Wright Wrong About Our Constitutional Foundation

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

Over the past several months, I have been told, many times, that ours is a CHRISTIAN nation…and that our Constikw 1tution most definitely reflects that as fact.

Nothing could be further from the truth but, many have told me, in no uncertain terms, that they can PROVE it and Wednesday was no exception.

Kevin Wright, who has resorted to telling lies regarding my stand on certain topics…such as that I approve of “the jailing of Christians, and the closing of Christian schools and Churches,” none of which even approaches the truth, and that I…”agree, that Christians should be dismissed from political office…” again, a lie in the bald-faced realm…made it quite clear that…”The US Constitution, is established by Jesus Christ. If you have a problem with that, leave. We do not need any more pretend patriots.”

Oh, really?

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6.4 Million Holier Than Thous Supported Obama

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

hol 1Earlier in the week I woke up the choir and they didn’t like it one little bit. I sent a certain segment of one particular brand of Christianity into a fit leading them to accuse me of being of a nature such that their descriptions of it were, in some cases, vile…as these self-described good and moral Christians are so apt to do when one challenges their slumber with facts.

Yesterday, I brought forth more than the quotes of our Founders and Framers to illustrate just how they deliberately kept ANY religion or specific brand of any religion from becoming the foundation of our nation and provided clear evidence and reasoning as to why they took those very deliberate steps.

That was also not well received by those who profess to follow the teachings of Jesus more closely than thou.

Today…the lesson we must learn from their actions…

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Founders, Framers, Faith and Facts

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

found 1After writing earlier in the week regarding the fact that our Founders and Framers deliberately left religion…ANY religion OUT of our founding documents to create a new nation NOT founded IN any religious pretexts…I had no intention of penning a follow-up piece. However, after being roundly and vehemently criticized by those who INSIST that our nation was founded in Christianity…

Here we go.

One of the things most often thrown in among the ever-so-Christian name calling aimed at me was this, which I was told in no uncertain terms, was PROOF that we are a nation founded in Christianity.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (God) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

First of all…”that all men are created equal” to our founders and framers meant that ALL men…of the WORLD and not just of the United States are created equal and second…”endowed by their creator,” does not denote any specific religion whatsoever and, for that matter, “Creator” was a deliberately chosen word derived NOT from Christianity but from DEISM…a widely held system of belief in the middle 18th century and one that MANY of our Founders and Framers followed.

Next up on the “proof” parade was the SECOND part of that passage from our Declaration of Independence…

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Religion and Our Founders MOST Deliberate Act

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

const 2In 2012, during the campaigns and amidst the prospect of another four years of the Obama regime, there were those amongst we Conservatives who followed the talking point s of the all-so-rightous, holier-than-thou wing of the far, FAR right and said…”better the Muslim we know than the Mormon we don’t” and either stayed home on election day or voted for Obama by casting their votes for a 3rd party or write in candidate.

They’re back…starting to make noise and poised to ensure the next and possibly last four years of our Constitutional Republic are in the hands of yet another liberal/socialist.

To do so, these people are cloaking their agenda in religion…again.

People like Wild Bill (for a theocracy) Finley who always ends his hate-fueled videos with the tag line of “may America bless God…again,” right after urging his viewers to donate to him so that he can continue to produce such videos… videos which he shoots without a crew on a tablet and posts to You Tube…for free.

Wild Bill (for a theocracy) likes to claim that our nation was founded on the principles of his particular brand of Christianity and he’s not alone in this misguided flim-flaming of history. Challenge Bill of any others who push this nonsense, and they will always come back at your challenge with some quote from some letter or some speech that one founder or another penned as their PROOF that America is and always has been a CHRISTIAN nation.

Let me put it this way…

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Desert Stormed –Patriot Militias Used the 2nd to Protect the 1st

2 AMEND 1From Obama and his ballyhooed pen to the abject hypocrisy from the ilk of Feinstein and Schumer, every time a high profile crime takes place  involving a gun, more and more gun control laws are called for by liberals and socialists.

A shooting at a school?

More restrictive gun laws. That’s the answer.

A shooting at a mall or movie theater?

More restrictive gun control laws will fix it.

Mass shootings on a military post?

Yep. You guessed it. More and more and MORE restrictive gun laws and you can just about bet your bottom dollar that, after last weekend’s Bundy Ranch standoff where armed federal agents were intimidated into retreat by equally armed citizens, we’re going to be hearing about the need to restrict We the People from our right to keep and bear arms…again.

It is abjectly absurd what liberals and socialists want you to believe regarding our right to keep and bear arms.

 “I, like most Americans, believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms. And we recognize the traditions of gun ownership that passed on from generation to generation—THAT HUNTING AND SHOOTING are part of a cherished national heritage.”

That, from one Barack Hussein Obama who claims to have been a Constitutional professor and wants you to believe that the 2nd Amendment was, of all things, about hunting.


It is an oft parroted lie by liberals desperately trying to restrict the 2nd Amendment.

“Nobody needs an AR-15 to go hunting.”

Here’s one from that crackpot Diane Feinstein:

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Weekend Edition: Gun Rights vs Gun Control – The TRUTH

The government can’t find 15 million ILLEGAL aliens and to be perfectly honest, they don’t WANT to but, by forcing gun registration…They WILL be able to find every LAW ABIDING gun owner in America. Am I the ONLY one who thinks something is wrong when the government, in an attempt to control people, does nothing about those who BREAK our laws and removes rights from those who ABIDE by the laws???

In the next few days, Joe Biden will submit his report on how to control you to the Emperor. Both he AND the Emperor have made it clear that Imperial Orders may well come into play against you regarding the 2nd Amendment.

Over the last few weeks, socialists, liberals and their pundits have not missed a single opportunity or microphone in their quest to demean and dismiss you, the law abiding gun owners of America.

They want you to believe that what they are about to propose or bypass congress to accomplish with regard to eroding your rights is for your safety and…of course…for the children.

Every time they want to remove some of your rights, it’s for the sake of the children.


It’s time to make a few things crystal clear and I can assure you, liberals and socialists aren’t going to like this at all because…It’s the TRUTH.

How many times have we all heard a socialist, bent on controlling you by removing your rights, tell anyone within earshot that you don’t need an AR-15 to hunt deer?

Socialists are trying to SHAME you into bowing to their ideology and they HOPE you will be seen as the fool.

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