Friday Fume

Keeping track of the behavior of liberals is a little like herding cats but, week in and week out, we designate Friday’s as the day to laugh at em.

This week is no different than the rest.

We finally have a number for the crush of people who enrolled for Obamacare on the very 1st day.



An Italian magazine claims that Obama’s NSA was…SPYING ON THE CONCLAVE THAT ELECTED POPE FRANCIS!!!!!

Well, that explains the sudden downturn in the over/under line on Cardinal DOLAN.


According to a report…Back in 2011…Kathleen Sebelius’ HHS Department paid out…$23 MILLION DOLLARS in MEDICAID to…DEAD PEOPLE!!!


Good grief…


It’s Friday friends and Patriots and…

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Tea Party Rising

The stakes have never been higher.

With the 2014 midterm election but a year away, 47% of Americans will be faced with one of the hardest choices they will ever make in a voting booth.

Will they side with the GOP Republicans or will they join the Tea Party Republicans?

Here is what they face.

The GOP…The ESTABLISHMENT Republicans or, as I and many fellow writers call them…RINO’s…have set the terms of their 2014 midterm races.

They want to crush the Tea Party.

Congressman Steve LaTourette of Ohio…a RINO…Puts it this way: “We’re going to be very aggressive and we’re going to get in their faces.” La Tourteet claims he and his fellow RINO’S intend to raise $8 million dollars to beat the Tea Party in his state.

Across the nation, the Establishment plans on running ATTACK ads AGAINST Tea Party Candidates.

They plan to AGGRESSIVELY attack such CONSERVATIVE organizations as the Heritage Action, Freedom Works and the Club for Growth.

In short…The GOP plans to do exactly what LIBERALS plan to do…


Therefore…I submit this question:

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Unable to Defend Their Agenda, Liberals Attack the T.E.A. Party

The die has been cast for the 2014 midterm elections as well as for the 2016 general elections and liberals know that the overriding issues for either election are not in their favor.

This is why we have seen ramped up efforts on the part of liberals to demonize the Tea Party.

Make no mistake, these are preemptive strikes.

During the 2010 midterms, liberals took the Tea Party far, far too lightly and the result was a major shellacking. Liberals lost the house and with it, the smooth waters for Obama’s socialist agenda.

Now, Obama’s party is running scared, sensing a sequel to those 2010 midterms.

Historically, midterm elections do not favor the party in power and liberals know that all too well.

To combat the coming storm, liberals are now increasing their efforts to label Conservatives as the party of evil, vile and destructive agenda motives.

Arsonists…Hostage takers…Terrorists…purveyors of domestic violence…Demanding ransoms…Extremists…Racist…

You have heard the labels and they will only become more vile as we approach the 2014 elections with the Tea Party square in the crosshairs.

The liberal core voters are uninformed, will vote democrat, as they have for decades, even in the face of their own reality, and they are gullible, believing whatever they are told by their party regardless of the truth.

The truth of the Tea Party is exactly the opposite of the liberal propaganda.

The Tea Party.


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Obamacare, Lies and Videotape

Whatever lies beneath pond scum is where socialist puppet Harry Reid dwells.

Yesterday…upon the announcement of yet ANOTHER house plan to open the government…

Reid stated, categorically, “It won’t pass the Senate.”

Neither Reid nor Obama nor anyone else in the senate, had even seen the republican proposal. It had not even been voted on in the house.

And yet…There was the Dictator’s useful idiot, Harry Reid…Rushing to a microphone to tell the world that, “It won’t pass the senate.”

Anyone who can still fog a mirror and thinks this “shutdown” and the impending bump up against the debt ceiling is the fault of Republicans, is delusional.

On the left, we have a Dictator who refuses to negotiate, a mob of morons spouting rhetoric, pointing fingers across the aisle and labeling the willing to negotiate, bill and proposal passing Republicans as everything from “arsonists, terrorists, hostage takers, ransom demanding homicide vest wearing radicals” while Reid continues to be the only one not allowing the Republican proposals to come to a vote.

Yesterday, without so much as laying socialist eyeball on the latest proposal from the house…without knowing one single thing about it…Reid said, “It won’t pass the senate.”

Without even seeing the proposal, Nancy Pelosi stated it was, “wasting the public’s time.”

Without seeing the latest Republican proposal, white house mouthpiece, Amy Brundage, called it, “A partisan attempt to appease a small group of Tea Party Republicans who forced the government shutdown in the first place.” 

And Harry Reid…WITHOUT EVEN SEEING THE REPUBLICAN PROPOSAL ,STATED THAT IT IS NOTHING BUT…”Extremist Republicans in the House of Representatives are attempting to torpedo the Senate’s bipartisan progress with a bill that can’t pass the Senate … and won’t pass the Senate.”

