We’ll Keep Our Guns…THEY Can Go to Hell

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

So…now Hillary Clinton has joined Obama in the exploitation circus of liberals calling for more gun gth 1control measures…measures meant to do nothing but strip law abiding citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights.

Here was her quote from Saturday…

“Regulations can be passed while still respecting the Second Amendment and “respecting responsible gun owners.”

“The politics on this issue have been poisoned, but we can’t give up. The stakes are too high. The costs are too dear.”

First of all…we already HAVE laws that respect LAW ABIDING gun owners in this country and ONLY the LAW ABIDING gun owners are ABIDING by them…and second…Well, I’ll get to my second point in a minute but first…let’s have another look at OBAMA’S insipid exploitation of this tragedy.

“We don’t know all the facts but…once again…someone who wanted to inflict harm…had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. Let’s be clear…at some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence doesn’t happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency and it IS in our power to do something about it.”

Okay…before my head explodes…let me now get to that second point.

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SCOTUS Decision on Obamacare Looming

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

oc 1The ruling from the Supreme Court could come at any day…Obabacare hangs in the balance and Obama himself is feeling the pressure…big time.

Yesterday, at a press conference in Germany, the dictator was asked about the upcoming decision and his response was nothing shy of, well, desperation laced with lies.

At issue are four words that appear on page 95 of the 2700 page Obamacare monstrosity and what those four fords mean but before we get to that and Obama’s lies told Monday in Germany…lets have a look back at how we got to this point to begin with.

Obama knows damn well how we got to this point and his weasling isn’t going to change any of it.

Nancy Pelosi, most likely on Obama’s orders as she is a good little minion, told us all, and congress, that in order to see what was IN the bill they would first have to PASS the bill. In other words…Obamacare wasn’t fit to be read by the very people elected to read bills BEFORE they passed them.


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6.4 Million Holier Than Thous Supported Obama

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

hol 1Earlier in the week I woke up the choir and they didn’t like it one little bit. I sent a certain segment of one particular brand of Christianity into a fit leading them to accuse me of being of a nature such that their descriptions of it were, in some cases, vile…as these self-described good and moral Christians are so apt to do when one challenges their slumber with facts.

Yesterday, I brought forth more than the quotes of our Founders and Framers to illustrate just how they deliberately kept ANY religion or specific brand of any religion from becoming the foundation of our nation and provided clear evidence and reasoning as to why they took those very deliberate steps.

That was also not well received by those who profess to follow the teachings of Jesus more closely than thou.

Today…the lesson we must learn from their actions…

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Founders, Framers, Faith and Facts

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

found 1After writing earlier in the week regarding the fact that our Founders and Framers deliberately left religion…ANY religion OUT of our founding documents to create a new nation NOT founded IN any religious pretexts…I had no intention of penning a follow-up piece. However, after being roundly and vehemently criticized by those who INSIST that our nation was founded in Christianity…

Here we go.

One of the things most often thrown in among the ever-so-Christian name calling aimed at me was this, which I was told in no uncertain terms, was PROOF that we are a nation founded in Christianity.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (God) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

First of all…”that all men are created equal” to our founders and framers meant that ALL men…of the WORLD and not just of the United States are created equal and second…”endowed by their creator,” does not denote any specific religion whatsoever and, for that matter, “Creator” was a deliberately chosen word derived NOT from Christianity but from DEISM…a widely held system of belief in the middle 18th century and one that MANY of our Founders and Framers followed.

Next up on the “proof” parade was the SECOND part of that passage from our Declaration of Independence…

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Baltimore is Getting What They Asked For

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

balt 1Baltimore is being taught an ugly lesson in reality and they had it coming.

Last weekend…Memorial Day weekend…Charm City recorded some 29 shootings with 9 of them fatal bringing the total number of homicides in Baltimore to 35…in the month of May alone. That is THE highest total monthly death toll since 1999.

So far this year, Baltimore has recorded 108 murders and scores more violent crimes.

According to Pete Welch, a Baltimore city councilman, “I’ve never seen anything like this. The shootings and killings are all over the city. I don’t think any part of the city is immune to this.”

Since the funeral of thug low-life Freddie Gray, who expired in police custody, Baltimore has recorded more than five dozen shootings and nearly half of the 108 homicides up to this date this year have taken place after the Freddie Gray funeral.

Again, according to councilman Pete Welch…

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Black Liberals Addicted to Welfare – Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

stat 1Yesterday, in The National Patriot, I offered that the root of the problem, deemed today to be a racial divide and currently being blamed on various police departments around the country is, in reality, based in liberalism.

Today…I offer to you the statistics to prove my point.

The top ten poorest cities in the U.S. have all be run by liberals for decades.

The top ten most violent cities in the nation have likewise been run by liberals for decades.

