Detroit Has Run Out of Other People’s Money

Allow liberals and socialists to be in control of something long enough and it will collapse.

Take Detroit…

No really…You can have it…PLEASE take it.

Detroit has been in the hand of socialists since 1961. 52 years of socialist mayors elected to office by socialists and paid for by socialist unions.

It’s over.

At least it darn well should be.

Michigan Governor, Rick Snyder declared Detroit to be in a state of financial emergency last Friday and that helps to clear the way for the STATE to take over DETROIT’S financial situation and appoint a special or, emergency, city manager to start the proves of straightening out the disaster that IS Detroit.

Now, to give you a glimpse into the mindset of socialists, their minds warped by 15 or more years of public school indoctrination…some having possibly attended asylums of HIGHER indoctrination…

As Governor Snyder made his announcement, about 2 miles away at the scene of the crime, Detroit’s City Hall…

PROTESTERS gathered to chant…

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Friday Fume

The Mayans had NOTHING on the DICTATOR when it comes to the end of the world predictions huh?

The SKY is falling, we won’t be able to land PLANES…The cops won’t be there after you need them, teachers won’t be able to indoctrinate your kids…

Joe Biden says “Buy a SHOTGUN…BUY A SHOTGUN!!!” Just take it out on the balcony, like he has instructed HIS WIFE to do and FIRE A COUPLE OF ROUNDS INTO THE AIR!!!

Ummm…Not only would you then be OUT OF AMMO and have to RELOAD while the BAD GUYS ARE COMING FOR YOU but…


In case you haven’t noticed…YOU’RE not safe…YOUR FAMILY is not safe…EVEN YOUR PETS AREN’T SAFE from the MORONS running amok in this country but…

Before we all go screaming into the night we could use a laugh couldn’t we?

It’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Oh My GOD!!!!!!

From the “Lucky He Wasn’t NEUTERED in The Act” Files…..

ILLEGAL ALIEN, Tomas Bautista, a 40 YEAR OLD…Has Been ARRESTED in Broward County for…

Oh geez…

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Doin’ the Dictator Limbo

We have been told that elections have consequences.

Indeed they do.

Therefore, they also carry unintended consequences.

Yesterday such an unintended consequence reared it’s conservative head in the state of Virginia.

There, where the state senate was all tied up…20 conservatives – 20 liberals…One senator ducked out for a political moment.

Senator Harry Marsh, giddy at the prospect of another 4 years of the Dictator’s rule, dashed off to DC to sing, dance, spike the football and presumably, imbibe in beverages of an adult nature at the Dictator’s coronation.

Party on Senator.

In his gleeful absence, Virginia conservatives quickly put forth and passed, redistricting.

Based on the consequences of the 2012 election, the new districts will give the Virginia Senate a 26 – 14 majority of CONSERVATIVES.

There will be a great deal of socialists with their collectivism panties in a wad over this but, like the guy who jumps from the stands to streak across the field of play before getting blasted from his feet by an athlete who packs the punch of a freight train, they should have seen this coming.

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Weekend Edition: Gun Rights vs Gun Control – The TRUTH

The government can’t find 15 million ILLEGAL aliens and to be perfectly honest, they don’t WANT to but, by forcing gun registration…They WILL be able to find every LAW ABIDING gun owner in America. Am I the ONLY one who thinks something is wrong when the government, in an attempt to control people, does nothing about those who BREAK our laws and removes rights from those who ABIDE by the laws???

In the next few days, Joe Biden will submit his report on how to control you to the Emperor. Both he AND the Emperor have made it clear that Imperial Orders may well come into play against you regarding the 2nd Amendment.

Over the last few weeks, socialists, liberals and their pundits have not missed a single opportunity or microphone in their quest to demean and dismiss you, the law abiding gun owners of America.

They want you to believe that what they are about to propose or bypass congress to accomplish with regard to eroding your rights is for your safety and…of course…for the children.

Every time they want to remove some of your rights, it’s for the sake of the children.


It’s time to make a few things crystal clear and I can assure you, liberals and socialists aren’t going to like this at all because…It’s the TRUTH.

How many times have we all heard a socialist, bent on controlling you by removing your rights, tell anyone within earshot that you don’t need an AR-15 to hunt deer?

Socialists are trying to SHAME you into bowing to their ideology and they HOPE you will be seen as the fool.

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Friday Fume

As the warp speed march to full blown socialism continues, it’s getting harder and harder to survive each week without going stark-raving nuts.

As Patriots, we have to find a way to put an end to this insanity before we have no country left.

As we wait for the next shoe to drop, we must find a way to deal with the socialist fools and my favorite method is…LAUGHING!!!

Every Friday we let it out a little and laugh at the whole mess.

Today IS that day Friends and Patriots…

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, it’s only a matter of time before the Emperor signs an Imperial Order to MANDATE we ALL PURCHASE these.


Yep….Your old eating utensils ain’t good enough anymore.


Relax…they only cost $99.00 EACH!!!!!

The HAPIFORK will measure how fast you eat…How much time elapses between each and every mouthful and…How many bites you take.

Right now, it has a USB connection so YOU CAN UPLOAD IT ALL TO YOUR COMPUTER or iPHONE but…



Bluetooth… WIRELESS…Which of course means there IS a possibility that…YOUR EATING HABITS COULD BE DIRECTLY UPLOADED TO…

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Letter to Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots

Dear Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots,

We tried to tell you but YOU told US we were crazy.