Remind me once again, exactly, who is responsible for 17% of the government being closed?

Oh yes…

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Obama – King of his Own Mountain

The socialists have now proven, beyond doubt, that they don’t know the difference between clover and crap.

Socialists like Reid, Pelosi, Obama, Hoyer along with socialist talking heads on MSM are crowing.

They are all blaming Republicans for the government shutdown and they are just plain giddy.

They think they’re rolling around in clover.

They’re not.

What they are actually rolling in is their own poop and they are too dense to notice the difference.

Their poop…Obamacare…Is what caused this shutdown and it’s a stink so pungent that even Obama doesn’t want Obamacare coverage.

Reid doesn’t want it. Pelosi doesn’t want it. Hoyer doesn’t want it either.

NONE of the elected socialists wants Obamacare to provide THEIR coverage and were it not for SUBSIDIES provided them and their $174,000 salaries…They wouldn’t have it at ALL.

YOU didn’t get a subsidy…Did you?

People with common sense try to avoid stepping in poop but socialists just can’t help themselves from rolling around in it.

Just how bad IS the stench of Obamacare?


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Weekend Edition: Benghazi – 4 Heroes and 15 Cowards

Of all the despicable things.

Of all the unfeeling and undeniably Un-American things…What took place, last Thursday in the House Oversight Committee was both inexplicable and unconscionable.

As the Father of Tyrone Woods and the mother of Sean Smith came before the committee, 15 of the 17 democrats on the committee…GOT UP AND WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM!!!

That’s right…as 2 of the parents of the 4 Americans murdered in the terrorist attacks in Benghazi came to the table to speak and pose their concerns…

All but 2 of the democrats on the committee…stood and walked out of the room.


It was an act so cold and so callous as to usually be reserved for thugs, street criminals and the world’s despots who routinely ignore the plight of their victims and I’m not at all sure the 15 fleeing liberals last Thursday don’t fit neatly into that subhuman conglomeration of filth.

There is no need to try and imagine it.

It happened.

15 representatives of the people, stood and walked out when 2 citizens, thrust into the spotlight by circumstances well beyond their control, approached the committee to testify.

Here is a list of those democrats and, by clicking on each name, you can find their contact information.

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Boehner Borrows a Set – Presses to Defund Obamacare

Score 1 for the Tea Party!!!

It’s a big one and one which sets the congressional stage for a BIG fight.

Boehner, a reliably RINOistic Speaker has finally been boxed in by the likes of Reps. Tom Graves (R-Ga.) and Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), and he has been FORCED by the Tea Party Members of the house to tie together the DEFUNDING of Obamacare and the TEMPORARY funding of the government.

Socialists in the house and senate will blame Conservatives for trying to shut down government and will, as they have in the past, try to make the low information voters believe such a move will bring about the end of the world.

It’s all bull, they know it but, they count on THEIR voting bloc being too dirt stupid to know the truth.

Here is how this vote, scheduled for tomorrow, will work…Theoretically.

The bill being proposed, as a temporary stop-gap funding engine for the federal government, also contains a measure that will defund Obamacare. The two are NOT able to be separated.

Therefore, as it will surely pass in the Conservative controlled house, it will fall to the socialists in the senate to either…

PASS the bill, to keep government running…Thus DEFUNDING Obamacare in the process OR…

Vote the bill DOWN…Thus keeping Obamacare on life support but SHUTTING DOWN THE GOVERNMENT!!!

Obama and his minions are already, rhetorically, asking if the REPUBLICANS are willing to shut down government and cause the earth to crash into the sun.

The TRUTH of the matter it THIS…

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Liberal Gun Policies Just Killed 12 More People

In the wake of yesterday’s horrific events in Washington DC, we have learned one thing.

We have learned that liberals haven’t learned one damn thing.

What happened on November 5th, 2009 at Ft. Hood happened again yesterday at the Navy Yard in our Nation’s  Capitol.

Before the shooter was dead and before the smell of gun powder had cleared from Building 197, liberals, those elected, those who sell socialist snake oil via the MSM and celebrities who think they are so important that they MUST open THEIR pie holes were once again, beating the GUN CONTROL war drums.

They need to shut the hell up.

I have a couple of questions to pose to those knot-heads.

WHY do they think Hasan opened fire at Ft. Hood?

WHY do they think that freak opened fire at Sandy Hook?

WHY do they think Aaron Alexis opened fire yesterday at the DC Navy Yard?

I’ll happily tell them why…

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