the things they didn’t cover on that show.

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A Most Fictitious Farewell…Now Get Out!

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

ofw 1Just this past Tuesday night, a spectacle of spectacles took place in Chicago. In what is arguably the nation’s biggest gun-free…target rich zone, where more than 750 murders took place in 2016, a 58% spike over the previous year, and where a total of 4,368 people were shot last year…

Obama gave his farewell speech.

For the record, in the liberal gun-free Mecca of Chicago…more than 90 people have been shot so far, since January 1st of this year.

But there he was, Mr. Gun Control, and the nation’s leading firearms salesman for 8 years running, licking himself all over…much like my dog does in front of company…telling the assembled socialist collective what a great job he’s done leading our nation…from behind.

Frankly, I was surprised he didn’t drag his butt across the carpet when he was finished, but let’s have a look at some of the highlights from that spreading of manure.

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Hillary’s Strawman Aided by an Inside Man

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

rats 1Remember back when Hillary Clinton spent a full day and into the night facing Trey Gowdy’s Benghazi committee last fall…most of it with a smug look of boredom on her face because she thought she was untouchable? Remember how the questioning seemed to always revert back to Hillary’s emails?

We may now have a somewhat clearer insight into that.

As I have previously posted, here in The National Patriot, the two investigations, Benghazi and the email investigations have converged. It is growing increasingly difficult to separate one from the other and things aren’t looking good for Hillary as a result.

During that Benghazi hearing, one of the key components seemed to be one Sidney Blumenthal and his emails both sent to and received from Hillary Clinton regarding Benghazi. Many people, our readers included, were somewhat and rightfully curious as to why Hillary’s emails and those of Blumenthal seemed to be of such importance to the Congressional committee investigating Benghazi.

Well…another piece of the puzzle seems to have fallen into place.

Regarding the email investigation…

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Obama’s Mirror…Reflection of a Cop Hating Racist

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

What exactly is the pretend leader of our nation doing this week? Where is he…exactly?police 1

He’s in Alaska…renaming a mountain…making a guest appearance on a reality show, as though he has any grasp on reality and he’s talking to Alaskans…not talking to them…prophetizing doom and gloom scenarios at them as though he were a meteorologist sent by allah to warn them of an impending apocalypse.

“The time to heed the critics and the cynics and the deniers is past. Entire nations will find themselves under severe, severe problems: More drought. More floods. Rising sea levels. Greater migration. More refugees. More scarcity. More conflict.”

“Any leader willing to take a gamble on a future like that, any leader who refuses to take this issue seriously or treats it like a joke, is not fit to lead.”

“It’s not enough to just talk the talk. We’ve got to walk the walk.”

So sayeth the Imam…so speaketh the idiot. Global warming or climate change or whatever the religion of Chicken Little is calling the weather this week is going to kill us all says Obama…it’s going to flood entire nations, destroy life as we know it and unless we heed his word…our children will have nothing.

The ravings of a desperate lunatic and the bilge of a mind polluted by liberalism and socialism.


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Like Vultures, Liberals Circle Virginia Murders

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

vir 3It sure didn’t take long did it…for liberals to seize upon a crisis and not let it go to waste.

Yesterday, before the bodies of Alison Parker and Adam Ward had a chance to cool, before their families and friends, her boyfriend and his fiancé had time to even gather their thoughts, well before Vicki Gardner was out of surgery and in a recovery room…liberals of note were squawking about the need for more and more and more anti-gun laws…the calls for more regulation of guns by the government were flying off the liberal agenda’s shelf.

The murderer was still leading the police in a chase…he hadn’t even taken the coward’s final way out yet before giddy liberals started grasping the moment.

It was as sick a display of agenda fever as I have ever seen and it was led by nothing short of ghouls.

First, it was Virginia’s Governor and former head of the DNC Terry McAuliffe, who ran to the nearest cameras to make his pitch.

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Beware the False Diversionary Tactic

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

azee 1I have looked and looked…I just can’t seem to be able to find the clause, the section or the wording anywhere in our 2nd Amendment that states…

“One cannot own or bear arms if they are collecting social security and have someone else managing their money.”

But that is what Obama the Insipid is now touting and something that has we Conservatives all tied up in knots. So…why then IS he making THIS his LATEST attempt to render the 2nd Amendment null and void?

Simple…I believe he knows this is insane…I believe he knows he can’t get away with it and further more…I believe he has no intention OF making this a reality. Instead…I believe he’s using this as yet another distraction FROM reality.

What reality?

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Hillary and Benghazi – The Hole Gets Deeper

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

The Obama regime, including treasonous 2016 hopeful…then Secretary of State…Hillary knew 1Clinton knew that the attack on our mission in Benghazi, on September 11th, 2012 was indeed a planned terrorist attack…that it had been planned ten days in advance and that it had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with a vague, little seen You Tube video when they, the Obama regime and Hillary Clinton told us all otherwise.

That has been the focus of analysis garnered from the documents obtained by Judicial Watch via a FOIA lawsuit that took two years to be answered but, I suggest there is much more to be learned from those pages of redacted documents that what we already knew.

For instance…

As stated in the report…“The attack was planned ten or more days prior on approximately 01 September 2012. The intention was to attack the consulate and to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for U.S. killing of Aboyahiye ((ALALIBY)) in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center buildings.”

So, it was no coincidence, as the Obama regime and Hillary claimed, that the attack took place on September 11th and it was not a “spontaneous” event drummed up by thugs in the street as a response to that now infamous You Tube video. But that is not the most startling piece of information to be discovered in the documents obtained by Judicial Watch.

There is this bit which should send chills down the spines of mainstream media…if indeed the invertebrates had spines at all…

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Poor Al Sharpton – HE’S the Victim Now

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

shar 1Poor Al Sharpton.

He’s received death threats in the wake of the ambush murders of two New York City police officers by a black, Muslim thug and criminal.

Sharpton, who just a week prior led a march through the streets of NYC where “WHAT DO WE WANT? DEAD COPS!! WHEN DO WE WANT THEM? Now!!!” was chanted over and over and over again…is now whining that HE has received death threats.

Well…too bad.

He should call the police and report it.

And what ‘crime’ did Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu commit? They were in uniform, sitting in their patrol car, on a detail to be more visible in a high crime neighborhood…a neighborhood where black on black crime runs rampant…to make that neighborhood safer for the people who live there.

They weren’t doing any more than a 28 year old off duty officer in north St. Louis was doing. That officer is in critical but stable condition after HE was shot by thugs on Friday night.

Nothing different than what officer Charles Kondek, a 17 year police veteran and father of 5 was doing on Sunday when HE was shot…and killed…

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