The Planned Liberal Collapse of Society

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

In the 1940’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s there existed in our public schools something which we do not see today. It was common place back in those days. Many schools had a special room, usually in a basement for the activity.

The practice even extended into the 1980’s in some places.

Gone the way of 45rpm singles, cassettes and 8 tracks. Gone like typewriters, and movie projectors in classrooms…gone like those old mimeograph machines that used to leave an aroma on test papers when they were freshly printed by the teacher.

There are no more wooden bats on the playgrounds, and what so many schools had back in the day, what so many high school students loved back in the day, is now a nearly forgotten relic of distant memories.

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Why Gun Control Laws Don’t Work

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots – Investigative Report

Uvalde, Texas…a name not soon forgotten…for it was here at Robb Elementary School where a lone gunman murdered 19 children and two adults. A bloodbath that should not have happened leaves enough blame to go around so as to encompass the whole of the left’s anti-gun, anti-police agenda.

Ban guns, ban assault rifles, ban any and all firearms…repeal the Second Amendment…place “Gun Free Zone” signs any and everywhere…this is the left’s answer to everything gun related as is the “Defund the Police” movement…a movement to replace police officers with community do-gooders who think that hugging someone is the answer to rising crime statistics.

But first, regarding guns and so-called “assault rifles,” know that no amount of banning, repealing, or signage placed will stop someone hellbent on killing innocent folks. And know that nothing will stop firearms from being bought “under the table” nor will anything stop the media driven, politically generated notion that it’s guns that kill people instead of accepting as fact that “guns do not kill people, people kill people.” And until those eight words become the reality of truth, America will still bear witness to gun violence being committed against innocent and defenseless persons…children assuredly amongst them for nothing feeds into the left’s anti-gun narrative more than the death of children.

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Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton: The Untold Truths -Part 2

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, in the wake of mass murders in Gilroy, California, El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, President Trump said, “Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun.” Naturally, that had liberals, especially those running for their party’s 2020 presidential nomination boiling mad.

Liberals were fit to be tied because they know he’s right, and because that line of thinking is in direct opposition to the liberal agenda of relieving law abiding American citizens of their rights under the 2nd Amendment, and of their decades of preaching that the guns themselves, or other factors opposed to their agenda are the problem.

Liberals don’t want to address the real issue where such acts of violence are concerned, and there’s a damn good reason why they don’t want to address those things. Doing so would produce a two-fold detriment to the liberal agenda…fund raising would suffer, and such introspection would expose and destroy a major plank in their platform.

Let’s look at fundraising first.

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Who, or What is Really to Blame?

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, students around the country walked out of their classes to protest what they believe to be a lack of gun laws in this country.

Yes, I know that the students claimed they walked out of classes to pay their collective respects to the 17 students and staff who were murdered a month ago in a Parkland, Florida high school, but let’s not kid ourselves here…

Students from coast to coast saw this as roughly a half an hour that they wouldn’t be sitting in their assorted classrooms, and their “teachers,” who in many cases, promoted the walkout, saw it as some sort of affirmation that their indoctrination techniques were working.


Yes, really, and here is exactly how one can tell…

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Loons of a Feather

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Whenever something, like what happened last Sunday night in Las Vegas happens, two very predictable things immediately follow, and both of those things involve lunatics.

First…the conspiracy lunatics come crawling out of the woodwork like cockroaches when the lights go out spreading the wildest, most hair-brained notions of how such an event could have taken place.

Let me provide an example that I saw on social media just a couple of days ago…

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The Road to the Truth Goes Through San Bernardino

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

sba 1There he was…Barack Hussein Obama…before the bodies in San Bernardino had cooled, before anyone even knew the whereabouts of the murderers, while police were scrambling to gather enough information to even launch a manhunt…talking about gun control.

“The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world.”

Has he heard of Paris, France?

“We should never think that this is something that just happens in the ordinary course of events because it doesn’t happen with same frequency in other countries.”

Has he heard of Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Northern Africa, Yemen, Mali, or any of the other places where ISIS and their collective ilk reside?

Oh, but this is different…right? This isn’t politically motivated or ideologically motivated…right? Those places, including Paris, are the places where terrorist attacks happen not places where run of the mill, otherwise average citizens snap and go on a rampage. Those places and those situations are vastly different from what happens over here…right?

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Gun Control and the Liberal/Socialist Collective

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

lgc 1One thing is clear…liberals and socialists running for the 2016 nomination want to extend Obama style, pen and phone executive orders and our 2nd Amendment is on their chopping block.

According to Bernie Sanders, a confirmed, self-avowed socialist, “The president is right. Condolences are not enough. We’ve got to do something … We need sensible gun control legislation. What we need, as a nation, is to get beyond the shouting, Some people want to ban every gun in America and some people believe in nothing at all. I think the vast majority of the American people, as the president indicated, including gun owners — and I know that’s true here in Vermont — want sensible gun control legislation and they also believe that we should have more access to mental health facilities and counselors than we presently do.”

In the words of one Hillary Clinton, whose campaign is floundering…

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Friday Fume

fume 1As I sat down to hammer out this week’s attitude-laced week in review, I really wanted to go off on Hillary’s new book and signing tour but…in the grand scheme of things…635 pages of toilet paper pales in the light of other decidedly liberal/socialist stupidity.

It’s been a tough week to be a liberal and I’m sure they’re getting dizzy from all the spinning they’ve been doing while trying to get out of the hole they keep digging for themselves.

How about we all take a break from pulling our hair out and spend a few minutes giving liberals, socialists and their collective ilk all the credit they deserve?

My friends…It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Just a couple of days ago, there was quite the scene taking place just outside the white house.

It was shortly before 3:00 pm when reporters were starting to file in for their daily dose of regime propaganda when a fellow approached the security gate and told the Secret Service that he had a 3 o’clock appointment with, “Mr. Obama.”

He then showed them some foreign driver’s license whereupon  the palace guard promptly told him he would need a U.S. DRIVERS LICENSE or a PASSPORT.

That’s right… a U.S. DRIVERS LICENSE OR A PASSPORT TO GET INTO THE WHITE HOUSE which comes as quite a shock since the dude that LIVES at the white house…APPARENTLY DOESN’T HAVE EITHER ONE but that’s not the most shocking part of all this…

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Liberal Gun Policies Just Killed 12 More People

In the wake of yesterday’s horrific events in Washington DC, we have learned one thing.

We have learned that liberals haven’t learned one damn thing.

What happened on November 5th, 2009 at Ft. Hood happened again yesterday at the Navy Yard in our Nation’s  Capitol.

Before the shooter was dead and before the smell of gun powder had cleared from Building 197, liberals, those elected, those who sell socialist snake oil via the MSM and celebrities who think they are so important that they MUST open THEIR pie holes were once again, beating the GUN CONTROL war drums.

They need to shut the hell up.

I have a couple of questions to pose to those knot-heads.

WHY do they think Hasan opened fire at Ft. Hood?

WHY do they think that freak opened fire at Sandy Hook?

WHY do they think Aaron Alexis opened fire yesterday at the DC Navy Yard?

I’ll happily tell them why…

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