Boston, Obama and Bill Ayers – How Sincere

Today, the Media will gush and slobber…Drool and get tingles up their collective legs…They will laud their “Dear Leader” the Dictator Barack Hussein Obama and champion each and every warm, gooey utterance as he speaks at a service for those killed and injured in Boston just a few days ago.

They will roll about in his words and remark about the warm “feeling” he gave the nation.

CRAP…FRESH CRAP…is always 98.6°.

Just how sincere is this narcissist?

His minions and useful idiots…Those who voted for him and those who champion “fundamental transformation” of our nation will rub his intonations all over themselves and try to make US believe they don’t stink out loud.

Allow me, for a moment, to be brutally frank.

Shit stinks and he’s full of it.

The Dictator has already been as sincere regarding the terror attack in Boston as he can possibly be.

He’s read his remarks from his teleprompter.

Twice, this festering pile of insincerity has spoken of the attack in Boston and neither time did his voice reflect passion, anger or resolve.

He read that we will find those responsible…

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Rewriting History? Socialists Will Say Anything

Say Anything.

It’s more than the title of a John Cusack movie…It’s the socialist mantra.

Say anything, the socialist base will rally around it. It doesn’t matter that it’s absurd. It doesn’t matter that it is transparently a lie.


Go ahead. The Pravda media will either back you or ignore the whole thing.

Tell em Obamacare isn’t a tax. Tell em it won’t cost a single dime. Tell em it’s the “AFFORDABLE” Care Act.

Say anything.

Tell em it has to be passed to find out what’s in it.

Say anything.

Tell em whatever it is it must be done for the sake of the children.

Tell em that the economy gets more “Bang for the buck” from food stamps than from anything else.

Tell em, “Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go.”

Just say anything…

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Benghazi – Transparent Lies to Cover the Truth

The very idea that, now 6 months after the attacks in Benghazi, we still don’t have anywhere near adequate answers to the most basic of questions regarding the attacks should be appalling to each and every American.

That we do not yet know how or why all the red-flag warnings in the months leading up to September 11th 2012, why each and every single cable, email and memo asking for added security or at the very least, a status quo in security were completely ignored is also abysmal.

That as the attack on the Benghazi Consulate was taking place, Tyrone Woods was instructed to stand down is not only absurd but the fact that nobody is taking the responsibility for that order is simply disgusting.

That upon his arrival in Benghazi, Glen Doherty began to assist Tyrone Woods at the CIA annex in Benghazi, called for air support, gave coordinates and the two, while fighting for their lives and the lives of others were painting enemy positions with guidance lasers for help that would never be sent is completely beyond comprehension.

That, while all of this took place, Obama would speak with his CIA director and Secretary of Defense for only 30 minutes before walking away, never to personally check the status of the situation again until after it was all over, some 7-8 hours later is dereliction of duty at best, downright suspect and, at worst, treasonous.

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We are just a few days away from the end of the world as Obama knows it.

Sequestration is like giving the government growth machine a vasectomy…NOT a full castration.

To be quite honest, I was far more scared of the end of the Mayan calendar than I am of sequestration and for good reason.

What we’re talking about here is NOT the massive cuts and mayhem projected by the Dictator but a 2% slowing of the GROWTH of government this fiscal year or…roughly over the next 6 months.

That’s 2% of a projected $1.3 TRILLION DOLLAR SPENDING SPREE which means, at the end of this fiscal year, our big government spenders will STILL have spent more THIS year than last year.

This is, naturally, the truth the Dictator would rather you NOT know.

HE, and his faithless minions would much rather have you TERRIFIED of what will happen after this Friday’s deadline and he’s going to do everything he can to send you that message.

Sequester is NOT the doom and gloom, mass extermination event this Dictator is wailing and gnashing his teeth over and if your IQ is anywhere near double digits, it should cause you no alarm.

However…That said…

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Friday Fume

From the Dictator’s manifesto to Hillary’s campaign testimony…It’s been quite a week.

Socialists are just giddy over the onset of another 4 years of Imperial orders, Constitution trashing and big government control aren’t they?

The garden variety socialist is now firmly convinced that Obama is gonna buy them all lottery tickets and when they win, they can finally move to the Caymans to get away from the tax hikes they all voted for.

Naturally, they’ll want international calling on their Obamaphones…

Anyway…It’s FRIDAY my Patriot friends so hang on TIGHT BECAUSE…


Well, well…

Yesterday, Neville Chamberlain began his confirmation hearings to become our next Secretary of Appeasement.

How nice.

In his opening statements, Kerry made it clear that he would use all his office’s power to find a diplomatic solution to prevent Iran from obtaining nukes.

It makes one wonder…


Really…Does he honestly believe that the oh-so-rational IRANIANS have ANY interest in taking SUGGESTIONS???

I’ve got some breaking news for the great appeaser…

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Gun Map Newpaper Hires Armed Security!!!


You just have to love the irony of it all.