You got your 1st paycheck of 2013 last Friday and many, MANY of you were astonished that it was smaller than it was the Friday before.

Guess what?

Elections have consequences.

YOU voted for what you DIDN’T get in your paychecks…TWICE.

You did and YOU know it.

For the last 4 years, the Emperor has made it very clear that he wanted to stick it to the “rich” and hike THEIR taxes.

WE, as conservatives, TRIED to tell you that HE was lying.

We tried and we tried and every time we told you he was going to hike YOUR taxes, even though YOU are part of the MIDDLE CLASS that the Emperor said MUST NOT be harmed by higher taxes…

YOU told us that WE had NO IDEA what we were talking about.

YOU called US crazy. You called US names.

YOU said WE were lying.

Well, now that you’ve seen your paychecks, what do you think?

77% of ALL Americans, regardless of their class, lower, middle or upper, have had their taxes jacked up.

YOU are among them.

WE were telling YOU the TRUTH.

Remember Obamacare?

Well, THAT’S just PART of your current tax hike.

We told you so.

Your payroll tax went up too, didn’t it?

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Gun Map Newpaper Hires Armed Security!!!


You just have to love the irony of it all.

Here’s the question of the day:

What do those who fear guns fear MORE than guns???

The answer:

Emails and phone calls.

Try not to laugh.

I mean, really try.

I dare ya.

The Journal News…That NY Newspaper that published an online interactive map of registered gun owners in a couple of counties has…

Wait for it…


Oh yes they did.

The armed security, they say, is in response to…

Wait for it…..

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Friday Fume

Friends and Patriots…It’s been a very tough week.

The events which have dominated the news have been sad and our prayers continue to be sent to those so tragically effected by last Friday’s horrible events in Newtown Connecticut.

May God be with them all.

I do believe that we all need a smile or two about now.

To that end, and in the days leading up to Christmas and a long weekend for many…We WILL press on.

Today IS Friday my friends so let’s DO THIS!!!

I’m FUMING!!!!!

Well, well, well…Let’s see which celebrity wins this weeks, “SUCKING SCUM FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SOCIALIST POND” award.

Oh look…LAST week’s winner…HAIRLESS BELAFONTE…is congratulating THIS week’s winner…


You know Marg (no “e”)…From “CSI – DUMBASS”…Well, SHE was responding to a tweet from the “author” Joyce Carol (no “e”) Oats  who had stated, “If sizable numbers of NRA members become gun-victims themselves, maybe hope for legislation of firearms.”

Marg (no “e”) then tweeted…”@JoyceCarolOates One can only hope, but sadly I don’t think anything would change.”

This is what happens when you live in a world of make-believe. You can make up any crap you want and then…believe it.

Marg (no “e”) have you ever noticed that the show on which YOU star…IS BASED ON VIOLENCE and a GREAT DEAL OF IT…IS GUN VIOLENCE???

Here are a few FACTS for Marg (no “e”) Helgenberger…

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Weekend Edition: It’s NOT Less Guns It’s MORE God

I would like to express that my thoughts and prayers, along with those of properly thinking Americans were, from the moment we heard of this tragedy and, continue to be with the children, parents, families and teachers who were affected by this terrible event.

None of us can imagine your pain or fathom your loss.

Words are of little, if any comfort.

The prayers of millions are reaching God and we ask that He hold and keep you close.

Faith is the thread which binds us as one and through faith, we offer support.

Regretfully, there are those who seek another purpose from your tragedy but their words, actions and intentions are as shallow as a contact lens.

If your solution to the evil which manifested itself in a small Connecticut town is to make it harder or impossible for law abiding citizens to own guns…You may well be a liberal but you are most clearly…An idiot.

CNN, Newsweek and The Daily Beast’s David Frum, moments after a school shooting in Newtown CT, flashed a tweet stating:

To this magnanimous horses ass, David Frum, this shooting was political and the fault of a gun or guns. In fact, it was neither and he knows it. For Frum and others of his slimy ilk, this was nothing more than the latest opportunity to attempt the advancement of an ideological agenda.

Frum was not alone.

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In a World Gone Mad…An Unlikely Hero???

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD world.

The guy who made a poor quality video about Muhammad sits in jail.

The guy who advocated the torture and painful, slow deaths of the U.S. military and their families…HE got to perform at the president’s Christmas party.

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD world.

After Morsi declares himself a dictator, the Egyptian army is now taking control of “security” for an upcoming “election” regarding the new “constitution” which is to cement Morsi’s newly declared powers.

People by the hundreds of thousands are in the streets protesting the moves and what are WE doing???

We ARE SENDING Egypt…20 more brand new F-16 fighter jets!!!

Isn’t that special???

In Syria, Assad has mixed his deadly cocktails of nerve gas and the clock is ticking. In less than 60 days, that gas will become unstable and have to be destroyed. Raise your hands if you think Assad is going to let it sit without being used.

Obama said a month or 2 ago that should Assad MOVE his chemical weapons stockpiles…THAT would cross a red line and “something” would be done about it.

Well…He moved them AND mixed them and what did Obama do???

He moved the goal posts.

NOW…Obama says that should Assad USE those weapons…”Something” will be done because that’s where the NEW red line is today.

If he USES those weapons…Won’t it be too LATE to “do something” about it?

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