Beware of Liberal Wolves Dressed as Shepherds

real 1When it comes to the next two elections, November 2014 and November 2016, we…as Conservatives, MUST get our priorities in line or we will not only lose those elections…we’ll lose this country.

When I say ‘priorities’ I mean our platform.

Simply put, we win on policy and we WILL lose on social issues.

I know there are some Conservatives out there reading this who will say I’m off base and that’s okay…they’re dead wrong.  They are entitled to their opinions but if they want to take this country back…back from liberals and their warped ideology of socialism leading to communism and back from the abyss of big government control of our lives and businesses and back from the brink of global disaster…They need to understand exactly what the real problems this nation faces ARE.

Right now, our southern border is wide open. Illegal aliens are flooding in by the hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands of those illegal aliens are children. Tens of thousands of them are infested with contagious diseases and Obama has our military acting as baby sitters while our agencies, originally put in place to protect our border are being tasked with being the taxi service that disperses these illegal aliens throughout OUR country rather than sending them back to THEIR countries.

It’s illegal. It’s human trafficking being carried out by our own government and it is a gross violation of our Constitution.

This is not a social issue…

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Liberals Need to Lobby for a New Hobby

hobby 1Man oh MAN…Monday’s Supreme Court decision on the Hobby Lobby case has left liberals, already barely hanging on by the last threads of one screw, completely unhinged.

Not at all surprisingly, the decision went 5-4 but liberals and their ideology that ALL of us should pay for what a FEW want, was struck down and more to the point, it was struck down because of Obamacare and Obama himself were not allowed to force ‘freedom FROM religion’ down We the People’s throats.

Five of the nine Justices agreed that a corporation, owned by those with deeply held religious beliefs could not be forced, upon mandate of government, to abandon those beliefs once they walked outside their doors or the doors of their chosen church.

For once, the Founders and Framers were smiling.

As the Founders and Framers set up our Constitution and specifically, the Bill of Rights, the 1st Amendment guarantees every American Freedom OF Religion. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” and this has today’s liberals all tied up in knots.

For instance…

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Is the key to the IRS scandal hiding in Russia? – Part 3 of 3

 Article Co-Written by Craig Andresen and Diane Sori

As more testimony is given in the IRS scandal it’s becoming obvious that the missing e-mails could very well be the key to collapsing the entire Obama administration, but it first must be understood that the IRS e-mails were NOT being secured because the IRS did NOT want them to be secured…period.

And why…because e-mail messages are considered official documents and can be offered as evidence in court and therefore can be legally binding…especially e-mails regarding the transaction of official business…of IRS business.

And the missing e-mails in question needed to be destroyed because…we believe …they contained evidence that the IRS…a supposed nonpartisan government agency…knowingly engaged in criminal activities to cover for the actions of Barack HUSSEIN Obama as explained in part 2 of this investigative report ( We also believe that NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden could also have noticed something was amiss at the IRS especially concerning e-mail correspondence…and with his vast computer expertise he could have ‘secured’ copies of those e-mails for himself out of fear such incriminating e-mails would go missing…which indeed they did…as outlined in part 1 of this report (  

Now what everyone needs to understand is how the IRS…a mega-agency that according to government records spent more than $4 billion on contracts labeled ‘information technology and software’ over the last five years…yet according to last week’s testimony by IRS Commissioner John Koskinen himself…the IRS had NO funds with which to save and store e-mails due to budgetary constraints…due to “declining budget resources”…that he claimed prevented the agency from spending the $10 million needed to save and store e-mails…basically to upgrade their system from having to use tape for backups, from having to use hard-drives instead of servers to store information, and from only having the capacity to hold information garnered for six months.

Now ain’t that a kick as ‘We the People’ are told to store our records for a minimum of seven years yet the very agency telling us to do just that only stores their information for six months…talk about the epitome of hypocrisy.

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Friday Fume

fume 1It’s been another tough week for liberal idiots…

They’ve been proven wrong on Iraq…wrong on the criticism of Bush…wrong on their denial of Obama’s scandals and yesterday…

The Supreme Court voted NINE to NOTHING that Obama completely blew the Constitutional Separation of Powers clause. NINE TO NOTHING and now BOEHNER is SUING the Dictator for ABUSES of POWER!!!

While rational people, at the bottom of a deep hole would quit digging…LIBERALS ARE ASKING FOR MORE SHOVELS and who are we to deny their request?

Well, lookie here, it’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Back in 1960, the city of Detroit had THE highest per capita income in the NATION and then…liberals took it over.

