Tipping Point – The New Abnormal

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

There’s a new normal coming to America, but it’s not the sort of new normal democrats have been hoping for. The never let a crisis go to waste party got desperate, and they got greedy and it’s not a good combination.

There’s a grand old saying…be careful for what you wish, as you just might get it.

To fully understand how those words fit into today’s puzzle, one must first step far enough back to see the big picture, and it this case that means taking an honest look at how we got to this point.

From the day Donald Trump came down that escalator and declared that he was running for the presidency, the democrat party feared him. Make no mistake, the loathing of Donald Trump was just a facade. It was a smoke screen for their abject fear.

And why did they fear Trump?

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