Hello??? Benghazi? Treason?? FOCUS!!!

During WWII, WE called it “Chaff”…The Brits called it “Window” and the German Luftwaffe referred to it as “Duppel.”

What was it?

It was pieces of aluminum dropped from aircraft to confuse radar.

Today’s military uses flares to confuse missiles fired at our aircraft and ECM to confuse radar.

It all adds up to one thing.

Shiny objects.

Shiny objects are distractions and meant to keep our eyes OFF the real story and this administration wants us to chase the shiny objects.

The REAL story is Benghazi.

David Petraeus…Shiny object.

Paula Broadwell…Shinier object.

The You Tube video…Former shiny object now dull

The election…Shiny object.

Hurricane Sandy…Shiny object.

Now we have NEW shiny objects…

General John Allen and Jill Kelley!!!

Jill Kelley is some sort of government social liaison who knows the Petraeus family and had something to do with alerting the FBI to the relationship between David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell.

NOW we learn that there are between 20,000 and 30,000 “inappropriate” emails floating out there between…

Jill Kelley and…General John Allen who leads our military in Afghanistan!!!

It’s sexy.

It’s salacious.

It’s intriguing.

It involves espionage, the head of the CIA, an FBI investigation, suppressed knowledge of those at the highest levels of government including Holder and Obama, a link to a General in command of forces at war…emails…careers…

Ummmm…The REAL story…

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Weekend Edition: Allen West – No Surrender

The election is over.

It’s done and the winners have been announced.


It’s not over. Not yet. Not in the state of Florida. There, the election continues but, not in the way it most certainly should.

It’s disgraceful.

Congressman Allen West waits.

In fact, Congressman West demanded a recount after it was announced that he had lost his bid for reelection. The margin of his loss was greater than the number which would trigger an automatic recount and a West Palm Beach Florida Judge, David Crow, denied a motion from West’s attorneys to impound ballots and voting machines from CD 18 and West’s “apparent” narrow loss to Patrick Murphy.

Why a motion to impound the voting machines and ballots?

The answer is both simple and staggering.

There are thousands of votes yet to be counted in Florida’s Congressional District 18. That’s Congressman West’s district.

8,000 or so votes yet to count.

Those uncounted votes belong to a very important group of voters.

Those are absentee ballots, cast by our military and they sit, in boxes, not being counted.

This is beyond disgusting. This is beyond absurd.

It’s a travesty of the process upon which this country was founded.

The travesty goes even deeper though.

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Weekend Edition: IT WAS TREASON – Arrest Obama

Last Thursday, I wrote an article titled, “Obama & Libya – A Case Study in Treason” and in that article I stated, “When a president fails to lift a finger to protect Americans, at home or abroad, in the face of overwhelming intelligence and evidence, by ignoring obvious warning signs and the advice of those entrusted to offer such protection…”

“It is treason.”

I meant every word and yes, I am well aware of the weight of the word, “treason.”

I do not nor have I ever used it lightly. I see that word bandied about on social media and while I understand full well the passion of those who use it, I rarely, if ever, believe that the issues to which it is applied, truly rise to that level.

This situation, in Libya, I am convinced…Does.

To explain, let’s first look at the legal definition and it’s context within our Constitution.

Definition of Treason in the Constitution:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

Legal Definition of Treason:

The betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies.

Under Article III, Section 3, of the Constitution:

Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to its enemies by giving them Aid and Comfort has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution. The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of allegiance to the United States, such as furnishing enemies with arms, troops, transportation, shelter, or classified information. If a subversive act has any tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies, aid and comfort has been given.

Day by day…Nearly hour by hour, we learn more about what transpired in Benghazi on 9-11-12.

Yesterday, we learned a truly horrific truth.

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Obama’s Desperate Debate Falls Short

“In nowhere in the world is America’s influence greater today than it was four years ago.”

That was the allegation leveled bt Mitt Romney toward Obama last night in he was 100% correct.

It was clear that both candidates entered the debate with their own strategy.

For Obama, the strategy was to of goad Romney, debase Romney and try to lure Romney into being a pro war president.

For Romney, the strategy was to be presidential, diplomatic, knowledgeable, show that his administration would project strength at every turn on the world stage and turn the debate back to economic policy.

Obama left the debate frustrated that Romney would not take the bait, not be goaded in the directions Obama wanted and stood strong against Obama’s debasing tactics countering them with facts.

Romney left the debate having accomplished each and every one of his strategic goals.

Obama clearly had the edge in the number of “one liners” but, they were snarky, patronizing and intentionally meant to be belittling. Frankly, anything but presidential. Obama’s presentation of those one liners came across as frustrated and petty.

Romney dismissed them all with one simple line: “Attacking me is not an agenda.”

Without say it, that line summed up Obama’s entire campaign.

Regarding the foreign policy portions of the debate, Obama continually reduced his points to the smallest denominator.

I, me, me, me, I and on and “we killed bin Laden…

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Dropping the Question of Mass Destruction

As we speed toward the November 6th election and even faster toward the next presidential debate, I believe there is but a single question which Mitt Romney could pose that would virtually bring the Obama campaign, not to mention his Canadian made bus…To a screeching halt.