Today…Detroit is a third world city and like third world COUNTRIES…their people have gone to the UNITED NATIONS of thugs, thieves and despots seeking powder blue helmet relief from their day to day struggles.

A gaggle of liberals from a COALITION of…wait for it…WELFARE RIGHTS GROUPS…are all upset because the water has been shut off to 4700 Detroit water customers because…THEY HAVE FAILED TO PAY THEIR WATER BILLS…and those who demand that others take care of them…VIA WELFARE…went to the U.N. to get their water turned back on.

Here’s the REAL story…about HALF of the 324,000 Detroit water customers are at least 2 months over due on their water bills and of THOSE…46,000 were sent shut off notices and of THOSE…only 10% were ACTUALLY shut off and here’s where it gets interesting…Of the 4500 that were shut off…HALF OF THEM CAME IN AND PAID IN FULL WITHIN 2 DAYS!!!

That means that a damn good number of those who simply felt they didn’t need to pay their water bill…COULD HAVE buy why spend your OWN money when you can live off of someone ELSE’S dime???


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Is the Key to the IRS Scandal Hiding in Russia? – Part 1

snow 1As the IRS targeting scandal continues to unfold or, not unfold due to what I believe to be the willful obstruction of the house Ways and Means committee investigation by the Obama regime, Eric Holder’s Department of Injustice and most importantly, by Lois Lerner herself, the complete lack of credibility surrounding lost evidence is something which only the mainstream media seems able to ignore.

Emails. 2 years worth of lost emails. It’s just too incredible to be believed that a computer hard drive crash, just ten days after first being asked about those emails wiped them out for all time. Further, it is implausible to be asked to believe that six other IRS executives had THEIR hard drives crash in concert with the Lerner hard drive.

In this day and age, when cyber fingerprints can be lifted from even the most savagely destroyed hard drive and information recovered by experts in the private sector not to mention the public sector, such as the FBI, it is beyond even the pale to be told that hard drives from the IRS and top executives at the IRS at that, could not be forensically brought back to life and the data recovered.

When American citizens, fearing that day when the IRS comes knocking are required to have a full seven years of their lives ready to turn over to that very entity of the government, the entity that can ruin their futures, it is incomprehensible that the IRS itself is only required to keep THEIR data for a brief, fleeting six months and even MORE incomprehensible that the IRS would be using easy to destroy TAPE as their back up system.

Furthermore, it absolutely flies in the face of mere coincidence that, given the timing of the supposed hard drive crashes of the very six executives of the IRS AND that of Lois Lerner’s hard drive, just days after first being asked about such a specific time period as 2009-2011 and ONLY that period of emails, from ALL SIX subjects were lost for all time, that the very company contracted to back up and SAVE their emails, SonaSoft, had THEIR contract CANCELLED by the IRS.

To be expected to believe this line of crap is seriously insane.

Those emails exist….

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The Scandals are Real – Obama’s the Phony

scan 1Remember the good ol’ days of the Obama regime?

Me either but there WERE days when things were not as they are today. Mainly because they were the earliest days of the regime and the Dictator hadn’t the time yet to extend his special brand of Muslim and socialist corruption far and wide.

Before he was even elected back in 2008, there were those of us who were wondering exactly who this guy was?

Barack Hussein Obama…there were plenty of indications back THEN that he wasn’t who he said he was…an American citizen. Old book jackets said he was born in Kenya. The Kenyan GOVERNMENT said he was born in Kenya.

There were no college records we were allowed to see…no thesis we were allowed to read…nobody knew who financed his upper class education, and where-oh-where was his BIRTH CERTIFICATE???

Well…he cleared it all up by RELEASING his birth certificate didn’t he? You know…the one that was proven to be a fake by people who understood exactly how to fake that sort of thing and then by a law enforcement investigation that also proved his social security number is fraudulent and so is his selective service registration but…those were the good ol’ days of the regime.

What followed has been nothing short of a cascade of corruption flowing down from what was purported to be the “most transparent administration in history.”

Fast and Furious…

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Bush Was Right – Saddam Had WMD

wmd 1“U.S. officials don’t believe the Sunni militants will be able to create a functional chemical weapon from the material. The weapons stockpiled at the Al Muthanna complex are old, contaminated and hard to move.”

That’s the quote from Jen Psaki at the State Department regarding what ISIS just seized late last week in Iraq. They’re not talking about weapons Obama gave them or weapons left by U.S. forces either during the war in Iraq or left there as Obama pulled our forces OUT of Iraq.

