You WANT The TRUTH about the “government shutdown” and the debt ceiling debate?
Would you like the truth about the name calling and the finger pointing and the absurd rhetoric coming from the left?
You want the TRUTH?????
Conservatives can handle the truth.
Liberals can’t.
Here is the truth…
Obama has an established pattern of behavior. He’s employed it over and over again.
Every time there is something he doesn’t want in the front of the 24 hour news cycle, Obama creates a distraction to move the headlines away from the real issue.
Why not?
He has had a willing and conspiratorial MSM licking his boots all along and they are more than willing to look the other way any time Obama asks them to do so.
Unemployment was on the rise and the economy failing so what happened? Obama distracted Americans with the need to spend more than $800 BILLION dollars to prop up the economy.
All of a sudden…STIMULUS became the lead story.