The Left’s Absolutely, Bone-Crushingly, Mindless Buffoons

check 1Jumping the shark is the term used in show business when any particular series, movie or television, has gone past the point of no return with something so inane and ridiculous that people, even their die-hard fans, simply give up and stop watching.

It originated when Fonzie used water skis to jump over a tank with a live shark swimming in it and basically, that was the end of any interest in Happy Days.

The Obama regime has, officially, jumped the shark.

All but the completely Kool Aid soaked liberal/socialists and progressives, those so overtly inebriated on the juice that they can no longer utter a three word sentence, are now asking themselves…What in THE HELL???

Folks, you cannot make this stuff up. They actually said these things and there is no turning back because…they actually MEANT to say these things.

First…let’s lend an ear or an eye to the shark-jumping words of one Hillary Clinton…

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Friday Fume

fume 1It’s been another tough week for liberal idiots…

They’ve been proven wrong on Iraq…wrong on the criticism of Bush…wrong on their denial of Obama’s scandals and yesterday…

The Supreme Court voted NINE to NOTHING that Obama completely blew the Constitutional Separation of Powers clause. NINE TO NOTHING and now BOEHNER is SUING the Dictator for ABUSES of POWER!!!

While rational people, at the bottom of a deep hole would quit digging…LIBERALS ARE ASKING FOR MORE SHOVELS and who are we to deny their request?

Well, lookie here, it’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Back in 1960, the city of Detroit had THE highest per capita income in the NATION and then…liberals took it over.

Today…Detroit is a third world city and like third world COUNTRIES…their people have gone to the UNITED NATIONS of thugs, thieves and despots seeking powder blue helmet relief from their day to day struggles.

A gaggle of liberals from a COALITION of…wait for it…WELFARE RIGHTS GROUPS…are all upset because the water has been shut off to 4700 Detroit water customers because…THEY HAVE FAILED TO PAY THEIR WATER BILLS…and those who demand that others take care of them…VIA WELFARE…went to the U.N. to get their water turned back on.

Here’s the REAL story…about HALF of the 324,000 Detroit water customers are at least 2 months over due on their water bills and of THOSE…46,000 were sent shut off notices and of THOSE…only 10% were ACTUALLY shut off and here’s where it gets interesting…Of the 4500 that were shut off…HALF OF THEM CAME IN AND PAID IN FULL WITHIN 2 DAYS!!!

That means that a damn good number of those who simply felt they didn’t need to pay their water bill…COULD HAVE buy why spend your OWN money when you can live off of someone ELSE’S dime???


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Friday Fume

fume 1It seems like it SHOULD have been a short week, what with Memorial Day and all but…LIBERALS COULD MAKE A ONE CAR PARADE SEEM LIKE IT TAKES A MONTH OF SUNDAYS!!!

Not to worry though, we made it through and we’ve come to yet another Friday.

Let’s just jump into the deep end of liberal insanity shall we?

Friends and Patriots…

I’m fuming.

We have an URGENT update on the “MISSING” Malaysian Flight 370!!!!

Yes, I KNOW this has been covered ad nauseum …hell I’m ad NAUSEATED by it MYSELF but THIS is important and I feel COMPELLED to bring it to you.

Dear whoever built the thing that looks for things that are lost and make noise so you can find them…

You had ONE job…

I’m talking to the nerd or team of nerds who, no doubt, acquired taxpayer dollars to fund their research to build something called a…”Towed Pinger Locator”…It’s a thingy that gets towed behind a ship to listen for and locate the black boxes of flying machines that may well have become submersibles.

Within days of Flight 370 going missing…EVERYBODY just KNEW it went into the Indian Ocean so…they go and get the ”Towed Pinger Locator” and start dragging it around and VIOLA…they started hearing “PINGS!!!”

That was 2 ½ months ago but the “PINGS” faded away and they’ve been looking around in the same area ever since but…on WEDNESDAY…we learned THIS…it seems the “PINGS” they were hearing either came from…THE SHIP they were using or…

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Friday Fume

fume 1Every Friday, we take a look at the week’s liberal/socialist knot-headed behavior and highlight just a little of their asylum antics here in the Fume. If we can’t find a way to laugh at em…WE’LL ALL BECOME JUST AS MORONIC AS THEY ARE!!!

