A Revolving Door of Lies

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Last Wednesday afternoon, on the 26th of July, Karine Jean Pierre, Joe Biden’s official propagandist said from the press room podium, “As I stated on Monday, when I was asked this question multiple times, nothing has changed. Nothing has changed on this.”

Except it has changed.

For the past several years, the standard line has always been, that Joe Biden had never spoken to his son, Hunter, regarding Hunter’s business dealings.

Let’s go back a couple of years and hear from Joe himself when asked about his involvement with Hunter’s business dealings.

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Insurrection, Lies and Video Tape

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

An insurrection is an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects meant to overthrow said government. A protest is a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something.

What happened on January, 6th, 2021 was the latter, not the former.

Elected members of the liberal “elite” have been telling us for better than two years that what happened on January 6th, 2021, was an armed insurrection. They have told us that it was worse than the British sacking of the Capitol in the War of 1812. They have been telling us that it was on par, or worse than the bombing of Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

The mainstream media, being good little propagandist minions echoed those talking points non-stop for the past two plus years and if you dared to disagree in posts on social media, you were censored, put in social media jail or simply banned from social media platforms.

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The Downfall of the Ministry of Truth

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

So, the Biden regime, under puppet master Barack Hussein Obama has thrown an incomplete Hail Mary in their desperate bid to continue to be the arbiter of truth via censorship and lies, as the “Ministry of Truth” has bid us an abrupt farewell.

And as goes the “Ministry of Truth” so too goes its Mary Poppins, Nina Jankowicz from the Department of insecurity. The rise and fall of this Orwellian thought police state was fast, but not fast enough to provide cover for the liberal Marxist party.

They say sunshine is the best disinfectant and the Biden puppet show along with the DHS got more sunshine than northern Alaska in late June. Unfortunately, it will take much more than sunshine to disinfect the swamp.

Let’s start with Jankowicz and the fact that she’s an abject moron.

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What Liberals Say and What it Means

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Just a week ago or so, California’s liberal Marxist Governor, Gavin Newsom was addressing the crisis of train robberies taking place around Los Angeles.

Newsom stood in front of a microphone and said, “This is not one-off. This is organized theft. These are organized gangs of people that are coming out.”

At that point, the liberal Marxist Governor felt the sudden need to correct himself by stating, “Forgive me for saying ‘gangs,’ that’s a pejorative. They’re organized groups of folks that move from site to site.”

A perjorative is defined as “expressing contempt or disapproval.” That’s an important definition to know because what Newsom said in his immediate self-correction was that he did not intend to show or express “contempt or disapproval” toward those who are breaking into trains, looting those trains and trashing the area around the tracks in Los Angeles. In other words, Gavin Newsom, the liberal Marxist Governor of California APPROVES of the actions of “organized groups of folks” moving from site to site that BREAK INTO TRAINS full of goods that other people have paid for, LOOTING those trains and leaving in their wake TONS of trash which can then easily be infested with rats and other disease-ridden vermin.

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People Aren’t Seahorses

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

So, exactly who is Maleeha Aziz? She testified a little over a week ago at the House Oversight Committee regarding abortion. But who is she?

Well, Aziz self-identifies as an abortion storyteller with We Testify. We Testify is an organization dedicated to the leadership and representation of people who have abortions at the intersection of race, class, and gender identity.

Aziz is also a community organizer for an outfit calling itself “Texas Equal Access Fund.” Her profession is literally advocating for abortion in North Texas.

I suspect that her primary hobby is being an idiot.

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The Unaffordable Cost of Repeating History

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The nice thing about the future is that it provides plenty of time to reassess our history, and I suspect that the future will not be kind to our most recent history. The problem with history is that if we fail to learn from it, we will repeat it and God knows we can, and had better learn from what we’ve just been through.

History however, isn’t the only thing we need to pay attention to moving forward, and unfortunately, recent history has failed to make much of an impression on those who clearly lack the situational awareness we’re going to need in the very near future.

Have we learned nothing at all?

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A Coup From Behind the Curtain

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Since the beginning of the disaster in Afghanistan, which has left blood on Joe Biden’s hands, Biden has attempted to project blame onto President Trump.

Biden says he takes responsibility “but” it’s all Trump’s fault because Trump had a deal with the Taliban to remove all our troops by May 1st of this year. According to Biden, there was nothing he could do. He was handcuffed by Trump’s deal. He had no choice.

Those are abject lies.

First of all, if Biden was so handcuffed that he had no way out of the deal, so constrained by the deal that he had no choice but to comply with it, why then did the deal show a date of May 1st and the calendar shows that the final, bloody debacle began to take place in late August?

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Breaking Trust, Breaking Honor

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots – Commentary

For the record lets get two things straight. First, while Joe Biden might be sitting in the White House he is not the one running the Afghanistan show, Barack HUSSEIN Obama is. And second, not only is Obama pulling Biden’s strings but, we believe, he is and has been for years the direct link between the U.S. and the islamists…read the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS here. And Obama’s goal, both during his administration and his now Biden fronted defacto third term in office, is to not only weaken America’s military and sully our reputation on the world stage, but to do so in such a way that there will be no way for the U.S. to stop the formation and spread of the islamic caliphatethe Levant if you will.

Think we’re kidding…we’re not..for the man who bowed down to kings and and kissed the hands of imams is the very man who released GITMO incarcerated Taliban operatives knowing well that they had but one objective in mind…to rejoin the fight against American forces both in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Obama, a traitor to this country, is now shadow directing America’s pullout from the very country that served as a much needed stop gap between the islamic controlled countries of the Middle East and those more friendly to the West. Now relishing in America’s Afghan debacle, Obama remains silent and that itself says all one needs to know for this, the man who has deep hated for our country knows that right now he’s more valuable to “the cause” behind the scenes than he is out in front.

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Afghanistan and The Deliberate Destruction of America

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

By now, we all know what happened, and is continuing to happen in Afghanistan, and by now, we are all aware of the dire impact it has on our nation’s ability to lead on the world stage.

Our enemies do not fear us nor do our allies trust us.

There is no need to go into detail regarding the absolute betrayal of our allies nor is there any reason to get into the details regarding the despicable attitude and behavior that our nation’s so-called leaders are showing to the brave men and women of the U.S. military, but before I move on in this commentary, I will sum up that attitude and behavior as clearly and as succinctly as I possibly can.

Joe Biden, his administration and many of the top brass in our military have collectively slapped the men and women who served in Afghanistan and made it home squarely across the face, and they have collectively pissed on the graves of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country.

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Purveyors of Lies Are NOT Guardians of Truth

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

In this commentary, I intend to present a case so profound, so rife with evidence and so airtight that it cannot be refuted with a straight face. All that is necessary to win this case is proof beyond a REASONABLE doubt, but I intend to prove this case beyond ALL doubt.

You, the jury, have borne witness to all that has transpired for the past several years, and what follows is my closing argument.

Over the past several years, liberal Marxists have been telling all of us a lot of things that seem to be fairly…questionable.

So…let me just see if I have this all straight…

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