And there’s something else these cities have in common…as the levels of violent crimes grow, the white population decreases as does that of law abiding black and Hispanic nuclear families. The fewer black, Hispanic and white two parent families that live in these cities…the higher and higher the rate of violent crimes rises.

According to recent FBI statistics compiled in 2013…the most recent study available…

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Black Liberals Addicted to Welfare – Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

add 1Saturday night, at about 8:30pm, a Hattiesburg police officer made a routine traffic stop…called for another officer to assist and moments after the second officer arrived, both officers, Benjamin Deen, 34, and Liquori Tate, 25…one black, the other white…had been shot and killed.

Three people were arrested early Sunday morning in connection with the murders…brothers Marvin and Curtis Banks and a woman…Joanie Calloway. Marvin Banks and Joanie Calloway have been charged with two counts each of capital murder while Curtis Banks has been charged with two counts of being an accessory, after the fact, to capital murder.

Another man, Cornelius Clark was arrested later on Sunday and he has been charged with obstruction of justice according to the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation.

All four suspects are black and the Banks brothers are your standard issue street thugs…Marvin Banks having been convicted of being in possession of stolen property in 2010, sentenced to one year and one day with four years of probation which was revoked sending him back to prison on a three year stint. Marvin Banks was released in June, 2012, placed in a supervised release program that ended just one year ago in May 2014.

While ON that supervised release, both Marvin and his brother Curtis were charged with selling crack cocaine in 2013.

Both the Banks brothers have been arrested over the years on a variety of charges including multiple weapons charges, drug charges and both have a string of felony convictions.

Every time some street thug…

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Geller – Standing Tall in Garland

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

draw 1Last Sunday, Garland Texas became the new Paris France and thus, ground zero for the war against freedom of expression.

Two gunmen showed up at the Draw Muhammad event, an event held in the exact same building where, in January, an event promoting political correctness and restrictions on free speech was held.

One police officer was wounded at Sunday’s event and the mainstream media, liberal lapdogs that they are, immediately blamed event organizer Pamela Geller for the violence. Nothing could be further from the truth but liberals never assess blame on the perpetrators do they? It’s always someone else’s fault and therein we find the real issue.

Just a few weeks ago, over at MSNBC, Chris Matthews went off the handle stating that NOBODY should EVER refer to ANYONE as a Nazi but, before the gun smoke cleared in Garland, Matthews called Pamela Geller and her organization, The American Freedom Defense Initiative, a bunch of Nazis and added that Geller had “set a mousetrap for Muslims,” and that she had “provoked” the attack.

What Matthews FAILED to mention was that January’s “Stand with the Prophet Muhammad” pro Islam event at the exact same Culwell Center venue was what provoked Geller’s event. In other words, those standing for American values are disallowed from provoking Islamists but when Islamists provoke Americans…

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Derailing Distractions With Facts

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

Conspiracy theories to the left of us…wedding cakes and pizza parlors to the right of us…and a regime caught in the middle facing in all likelihood the probability that not only cta 1will Congress stay ‘red’ in 2016 but that the White House will turn ‘red’ too. And having no real platform to run on what with our economy in the tubes and our enemies laughing at us, the only tactic they have left to salvage anything of substance is to divert and deflect our attention away from the prize.

And boy have the diversions worked up until now. Let’s see, first we had ebola the supposed death of us all; then Ferguson and Baltimore where the ‘element’ behaved oh so badly; and now we have Jade Helm a supposed military op to take over America and lock us all up in a Walmart somewhere. And all this because 2016 looms large and all this because of two upcoming Supreme Court decisions that could put the final nail in Obama’s nefarious agenda and legacy.

So with Ebola and Ferguson over and done, and with Baltimore still simmering, let’s look at Jade Helm…

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Baltimore and Their Crap-Happy Looters

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

str 1Well, it’s about damn time.

With irrefutable evidence staring them in the face…maybe black America is starting to wake the hell up.

After all, statistics show that in 2013, there were 2491 black people murdered in the United States and that 2.245 OF those murders were at the hands of other BLACK people and while that stat simply shows murders…here’s something a little more poignant…in 2014…cops killed 414 white people but only 233 BLACK people and yet BLACK people, who comprise just 13% of the U.S. population, are responsible for 42% of all cop killings.

Yesterday, the streets of cities across our nation FILLED with protest marches…BLACK people…PROTESTING black on black violence.

In Atlanta…New York…Detroit…Dallas…Los Angeles…from sea to shining sea…BLACK people took a stand…a long awaited stand…a much NEEDED stand against black perpetrated violence.

Jesse was on the streets of Chicago leading the protests…Al was in Atlanta leading the way and Barack, from a golf course somewhere added HIS voice to the rising chorus of black leaders decrying black violence.


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