That said…hold on to something well anchored and put down your beverages because…


It IS Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Well…so far this week…we’ve found Casey Kasem…the SUN’S TWIN BROTHER  and Chis Columbus’ Santa Maria but…WHERE IN THE HELL IS THAT DAMNED AIRPLANE???

In the case of the missing for more than 2 months flight 370…investigators have now come to the near conclusion that the “pings” they were hearing 2 months ago…PROBABLY WEREN’T THE PLANE???


What’s even more puzzling that that is the fact that they’re STILL LOOKING AROUND THE BOTTOM OF THE INDIAN OCEAN for the thing.

Allow me to offer a little advice here and, bear in mind that I am NOT an aviation “Where’s Waldo” expert but…if the pings weren’t coming from the plane’s black boxes and nobody has seen one single “SEAT CUSHION THAT CAN BE USED AS A FLOATATION DEVICE” in more than 2 MONTHS OF SNIFFING ABOUT IN THE OCEAN…there’s a pretty good chance that the airplane…

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Friday Fume

fume 1Well…leave it to that ever-so hard-hitting news organization, AOL to boldly ask the earth-shattering questions of the earth-shatteringly stupid liberals around us.

AOL ace journalist, Carey Reilly stood firm and asked some LaLa land loon, Paul Wesley from “Vampire Diaries” why, in fact, he named his cat…”CAT???”

This idiot’s answer should make the world a better place. “I guess I’m making a statement against humanizing cats. I named the cat Whiskey first, because it has long whiskers and I also like drinking whiskey. But then it just seemed cheesy to me. So I went back to Cat and now it’s just Cat.”


Ya see how much crap I have to sift through just to get to the liberal insanity that MATTERS???

Save your computers and put down your beverage of choice. Patriot friends…

Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Oh boy…guess what?

The polar bears are dying again or, at least they’re in danger of dying again.

Remember, about ten years ago when Al “global warming” Gore told us that polar bears were all gonna die because we were driving SUV’s and using aerosol deodorants and all the ice was melting because of it? You remember, the polar bears were all going to drown.

Well, the exact same conditions are in place right now that caused that blow-hard blow hole to issue his dire warnings but, what nobody told you back then is that those bears were NOT starving because of global WARMING but…

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(Good) Friday Fume

fume 1

This weekend is a weekend of great faith for Christians and Jews the world over and a time when we should all be celebrating as our traditions allow.

It’s Easter.

It’s Passover.

It is a time when our faiths bring us together…when the new and the old testaments find some common ground and a time, whether Jewish or Christian, to celebrate new beginnings.

For liberals and socialists however…

It’s not exactly the same sort of weekend.

Friends and Patriots…grab your eggs and GIRD YOUR LOIN ROASTS because today is Good Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, Easter weekend is upon us and up to now, the Easter message has always been clear. That’s where the REVEREND AL “I was FOR the mob before I was AGAINST the mob” SHARPTON comes in.

According to not-so SHARPton…

“I think the message is, that no matter what the world may do to unfairly, no matter how you’re crucified, nailed to the cross at home, or in your personal relationships, or on the job, that you can rise if you don’t lose yourself during the hard times and the challenges.”

The blathering moron then went on to draw a direct parallel between CHRIST THE SAVIOR and…

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Friday Fume

Well, friends and Patriots…Another week has come and gone.

Malaysia has lost a plane and…


Let’s skip the quick hitters this time and head straight for the knot-headed behavior of the left side of the aisle.

Today is FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.


ALL the other problems in the world have been TAKEN CARE OF and the ONLY thing now holding women back is being called bossy.

According to Facebook’s  COO, Sheryl Sandberg, little girls are somehow scarred for life if they are called…Bossy and women…WOMEN…Just can’t reach their true potential if THEY are called…


WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP but, like flies to manure…LIBERALS are now buzzing around trying to actually BAN the word…BOSSY!!!

According to liberals…being called BOSSY is a form of LABELING and…”BEING LABELED…MATTERS!!!”

