Regarding Islam…It’s Time for the Broad Brush

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

brush 1According to Hillary Clinton, whose closest aide…Huma Abedin…is directly linked to the Muslim Sisterhood… “We are at war with violent extremism. I don’t think we’re at war with Islam. I don’t think we’re at war with all Muslims. I think we’re at war with jihadists.”

“I think that you can talk about Islamists, who clearly are also jihadists, but I think it’s not particularly helpful, to make the case that Senator Sanders was just making, that I agree with, that we’ve got to reach out to Muslim countries. we’ve got to have them be part of our coalition. if they hear people running for president who basically shortcut it to say we are somehow against Islam, that was one of the real contributions, despite all the other problems, that George W. Bush made after 9/11, when he basically said, after going to a mosque in Washington, we are not at war with Islam or Muslims. We are at war with violent extremism. We are at war with people who use their religion for purposes of power and oppression. And, yes, we are at war with those people, but I don’t want us to be painting with too broad a brush.”

At no time in her comments during last weekend’s democrat debate, less than 24 hours after the Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris did Hillary Clinton ever utter the phrase “Islamic terrorism.”

According to Obama, last Friday morning just 12 hours before the Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris…who once called ISIS the “junior varsity” and another time stated that, “ISIS is not Islamic,”…

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Paris – The Final Alarm Has Sounded

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

The horrific nature of the events, as they unfolded in Paris a couple of nights ago, havehell 1 shed the glaring light of truth on the absurdity under which we live. The real questions are these…at what point will we finally open our eyes and how much of this must be endured before we wake the hell up?

Islamic terrorist attack after Islamic terrorist attack takes place. They take place in our country, in France, in Spain, in England, in Bali and around the globe and for a few, brief moments, we open one eye, decry the acts and then…then we roll over and go back to sleep.

Yes…we have fought wars but it is how we have been forced to fight those wars that raise more questions then they answer.

We have the strongest military on earth but…

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Putin Fills Obama’s Vacuum of Power

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

“If it looks like a terrorist, if it acts like a terrorist, if it walks like a terrorist, if it fights like a terrorist, it’s a terrorist, right?” vac 1

– Russian Foreign Mister Sergey Lavrov when countering criticism that Russia had bombed Syrian rebels and not ISIS

According to Defense Secretary Ash Carter…an Obama puppet…Russia’s air strikes in Syria will backfire and escalate the Syrian civil war. ‘Captain Obvious’ may be onto something here, but even a blind squirrel can find a nut. The problem is, Carter has no idea why, exactly, this could cause the civil war there to escalate, but Obama certainly does, but telling the truth would not serve his agenda.

To find the truth, we must first examine just how the situation came to be what it now is and while Obama and his puppets continue to blame Putin, the truth takes us down a completely different path.

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Trump, Trumpers Trumped by Truth

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

trumper 1For the past month, and with few signs of letting up…Trumpers, some of them Conservatives…most of them Trump trolls…shills for the liberal/socialist machine…continue to try and sway voters to vote Trump or NOTHING in November 2016.

Trump, they claim, is THE Conservative answer we need.

I will say this much right here at the top of this article…should Trump either secure or purchase the Republican nomination, he will have my vote because I…unlike Trump himself…WILL support whoever the republican nominee happens to be.


Trump is not the answer we, as Conservatives, have been seeking all these years.

As Conservatives, we have held, for years, to a certain set of standards we have wanted in a candidate. We want a solid Conservative. ..someone who has exhibited solid Conservative practices over a considerable time span from which we can see the candidate’s true motives, true agenda and voting record.

Is Donald Trump a fit regarding that standard?

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Beware the False Diversionary Tactic

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

azee 1I have looked and looked…I just can’t seem to be able to find the clause, the section or the wording anywhere in our 2nd Amendment that states…

“One cannot own or bear arms if they are collecting social security and have someone else managing their money.”

But that is what Obama the Insipid is now touting and something that has we Conservatives all tied up in knots. So…why then IS he making THIS his LATEST attempt to render the 2nd Amendment null and void?

Simple…I believe he knows this is insane…I believe he knows he can’t get away with it and further more…I believe he has no intention OF making this a reality. Instead…I believe he’s using this as yet another distraction FROM reality.

What reality?

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We’ll Keep Our Guns…THEY Can Go to Hell

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

So…now Hillary Clinton has joined Obama in the exploitation circus of liberals calling for more gun gth 1control measures…measures meant to do nothing but strip law abiding citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights.

Here was her quote from Saturday…

“Regulations can be passed while still respecting the Second Amendment and “respecting responsible gun owners.”

