Friday Fume

fume 1Every Friday, we take a look at the week’s liberal/socialist knot-headed behavior and highlight just a little of their asylum antics here in the Fume. If we can’t find a way to laugh at em…WE’LL ALL BECOME JUST AS MORONIC AS THEY ARE!!!

That said…hold on to something well anchored and put down your beverages because…


It IS Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Well…so far this week…we’ve found Casey Kasem…the SUN’S TWIN BROTHER  and Chis Columbus’ Santa Maria but…WHERE IN THE HELL IS THAT DAMNED AIRPLANE???

In the case of the missing for more than 2 months flight 370…investigators have now come to the near conclusion that the “pings” they were hearing 2 months ago…PROBABLY WEREN’T THE PLANE???


What’s even more puzzling that that is the fact that they’re STILL LOOKING AROUND THE BOTTOM OF THE INDIAN OCEAN for the thing.

Allow me to offer a little advice here and, bear in mind that I am NOT an aviation “Where’s Waldo” expert but…if the pings weren’t coming from the plane’s black boxes and nobody has seen one single “SEAT CUSHION THAT CAN BE USED AS A FLOATATION DEVICE” in more than 2 MONTHS OF SNIFFING ABOUT IN THE OCEAN…there’s a pretty good chance that the airplane…

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Liberals Becoming Mentally Unhinged Over Benghazi Truth

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It truly is amazing what happens to liberals when all their hard work at lying goes up in smoke. They simply curl up in a fetal position for a collective crap, roll about in it and start whining about the smell.

Benghazi…or in the case of Nancy Pelosi…BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI!!! Liberals have taken many different stances on Benghazi such as it not being a terrorist attack but a You Tube video that caused it but that was quickly proved to be a lie. They tried calling what happened to Ambassador Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith “bumps in the road,” but they didn’t get away with it. Then they tried to brush it aside as it was…”not optimal.”

Really? The terrorist attack brought about by the terrorists this regime armed, the weapons running to more terrorists in Syria, the intentional removal of OUR security team in Benghazi…replacing OUR people with the very TERRORIST organization that perpetrated the attacks resulting in the murders of 4 Americans was…”NOT OPTIMAL???”

Liberals moved on to asking “WHAT DIFFERENCE…AT THIS POINT…DOES IT MAKE???”

That from the “smartest woman in the world” who, I believe, was complicit in committing treason, missed the 3:00am (Benghazi time) phone call, claims she didn’t have time to read her emails or memos, whiffed on the Russian reset button, accepted a wink and a smile from a North Korean uncle killer…was unable to testify when called because…SHE FALL DOWN, GO BOOM and can’t recognize a terrorist organization when one is staring her in the face.

On the up side…she flew a million miles.

But…Liberals are becoming mentally unhinged over Benghazi and Trey Gowdy’s search for the truth because all their lies and cover ups are crumbling before their eyes. Remember when Obama said THIS???

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Is Benghazi a Made Up Scandal? Skyes the Limit

skyes 1As liberals continue to run scared regarding the truth about the Benghazi attacks, more and more rhetoric from them is flying hither and yawn through social media and their lapdog mainstream media. It’s now to the point that we need to fight back using the facts.

A couple of days ago, I wrote an article,Liberal Benghazi Deniers About to Face the Music that received scorn from the left and I fully expected it would but their counter arguments simply fly in the face of reality.

Wrote Chad Skyes in a comment posted on my article: “First off, I’m 100%, no. I’m 110% positive, that no administration official even knew what had happened in Benghazi for weeks afterwards. The sheer amount of confusion when something like this happens is overwhelming. Even when actual combat units are engaged in a firefight, with all our communications equipment, the information received by higher ups is almost always incorrect and inconsistent. The fog of war is very thick and unless you’ve been there like I have.. your opinions are worthless. “

“What followed politically was your typical PR campaign. It wouldn’t have mattered who was in office, Republicans, Democrats, none of that matters. The PR machine does it’s thing regardless of who is in power. We can point to complacency, mismanagement, lack of funding, lack of security, blow back from our foreign policy. We could go on and on pointing the finger.. the reality is war is hell and people die.. period. “

“Instead of wasting tax payer dollars on this made up scandal, why are we not focusing on the REAL SCANDALS??”

