The Department of Homeland Security tells their border agents to run and hide if gunfire breaks out.

According to Brandon Judd, Tucson Local 2544/National Border Patrol Council, “We are now taught in an ‘Active Shooter’ course that if we encounter a shooter in a public place we are to ‘run away’ and ‘hide.’ If we are cornered by such a shooter we are to (only as a last resort) become ‘aggressive’ and ‘throw things’ at him or her. We are then advised to ‘call law enforcement’ and wait for their arrival (presumably, while more innocent victims are slaughtered).”

Okay…Got that?

They are to run and hide and as a LAST resort…THROW things at the shooter.

Remember that as you read on as it WILL become even MORE disturbing…Shortly.


We have DHS telling US that in case of an office intruder we should…

Grab up a pair of scissors or hide under our desks.

Now then…Just as I asked you to keep in mind the border agent’s instructions…Also…Keep THIS in mind.

I do hope you’re sitting down.

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Sequester – The DICTATOR’S Stupid Idea


The sky is falling, THE SKY IS FALLING…


According to the Dictator, we will, in 9 days, not be able to pay our national gravity bill and whoosh…off the planet we will go.

On the stage with Chicken little yesterday, were first responders…Cops, firemen…Air traffic controllers…


Because, ONCE again, they will be the first to lose their gravitational privileges.


See  Dick(tator) blame republicans.

Blame Republicans Dick(tator) blame!!!

See Dick(tator) tell you that this is all a bad idea.

Tell us Dick(tator) tell us!!!

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Weekend Edition: Benghazi – 5 Months Of Treason

“I gave three very clear directives. Number one, make sure we are securing our personnel and that we are doing whatever we need to. Number two, we are going to investigate exactly what happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Number three, find out who did this so we can bring them to justice.”

Those are the words of Obama regarding his orders on the evening of September 11th 2012 and the attack on the Consulate in Benghazi.

“Make sure we are securing our personnel and that we are doing whatever we need to.”

This is a claim Obama has made over and over again.

Now…let me take you to the direct testimony, under oath, of Leon Panetta and General Dempsey just a couple of days ago.

SEN. GRAHAM: Your testimony, as I understand it, Secretary Panetta, that you talked to the president of the United States one time.
SEC. PANETTA: I talked to him on Sept. 11 with regards to the fact that we were aware this attack was taking place.
SEN. GRAHAM: One time.
SEN. GRAHAM: What time did you tell him that?
SEC. PANETTA: I think that was approximately about 5 o’clock?
GEN. DEMPSEY: Yeah, about 5 o’clock.
SEC. PANETTA: About 5 o’clock.
SEN. GRAHAM: General Dempsey, did you ever talk to the president of the United States at all?
GEN. DEMPSEY: I was with the secretary when — at that same time.
SEN. GRAHAM: Did you talk to the president?
SEN. GRAHAM: You talked to him how many times.
GEN. DEMPSEY: The same — one time.
SEN. GRAHAM: How long did the conversation last?
GEN. DEMPSEY: We were there in the office for probably 30 minutes.
SEN. GRAHAM: So you talked to him for 30 minutes, one time, and you never talked to him again, either one of you.
GEN. DEMPSEY: Until afterwards.
SEN. GRAHAM: Until after the attack was over.
GEN. DEMPSEY: That’s right.
SEN. GRAHAM: Thank you.

Let that sink in. Read it again if you need to and let it sink in deep.

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Weekend Edition: The Hagel Debacle – Unfit For Command

Former Senator, Chuck Hagel, underwent his confirmation hearing last week and it was, quite clearly, the worst performance of a nominee to any post I have ever seen.

It was abysmal.

Many, trying to be nice, say he was unprepared.

Those being honest say he is simply either not qualified or is, in fact, incompetent.

And then there is the socialist brain-trust.