“The politics on this issue have been poisoned, but we can’t give up. The stakes are too high. The costs are too dear.”

First of all…we already HAVE laws that respect LAW ABIDING gun owners in this country and ONLY the LAW ABIDING gun owners are ABIDING by them…and second…Well, I’ll get to my second point in a minute but first…let’s have another look at OBAMA’S insipid exploitation of this tragedy.

“We don’t know all the facts but…once again…someone who wanted to inflict harm…had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. Let’s be clear…at some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence doesn’t happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency and it IS in our power to do something about it.”

Okay…before my head explodes…let me now get to that second point.

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Derailing Distractions With Facts

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on

Conspiracy theories to the left of us…wedding cakes and pizza parlors to the right of us…and a regime caught in the middle facing in all likelihood the probability that not only cta 1will Congress stay ‘red’ in 2016 but that the White House will turn ‘red’ too. And having no real platform to run on what with our economy in the tubes and our enemies laughing at us, the only tactic they have left to salvage anything of substance is to divert and deflect our attention away from the prize.

And boy have the diversions worked up until now. Let’s see, first we had ebola the supposed death of us all; then Ferguson and Baltimore where the ‘element’ behaved oh so badly; and now we have Jade Helm a supposed military op to take over America and lock us all up in a Walmart somewhere. And all this because 2016 looms large and all this because of two upcoming Supreme Court decisions that could put the final nail in Obama’s nefarious agenda and legacy.

So with Ebola and Ferguson over and done, and with Baltimore still simmering, let’s look at Jade Helm…

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Abdullah…a Mere Figurehead in the Fight Against ISIS

Article Co-Written by Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on

abd 1“We are waging this war to protect our faith, our values and human principles and our war for their sake will be relentless and will hit them in their own ground.”

– King Abdullah’s words on Jordanian State Television

The war against ISIS…or Daesh as the Arab’s call them…has been going on for some months now but Abdullah dared to speak these words only after the muslim world joined the rest of the world in gasping in horror as ISIS’ burned alive captured Jordanian pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. And Abdullah’s’s military pledging to go after ISIS only came after Obama leaked to the press that he would probably seek Congressional authorization for an upgrade in military force against ISIS.

And contrary to the photos being released, Jordan’s King Abdullah II did not take part in the airstrikes against ISIS as witnessed by this official statement issued by his office…“The king is NOT taking part in strikes on ‪#‎ISIS‬, reports were inaccurate.” Inaccurate is an understatement as this king…this Muslim Brotherhood supporting king…is all about photo-ops just like his buddy Obama…and to release photos such as this…to have people think that he, Abdullah, is a hero while Jordanians grieve for their lost pilot and actually blame the palace for not doing enough to secure al-Kaseasbeh’s release…is a stunt right out of the Obama playbook….as in Obama’s insistent bloviations that, “I got bin-Laden.”

So before anyone goes ‘all-in’ with Jordan’s King Abdullah II and starts promoting him as the leader of men that Obama is not…

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Dear Congress…GROW A SET ALREADY!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

balls 1Dear 114th Congress,

Today is your first day on the job as our new congress.


We the People…you know, from the words of our founders and framers, have HIRED you to do the work OF We the People and we have a simple request…call it a job description if you will…and it is this…


After six years of the Obama regime…enough is enough.

Our nation is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC not a BANANA REPUBLIC and it’s time that you…the people we hired…do something to restore the vision of those who declared our independence FROM a king and stop Obama in his tracks.

Let’s start with Obamacare shall we?

It’s nothing but a socialist’s wet dream. Defund it and eliminate it.

It was based on lies and deceit and relied on the stupidity of those who voted for it to pass into law and we all know who voted for it don’t we?

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Weekend Edition: A Letter to the new Congress

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

tnp eagleDear Republican Members of the United States 114th Congress,

You were elected by this nation’s largest and most influential entity…We the People…on November 4th, 2014. Please substitute the word “HIRED” for the word…”ELECTED.”

WE want YOU to know that YOU work for US…not the other way around and if you fail to do what WE have HIRED you to do…WE…will fire…YOIU.

Let’s start with our borders.

SEAL THEM UP. This is the United States of America and our laws do NOT allow trespassing by those who are not on the guest list so shut those borders down. Enforce the existing laws regarding deportation of ILLEGAL ALIENS and build a damn fence…guard it…electrify it if need be to keep those whom you deport as well as those trying to take from us what is ours, from sneaking into our country.

There ARE legal ways of coming to this country and all who respect those means are more than welcome to be here. That system needs work…streamlining…do that but not until after you have shut the border down.

Got it?


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