Mr. Skyes is 100%, no…

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Liberal Benghazi Deniers About to Face the Music

SWEAT 1AAAs the house is set to hold a vote regarding the need for a special committee to further investigate Benghazi liberals from Capitol Hill to their pundits microphones are pissed. They mask their anger by directing it at the right side of the aisle and in the direction of those of us who have, since day one, called for such an investigation and justice for those killed some 20 months ago but, at whom are they REALLY angry and why?

First, I suspect they don’t care for the collective reflections they see in their own mirrors and staggering mountain of their own lies has become more than they have the capability to keep straight.

For the past week or so, we have been regaled with their sputtering utterances and faint echoes of Hilary’s “WHAT DIFFERENCE, AT THIS POINT…DOES IT MAKE???”

For instance…on the heels of such nonsense as calling those who stood with Cliven Bundy and chased a wad of heavily armed federal goons from Bunkerville without firing a shot nothing but “domestic terrorists,” ol’ crusty Harry Reid made THIS lame attempt at dismissing a further Benghazi investigation: “Republicans are showing yet again that they have nothing to offer the middle class. Republicans care more about defending billionaires like the Koch brothers and trying to rekindle debunked right-wing conspiracy theories than raising the minimum wage or ensuring women receive equal pay for equal work.”

Reid went on to say, “Republicans of trying to gin up yet another political food fight.”

“Another political food fight???” That’s what the murders of four Americans and this regime’s cover up, with Reid’s ample support is to him???

A political FOOD FIGHT??? It wasn’t some FOOD FIGHT that night in September of 2012 that took place in Benghazi. THAT was a TERRORIST ATTACK set up to silence our Ambassador and keep him from blowing the proverbial whistle!!!

In a herd of political asses from the left side of the aisle…

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Obama – From the 2008 “Messiah” to a 2014 Pariah

mess 1Think back to early June of 2008…Almost 6 years ago.

The only thing missing from Obama’s nomination coronation in Denver was the white donkey he was to have ridden into the arena that night.

Look at him now.

A shell of his former glory.

Women used to pretend to faint at the mere sight of him.

Socialists with microphones used to claim tingles were running up their collective legs.

Young Americans were dancing in the streets.

In the black community, you could hear the echoes of “Free at Last, free at last.”

Obama promised the most transparent administration in history. He was to have been the great uniter. Obama, the Constitutional law professor claimed he would preside by the rule of law and not by the pen.

His wife was finally proud of her country.

Barack Hussein Obama was the liberal’s messiah.

And now? Well…

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Obamacare Defenders – The Liars and the Idiots Who Believe Them

liar 1Well, THIS is just getting to be PRICELESS!!!

Did ya happen to hear Ol’ Crusty…HARRY REID…the other day?

HOW COULD YOU HELP BUT HEAR HIM??? He was literally SHOUTING when he opened his pie hole and told anyone within a 3 mile radius that, when it comes to Obamacare…


Then, he told reporters why the hiccups and delays that DON’T exist…EXIST!!!

“We have hundreds of thousands of people who tried to sign up, and they didn’t get through.”


“There are some people who are not like my grandchildren, who can handle everything so easy on the Internet and these people need a little extra time.” As an example…Crusty cited, “a 63-year-old woman came in and said ‘I almost got it, [but] every time I was just about got there, it would cut me off.’”

THAT, to anyone with a working brain cell is because THE OBAMACARE WEBSITE SUCKS OUT LOUD and it has since the day it went UP but…Crusty, who happens to be sans a working brain cell explained it THIS way…

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From a Constitutional to Banana Republic

Tuesday evening, the Dictator delivered his State of Future Mandates speech to a 60% ungrateful nation.

