By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
The 24/7 news cycle has not been kind to liberals, even though liberals, for the most part, are in control of it…but for those who actually pay attention to what is happening out there in the big old world…it’s what liberals aren’t talking about that is creating a deafening silence.
Let’s start with the latest school shooting.
No, not the one in Parkland, Florida last month, although that is the only one liberals, and their propaganda arm, the mainstream media WANT to talk about…it’s the shooting in Maryland that has fallen into the mainstream media’s cone of silence.
ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC and various other mainstream media outlets are still dry-humping the Parkland shooting because it fits their anti-2nd Amendment agenda and narrative. Those sources of fake news are still crowing over the student walkouts, and anti-2nd Amendment protests while their comrades in the halls of congress continue to demand a virtual end to the 2nd Amendment via legislation.