Romney would need to preface the single simple question with a statement and that could be done either in his next opening or closing statement. I would suggest that should Romney win the coin toss he should choose to go first.

Now before I reveal that statement and simple question, we should take a quick look back at the last 4 years.

During Obama’s time in office, he has yet to pass a budget and even though his party controlled both the house and the senate for the 1st two years, Obama has steadfastly blamed republicans for the lack of a budget.

When it comes to the deficit, we have racked up more than a trillion dollars per year during the Obama administration and, Obama has blamed republicans for that too. Well…Republicans and George W. Bush.

During Obama’s 4 years in office, our National Debt has increased by more than 5 trillion dollars. Who’s to blame? George W. Bush because, as Obama has blathered over and over again…Things were worse than he thought when he took office.

For the first time in our history, our credit rating has been downgraded…twice…so who might be held to blame by the Obama team?


George W. Bush…Republicans…Republicans…George W. Bush and on and on it goes.


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Stolen Valor – Lost Honor

In all the very appropriate outrage over the Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare, another ruling made by the Supreme Court has gotten much less attention – except in military/Veteran circles. And we are disgusted. Not to mention furious. The Supreme Court ruled on the Stolen Valor Act, as well as ObamaCare.

The Stolen Valor Act prohibits a person from falsely claiming that he or she has been awarded a military honor. It was passed by Congress in 2005, signed by President George W Bush, and called for a possible 1 year prison term.

Voting in favor of striking down the Stolen Valor Act were the Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

Supporting the law were Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito.

The case the Supreme Court heard involved a man falsely claiming to be a Marine having been awarded the Medal of Honor – the highest of Honors. In Boot Camp we ‘joked’ that to get the Medal of Honor you had to be dead – you had to have sacrificed yourself to save others. It is commonly presented posthumously.

The Medal of Honor is, admittedly, the most extreme example. Many of our heroes live to receive their military awards, rather than having them presented to a grieving family. And they are often left with serious physical injuries, and even more often with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other mental and emotional injuries.

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Friday Fume

GEEEEEZ…What a week.

I don’t know about the rest of you but, THIS has been one LOOOOONG week of liberal/socialist STUPIDITY.

November can’t come soon enough but, until then, I’ll just take it all in and do my level best not to explode. Thank GOD I have a pressure valve.

It’s called…FRIDAY…and my friends…

I’m fuming!!!!

We start today, in the Asylum by the Bay…San Francisco!!!

This will be the home of next year’s, America’s Cup yacht race but….before they unfurl their SAILS…

SAN FRAN FREAK SHOW has agreed to spend…$150,000.00 of TAXPAYERS money to find out whether or not…




Not only that but, these BIRD BRAINS will ALSO spend $75,000.00 on ATTORNEYS to make sure it all done legally!!!

Correct me if I’m wrong but…since birds can’t talk, how will anybody actually know if they’re SCARED or if they are just…annoyed?


For the love of GOD…don’t tell these liberal IDIOTS that there are…FISH in the bay…

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Honoring Fallen Veterans – We Can DO This

Friends and Patriots,

It is Memorial Day weekend and where we, at The National Patriot, would normally publish a story regarding our heroes, this year I am asking for your help.

We hear, every year around this time and sometimes around Veteran’s Day…Stories of soldier’s graves in states of disrepair. We shake our heads, say it’s awful, and wish it were not the case.

It doesn’t have to be the case. We can make a difference.

In every town and city, in communities and neighborhoods across this great nation, there are cemeteries. Within them are the final resting places of our soldiers. Men and women who either died in the service of our country or those who came home, lived and died after their service.

Military grave, many of them, go back to into the ages of time. Many of these heroes families have died or moved away. Those graves receive what care the groundskeepers can provide but that care is dwindling too.

Many cemeteries have faced cutbacks on grounds crews or face financial shortages which reduce the care they can provide.

This is where we can help but before I get into that, allow me to relate a few examples of the disrepair.

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Making Our Military PC is Treason

When was the last time our American military won a war?

Ask yourself THAT question. WHEN exactly was it?

I’ll tell you.


THAT was the last time our military won a war.

Did we win in Korea? Nope. Vietnam? Clearly not. Did we win the first Gulf War?

Well, there’s a question. We clearly ran Iraq out of Kuwait didn’t we? Yes, clearly we did that. Saddam had promised the mother of all battles and what we saw was the mother of all retreats. Iraqi Republican Guard units were surrendering to journalists and begging for food. They had heard that journalists carried with them…cookies.

At that point, the Republican Guard would have surrendered to the Girl Scouts.

The Iraqi Air Force fled to Iran and Iran kept the planes. It was a route but…Did we win the war?

No…Not really. We won the battle for Kuwait, but we left Saddam in power and did not invade Iraq.

What about the war in Iraq? Did we win THAT one? No. We got Saddam and his sons and chased al Qaeda around but, upon political timelines and decisions, we bailed out before the job was done and now, al Qaeda and Iranian agitators are moving in leaving Iraq a battleground with no clear direction.

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