NPR ran an article, “Hagel’s Hearing: 7 Things We Learned” and in it, they whine about the hearing being nothing but political and weep tears of disgust over how those mean, nasty and oh-so-partisan Republicans were bullying poor Chuck Hagel.

Perhaps NPR has, inadvertently, made a sound point.

It was political.

After watching and listening to Hagel during last week’s confirmation hearing, one thing jumped out at me and I’m sure, many of you as well.

What ARE his qualifications to become the Secretary of Defense???

According to Hagel himself…

“I volunteered for the draft and then volunteered to go to Vietnam after I received orders to go to Germany.”

Hagel Continued..

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Weekend Edition: Standing UP For Veterans – Let’s ROLL!!!

This weekend, I would like to let my fellow Patriots in on a VERY special project.

We hear every day about Veterans who are unemployed.

It’s shameful. These are our heroes.

Many Veterans have great ideas and dreams of having their OWN business. What they lack is the knowledge or the capital to turn those dreams into reality.

In today’s uncertain economy and amid news of businesses cutting back on employee’s hours and staff numbers altogether, it’s harder than ever for our Veteran heroes to find work.

What if I told you that YOU could help change all that?



Many of you are familiar with Don Smith and the Don Smith Show.

It has been my great pleasure to appear, many times, as a gust on Don’s show over the last couple of years. Don is one of the great Conservative voices in radio.

When Don called me a few days ago, asking a favor, and telling me it was for our Veterans…I had but one question.

How can I help?

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Teacher Stomps on Flag – Lesson Learned?


According to Michael Copeland’s daughter who was in the Lexington – Richland South Carolina School District classroom when it happened…

“He drew a couple of symbols, like one of them was a cross, and he said, ‘What does this represent’ and everybody said ‘Christianity. Then he proceeds to take down the American flag and said, ‘This is a symbol, but it’s only a piece of cloth. It doesn’t mean anything,’ and then he throws it down on the floor and then stomps on it, repeatedly.”

The girl was talking about her English teacher at Chapin High School.

The teacher, as part of some lesson he was giving his students…

Took down the American Flag, told his students it was a symbol but only a piece of cloth, that it meant nothing…And STOMPED on it…REPEATEDLY.

The United States Supreme Court says the right exists, under the 1st Amendment, to free speech and freedom of expression including desecration of the American Flag.

That doesn’t make it right.

To say the American Flag means nothing, is wrong.

Dead wrong.

On that floor and under his shoe was every soldier who has ever worn the uniform of the United States of America.

Those who came home and those who never did.

Every body beneath the green grasses of Arlington was under that teacher’s shoe and every body buried in far away places who fought and died in war while wearing that flag was right there on the floor as well.

And what of those students in that school who may well have mothers or fathers, brothers or sisters in the service of our nation today?

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URGENT!!! Amerika…THIS is Your Final Warning!!!

Are you awake yet Amerika???

That is NOT a typo.

I’m talking to YOU…Citizens of the Socialist Banana Republik of the Former United States.

Some of you, far too many, have been hitting the snooze button for far, FAR too long.


Are you awake…YET???

Yesterday, in what was surely the strangest press conference I have ever seen held by a president…One masquerading as one made some EAR SHATTERING announcements.

Ear shattering only if you aren’t DEAF to the sound of a nation’s destruction.

Normally, appointing Joe Biden to do ANYTHING would be a laughing matter but, this simply isn’t funny.

Biden has been put in charge of Obama’s commission to end gun violence.

The reason this isn’t at all laughable is because Biden couldn’t lead anyone’s way out of a wet paper sack and Obama damned well knows it.

Biden, therefore, is nothing but a figurehead and future pavement under a Canadian made bus should anything go wrong.

The entire commission, whoever should be appointed to it is a sham.

To be succinct…This panel or commission or board…Whatever it ends up being labeled…Is nothing different from the group of scum who drew up the Sharia law “constitution” for Morsi in Egypt.

It’s a kangaroo committee.