Oddly…It hasn’t stopped LIBERALS from labeling those who don’t flock toward SOCIALISM as “ANGRY MOBS, TERRORISTS, HOSTAGE TAKERS, VIOLENT, RACISTS and CERTIFIABLY INSANE!!!”

These idiots claim that, by middle school, little girls are less interested in LEADERSHIP and the REASON they are less interested is because…THEY ARE AFRAID THEY WILL BE CALLED…BOSSY!!!

“BAN BOSSY” is now the liberal cry.

“BAN BOSSY!!!!!!!”

I don’t know about you but…DEMANDING  the word…BOSSY…be banned seems to be pretty…

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Friday Fume

It’s been yet another week of unbridled, lobotomized, liberal lunacy and they don’t show any signs of slowing down.

Before we jump into the shallow end of this week’s gene pool, let’s have a look at a few quick hitters.

Get a load of THIS…

The FCC now wants to have GOVERNMENT GOONS in NEWSROOMS from sea to shining sea.

Do you suppose MSNBC will even notice or, are they sprucing up a corner office with a wet bar?

How about THIS one?

The Department of Energy has been monitoring a New Mexico repository for nuclear waste for signs of…Radioactivity.


What’s next?

Monitoring gym lockers for signs of smelly socks???

And…Kayla Michelle Finley of South Carolina had to spend a night in JAIL a few evenings ago because she was ARRESTED for FAILING TO RETURN A MOVIE SHE HAD RENTED…9 YEARS AGO!!!

The movie was “Monster-in-Law” starring Jennifer Lopez and JANE FONDA!!!



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The Liberal Party of ZERO Tolerance Policies

There is no doubt that liberals are in charge of public and college education in this country.

There is little doubt that liberalism is a mental disorder.

Therefore, if your children are enrolled in a public school…Guess what?

You have left your children in the hands of the mentally disturbed for the better part of the day…5 days a week.

I have come to the conclusion that I have ZERO tolerance for ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES and, to put a fine point on it, I offer to you, THIS little gem of liberal insanity.

Hunter Yelton has been suspended from his school in Canon City Colorado.

Hunter, it seems, has violated one of the school’s ZERO TOLERANCE policies and, according to his school district’s representatives, they want this suspension to follow Hunter through the rest of his public school career so as to teach him a lesson.

Hunter Yelton’s crime?

Well…He…Ummmmm…Kissed his girlfriend.

Both Hunter Yelton and his girlfriend, whose name is not being revealed to the public for her protection, are…6 years old and, in the 1st grade.

Hunter has been labeled, a serial sexual harasser because, apparently, he has…Kissed her before.

Hunter Yelton, the fiend in question, has copped to the horrible act…

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Weekend Edition: Kerry is a Genius – “Yeah, That’s the Ticket”


Could John Kerry be any BIGGER of an idiot that he is right now?

The rest of the world is laughing so hard at Kerry and the United States foreign policy right now, that it peed itself.

John Kerry is acting like a 6 year old Neville Chamberlain at this point and somebody needs to send him to his room before he says one more word!!!

Let’s look at how this whole thing got started with Kerry and Syria.

It all started with John Kerry making a MELODRAMATIC speech in which HE made it clear that a MILITARY STRIKE was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY and that it MUST OCCUR WITHOUT DELAY and, of course, OBAMA WOULDN’T NEED CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL FOR SUCH A STRIKE AND IT COULD, AND SHOULD BE LAUNCHED IMMEDIATELY so as to be the ONLY WAY POSSIBLE to prevent another WMD attack in Syria.

You remember that speech…

That was the John Kerry speech on a FRIDAY, that OBAMA undermined THE VERY NEXT DAY when he THREW Kerry under the Canadian made campaign bus and tossed the ball to CONGRESS to either give or deny approval.

Congress, before THEY got back to DC from their vacations had already gotten an EAR FULL from their constituents telling THEM…”NO WAY IN HELL DO WE HAVE ANY BUSINESS STICKING OUR NOSES INTO SYRIA’S BUSINESS” and it became CLEAR at that point that Obama’s military strike approval was dead in the water.


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