Don’t they realize what the remaining 40% who approve of his highness have embraced?

BIG GOVERNMENT is WORKING in their minds.

There are now more people collecting welfare than ever before.

Big government works.

There are more Americans than ever utilizing food stamps.

Big government works.

More and more Americans have applied for and received disability compensation than ever before and, it doesn’t even matter whether or not they actually need it.

Big government works.

More Americans have been thrown off the health insurance plans they had and, would have liked to have kept, than have signed up for the propagandized, “BETTER” and more “AFFORDABLE” Obamacare and, of those who have signed up, the overwhelming majority are those signing up for expanded Medicaid along with those Americans who are older and more in need of healthcare than those who are young, healthy and NECESSARY to carry the financial burden.


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Obama’s Desperate Lie: “Obamacare is Working”

“The bottom line is, this law is working and will work into the future.”

Those were the words of Barack Hussein Obama, a pathological and compulsive liar on the first day of his 21 Days of Obamacare tour just 2 days ago.

“The bottom line is, this law is working and will work into the future.”

Keep that quote in mind…Not that I’m about to allow you to forget it.

6.2 MILLION Americans have had their existing insurance plans cancelled…SO FAR…because of Obamacare and this horse’s ass has the unmitigated GALL to stand before the American people and tell them…Tell THEM…that:

“The bottom line is, this law is working and will work into the future.”

There is no security…NONE…written into the Obamacare website system and YOU are MANDATED to turn all of YOUR private personal information including your social security number, your email address, your phone number, your tax information, your employment information, your income information and so very much more over TO that website and there is the liar in chief telling you that: “The bottom line is, this law is working and will work into the future.”


“The bottom line is, this law is working and will work into the future.”

We now know that 1/3 of those who THINK they have “enrolled in Obamacare HAVEN’T because, the system has garbled or lost ALL THAT PRIVATE, PERSONAL information before it ever made it to the insurance carriers and yet, the swine stands at the podium and states…

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As an EPIC FAILURE, Obamacare is a Spectacular Success

Socialist propaganda 101 is now in session.

According to the socialist Dictator’s minion, Jeff Zeintz, “There is a “night and day” difference between on October 1 and the same site on December 1.”

Night and day difference…NIGHT and DAY…

Here’s what Julie Bataille, chief propagandist for the federal agency charged with developing and operating (Socialist) had to say yesterday…”The website now works smoothly for the vast majority of users.”

Smoothly, she says…SMOOTHLY…

And then, there was the “Senior Aid to the Dictator, Obama” who stated…”(Socialist) is greatly improved after more than a month of intense repair work.”


Back to Jeff Zeintz…“We’ve widened the system’s on-ramp – it now has four lanes instead of one or two. We have a much more stable system that is reliably open for business.”

Reliably open for business???


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The Obamacare Café – Eat What You’re TOLD to Eat

America was promised that the Obamacare website would be fixed, up and running by November 30th, 2013.

Kathleen Sebelius TOLD congress that it WOULD be fixed. She TOLD them it would be DONE…By November 30th, 2013.

THAT, of course, was before Kathleen Sebelius told America that the Obamacare website would be running at 80% by November 30th, 2013.

80%…According to Sebelius and the Obama administration was their definition of…SUCCESS.

So…80% by November 30th but…THAT was before Sebelius told America that users OF the website would have a much better experience on December 1st on that Obamacare website  than they had when it rolled out on October 1st, 2013.


We went from the greatest thing since sliced cheese before the October roll out to…”We’ll have it fixed” by November 30th, 2013 soon AFTER the October 1st roll out to…”We’ll have it running at 80% by November 30th and THAT will be a SUCCESS to…”WELL…You’ll have a better experience with the Obamacare website on December 1st than you did on October 1st.”

Here we are…Today is December 2nd, 2013 and how’s that Obamacare website doing?

In FACT…It’s working at 0% right now and this obtuse administration is claiming some element of success for that.

No…I did NOT miss a keystroke. I typed in 0% and I MEANT…

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