What they’re talking about is a facility…once seized and under the control OF U.S. forces before the Obama mandated and foretold to the enemy withdrawal FROM Iraq.

Muthanna was in fact, a carefully held secret so as not to tip off our enemies. Bush kept it quiet and did so at the peril of his own legacy. Bush, not being the narcissist Obama is never felt the need to crow over such things. Not when it was first discovered by our troops, not after nor even since he left office even though it would have benefited him personally.

To have spiked that football would have drawn attention TO it and painted targets on the backs of our men and women in uniform.

Muthanna is, in fact, where Saddam Hussein manufactured and stored…WMD and is now believed to be where the gas he used against the Kurds came from.

It’s the WMD that liberals have for years said never existed and therefore used against Bush. “Bush lied and people died!!! “Bush started an ILLEGAL war because there WERE no WMD in Iraq!!!”

Well, guess what?

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For Tea Party – – Politics WIN, Social Issues Lose

unite 1Under the ‘leadership from behind’ of Barack Hussein Obama, the world is going to hell in a handbag. The decline is staggering and we’re witnessing the downfall on both a global and national scale.

Given the dire state of things now and the even MORE dire consequences to come, I am amazed at what some from both sides of the political aisle believe to be our greatest threats.

Our founders and framers entrusted to us, their future generations, the greatest nation ever created and I believe they would be aghast at what it’s become…at what WE’VE become and how even we Conservatives plan to fix this damned mess.

Domestically…as a nation we are approaching $18 TRILLION dollars in the hole. $18 TRILLION dollars in debt and while our founders and framers knew we would need to borrow money from time to time, they also understood the need to pay off our national debt. That is one of the key reasons they set up our government to be a small, LIMITED government so as to leave as much money in the pockets of the people as possible and not burden them with the debts incurred by government.

Right now, as things stand, our great, great grandchildren wouldn’t be able to pay back today’s national debt if we quit our deficit spending here and now and we most clearly can’t depend on our economy to save us. Not now. Not under Obama’s ideology of entitlements being traded for votes.

In the first quarter of this year, after 5 full years of Obama steering the economic train…

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Friday Fume

fume 1As I sat down to hammer out this week’s attitude-laced week in review, I really wanted to go off on Hillary’s new book and signing tour but…in the grand scheme of things…635 pages of toilet paper pales in the light of other decidedly liberal/socialist stupidity.

It’s been a tough week to be a liberal and I’m sure they’re getting dizzy from all the spinning they’ve been doing while trying to get out of the hole they keep digging for themselves.

How about we all take a break from pulling our hair out and spend a few minutes giving liberals, socialists and their collective ilk all the credit they deserve?

My friends…It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Just a couple of days ago, there was quite the scene taking place just outside the white house.

It was shortly before 3:00 pm when reporters were starting to file in for their daily dose of regime propaganda when a fellow approached the security gate and told the Secret Service that he had a 3 o’clock appointment with, “Mr. Obama.”

He then showed them some foreign driver’s license whereupon  the palace guard promptly told him he would need a U.S. DRIVERS LICENSE or a PASSPORT.

That’s right… a U.S. DRIVERS LICENSE OR A PASSPORT TO GET INTO THE WHITE HOUSE which comes as quite a shock since the dude that LIVES at the white house…APPARENTLY DOESN’T HAVE EITHER ONE but that’s not the most shocking part of all this…

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Is the RIGHT Really WRONG???

left 1Apparently, we Conservatives have had it all wrong.

We’ve out there in deep right field blowing dandelion seeds into the breeze and just making up crap to be upset over.

Silly us.

Why…just yesterday, we got all bent out of shape over the IRS and a new revelation discovered by Issa’a house committee showing that…just before the 2010 midterm elections…the IRS sent over a few…just a few…pages of American’s personal information to the FBI.

You know…personal information that is supposedly protected by federal laws that state the IRS and ONLY the IRS is to have access to.

Okay…it was just over 1 MILLION pages but, who’s counting. Anyway…by comparison…the Obamacare bill that nobody read and yet is still causing so much trouble was only 2700 pages but again…who’s counting.

According to Issa; “The IRS apparently considered political speech by nonprofit groups to be so troublesome that it illegally assisted federal law-enforcement officials in assembling a massive database of the lawful political speech of thousands of American citizens, weeks before the 2010 midterm elections, using confidential taxpayer information.”

Imagine…citizens groups that don’t make a profit engaging in free speech. Shameful. The exact sort of thing the FBI should be looking into and the sort of people on whom the FBI should be making files.


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