Here’s the question of the day:

What do those who fear guns fear MORE than guns???

The answer:

Emails and phone calls.

Try not to laugh.

I mean, really try.

I dare ya.

The Journal News…That NY Newspaper that published an online interactive map of registered gun owners in a couple of counties has…

Wait for it…


Oh yes they did.

The armed security, they say, is in response to…

Wait for it…..

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Socialism – Building a Culture of Stupidity

Don’t we wish we could put today’s socialists into a time machine and send them 25 years into the future? Maybe 50 years?

Let them see what their policies will bring.


The bad news is that there are no time machines.

The good news is that we don’t need one.

For the last 40 or 50 years, our schools have been pumping out liberal morons brainwashed with the propaganda of socialism. Not everybody is easily stupefied but, those early least common denominators have now reproduced, passing along their collective ideas of collectivism and their children are now having children.

Those who were brainwashed by the first wave are now teachers themselves and the entitlement generations are starting to pile up.

And so, the teachers, via their union socialist thugs, are being fed a never ending buffet of class warfare pap which, no doubt, they are regurgitating into the already socialist soaked heads of today’s youth.

I’m going to give this to you in a nutshell and…

Since socialists are NUTS…

This SHOULD hit them where they live.

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Weekend Edition: How Stopping Iran Starts in Gaza

According to the State Department:

“Designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization since 1997, HAMAS has carried out attacks – such as suicide bombings, rocket launches, improvised explosive device attacks, and shootings – against civilian targets inside Israel.”

Hamas has been designated as a terrorist organization since 1997 but, the broadcast networks, ABC, NBC and CBS simply refuse to use the designation in reports of the war between Hamas and Israel in Gaza.


You shouldn’t be.

The attack carried out at Fort Hood has been labeled by the Obama administration as, “Workplace Violence.”

Remember “Man Made Disasters?”

Benghazi they tried to convince us, was the result of film critics panning a bad You Tube video.

The politically correct term for Hamas TERRORISTS is now…

“Militants” or…“Militant Islamic leaders.”

They are terrorists. Hamas is a terrorist organization and the rockets they continue to fire into Israel are acts of terror.

The world’s most corrupt organization, the United Nations, condemns ISRAEL over Israel’s reaction TO these acts of terror perpetrated against them. Israel fights back. Defends herself. The world’s collection of despots, thieves and thugs are beside themselves.


Because “Palestinian” civilians are being killed?

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Defining Fundamental Transformation

Let me see if I have all this straight.

Over an 16 month time span, there were 234 terrorist attacks in Libya…48 in Benghazi…2 attempts on the life of the British Ambassador,…The British and the Red Cross pull OUT of Benghazi…OUR Consulate in Benghazi was attacked twice…Our security people in Libya sent a dozen or so pleas for MORE security and WARNED of the growing threat from terrorist factions linked to al Qaeda…Our Ambassador sent messages to the State Department warning of those threats and alerting those in charge to the fact that the LIBYANS there to protect us were casing the joint and…

Nobody did a damn thing about ANY of it other than to DECREASE security in Benghazi.

We have 4 Americans killed in Benghazi due to a terrorist attack and while it was watched live in real-time at out State Department and in the white house situation room…Nobody was sent to help…any who were in a position to help were ordered to stand down, those who defied those orders were either killed in Benghazi or removed from their commands and…

Nobody but NOBODY is responsible.

Do I have that about right???

It’s now been nearly 2 weeks since Hurricane Sandy slammed the east coast and just a couple of days shy of 2 weeks since the Emperor graced New Jersey with his presence.

While mingling with the serfs, the Emperor heap praise upon FEMA and the FEMA director for the fine job they were doing but…

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Weekend Edition: The Debate – Why Obama Lost

So. Why DID Obama look so bad in the 1st debate? What happened? Why did he lose so badly?

I believe that, to get to the root of it, we first must look at the fall-out.

Since the debate, the Obama campaign, liberals, liberal pundits and liberal celebrities have been trying to explain away Obama’s dismal performance.

First they said that Romney was all style and no substance.

This would be a good time to remind you that liberals always accuse conservatives of what they, themselves are guilty of.

Then, they said that Obama didn’t do well because…Romney was lying. Obama himself said that Romney was lying and suggested that, “If you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth.”

I agree which is why I won’t be voting for Obama.

Al Gore said Obama’s disaster of a debate was due to Denver’s altitude.

None of those things, thrown at the wall, stuck.

So…Yesterday, Obama’s minions said it was because Romney spent more time preparing.

Oh? That’s a crime of some sort? While Obama was on the radio with “Pimp with a LimP”…on The View, Lettererman…60 Minutes…Partying with Beyonce and Jay-Z…skipping meetings with world leaders and skipping his Daily Intell Briefings…Romney was preparing for the debate?

That fell flat in a hurry as well.

NOW…the latest reason being thrown at the wall for Obama’s lousy debate showing is…Romney isn’t as conservative as Obama thought he would be???

Good grief…

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