Make no mistake…The Emperor means to disarm Amerika and lay waste to the 2nd Amendment.

Allow me to connect a few dots and decode a couple of things from yesterday’s presser.

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In a World Gone Mad…An Unlikely Hero???

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD world.

The guy who made a poor quality video about Muhammad sits in jail.

The guy who advocated the torture and painful, slow deaths of the U.S. military and their families…HE got to perform at the president’s Christmas party.

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD world.

After Morsi declares himself a dictator, the Egyptian army is now taking control of “security” for an upcoming “election” regarding the new “constitution” which is to cement Morsi’s newly declared powers.

People by the hundreds of thousands are in the streets protesting the moves and what are WE doing???

We ARE SENDING Egypt…20 more brand new F-16 fighter jets!!!

Isn’t that special???

In Syria, Assad has mixed his deadly cocktails of nerve gas and the clock is ticking. In less than 60 days, that gas will become unstable and have to be destroyed. Raise your hands if you think Assad is going to let it sit without being used.

Obama said a month or 2 ago that should Assad MOVE his chemical weapons stockpiles…THAT would cross a red line and “something” would be done about it.

Well…He moved them AND mixed them and what did Obama do???

He moved the goal posts.

NOW…Obama says that should Assad USE those weapons…”Something” will be done because that’s where the NEW red line is today.

If he USES those weapons…Won’t it be too LATE to “do something” about it?

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Operation Patriot Christmas – Because of You

Because of you…

Right now, Christmas cards are being sorted and sent to places all around the world.

The National Patriot’s “Operation Patriot Christmas” asked you, our readers, to send Christmas cards to our troops both in the field and in hospitals and you…YOU responded!!!

Because of you…THOUSANDS of our military heroes will have a Merrier Christmas.

In the days and weeks to come, those cards…The cards YOU sent via

Holiday Mail for Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456

Will be delivered.

We asked that each reader send 20 cards which means that soldiers, stationed in faraway places defending our freedoms and the freedoms of others will see YOUR messages of good will.

Soldiers recovering from injury in our military hospital will read YOUR messages of hope.

Christmas cards from people they never met, lifting their spirits.

Christmas cards from Patriots who understand how hard it is to be away from home, away from family and from friends.

What a remarkable gift YOU have given.

YOUR Christmas card at a bedside table, pinned to the side of a tent, displayed in a mess hall or tucked into a pack or inside a uniform.

The responses we received at The National Patriot, on FB and on Twitter when we asked for your help were fantastic!!!

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Weekend Edition: The Emperor and the Pharaoh

So much for the Arab Spring.

Those of us who are, by liberal/socialists definition, blind to reality, saw it coming.

With apologies to the Bard…

Now is the winter of their discontent made glorious summer by this sun of Cairo.

Has Hillary Clinton been made a fool of again? I rather doubt it. Hillary Clinton’s most trusted and consistently visible adviser is Huma Abedin. The two are joined at the hip. Abedin is, to put it bluntly, the Muslim Brotherhood’s “diplomatic” arm or OUR State Department.

A boil on the buttocks of diplomacy between the United States and our allies.

Abedin’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood go much deeper than ideology. They are familiar ties and deeply rooted.

It is inconceivable to me that Abedin knew nothing of the planned power grab by Egypt’s Morsi and therefore, inconceivable that Clinton didn’t know.

We knew this would happen years ago.

Our Emperor, Obama, gave the Muslim Brotherhood the VIP treatment when he started his World Condemnation of America Tour back in 2009. Obama spoke in Cairo, the Brotherhood sat up front and, at the end of the speech, in Arabic, Obama said he was one of them.

With Cairo’s Tahrir Square filled with angry protesters, our Emperor said that Mubarak had to go.

Then, said the Emperor, the Muslim Brotherhood deserved a seat at the table in the formation of a NEW Egyptian government.

The Muslim Brotherhood claimed they would NOT seek the presidency…

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