Low-Info Voters vs High 2016 Expectations…Part 2 of 2

By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots on http://www.americanpbn.com/

Low-information voters…the bane of us all as my Right Side Patriots partner and friend Craig Andresen pointed out in Part One of our two-part series ‘Low-Info Voters vs High 2016 Expectations.’  A brief recap for those who still do not see themselves for what they are…as in the aforementioned low-information voters…folks whose vote is cast either out of misdirected anger that their candidate of choice did not get the nomination; folks who cast their vote based upon media-generated misinformation about the candidate who did; folks who vote solely based upon where a candidate stands on the social issues, which by the way belong on the state not federal level; folks who think that Jesus is on the ballot never mind that He has never nor will ever be; or those folks who don’t vote at all simply because they are just too lazy to get to the polls. And this last group of low-information voters will be the most vocal group of complainers when, just like in 2012, things go horribly wrong.

But possibly the worst of all low-information voters are those who vote third party…misguided sorts who use the excuse that they’re voting their ‘conscious’…never mind that it’s a ‘conscious’ wasted on a fringe candidate who has absolutely no chance of winning anything, but then again they know that. And they also know the reality that most third party candidates are nothing more than avowed anarchists claiming to be ‘warriors for God’ or simple ‘facebook’ candidates who think if they can only get a million ‘likes’ on facebook it will propel them to the White House…in other words low-information candidates custom made for low-information voters.


Low-Info Voters vs High 2016 Expectations Part 1

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

li 1As we draw closer and closer to the first primary elections of 2016, now just a month away, there are some things which must be said. Things that will rile some, anger some and distress some who purport to be on our side of this election matter.

I really don’t care if I offend them as being politically correct has never been in my wheelhouse. I don’t pander…not even to those who are either on our side or to those who pretend to be on our side.

I’m talking about low information voters.

There are far, far too many who claim Conservatism as their political ideology who are being duped, led like sheep to a slaughter and it’s high time somebody said something.

They are being led by trolls…by plants whose goal it is to disrupt and destroy any chance of a Republican victory in 2016 and their intention is clear to see…they are trying to split the vote and in desperation, since their real agenda I suspect, lies with the liberals, they are expediting their wave of nonsense before the first primary votes have been cast.

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Weather Weasels of the Apocalypse REJOICE!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

Now that Obama has ISIS contained…Paris, San Bernardino, most of the Middle East, a good portion of North Africa and areas of Europe along with various other places within the geographical boundaries of earth notwithstanding…the collective heads of state have turned their collective heads to more pressing matters.


That’s correct…a CLIMATE CHANGE deal has been reached and thus, for the first time since the creation of the 3rd rock from the sun, our climate will not change!!!

There was a standing ovation as the 195 countries involved in utter nonsense announced that a deal had been reached by which the world’s temperature would not rise by more than 2 degrees Celsius and fossil fuels would become obsolete.

See below for details…

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Obama’s Deal With the Devil…Part 3 of 3

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori  Right Side Patriots on American Patriots Broadcasting Network

odev 1In Part 1of our Investigative Report: ‘Obama’s Deal With the Devil’, we presented why we believe Obama gave the speech he did and why the San Bernardino police are acting after the fact in a way they should have acted before the fact. In Part 2 of ‘Obama’s Deal With the Devil’, we disclosed who Obama really is and why things are unfolding as they are including outing those who are not what they seem to be. And now Part 3…

On Monday, Barack HUSSEIN Obama spoke at the Pentagon to tout what he wants us to believe are successes in the fight against ISIS in Syria. “As we squeeze its heart, we’ll make it harder for ISIL to pump out its terror and propaganda”…and note his once again shout-out to the Levant.

And while Obama tried to sound reassuring, it was more apparent that he is desperate. He is desperate to regain that which he has lost…his hold over the forces of islam…a hold which existed only in his arrogance as he was never the one calling the shots, but was the one who all along has been bowing to the demands of 7th century barbarians.

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Obama’s Deal With the Devil…Part 2 of 3

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori  Right Side Patriots on American Patriots Broadcasting Network

In Part 1of our Investigative Report: ‘Obama’s Deal With the Devil’ ob 1(http://thepatriotfactor.blogspot.com/201…), we presented why we believe Obama gave the speech he did and why the San Bernardino police are acting after the fact in a way they should have acted before the fact. But what is…is…and we are left not with questions per se but with facts that we can no longer afford to overlook…and those facts center around Barack HUSSEIN Obama himself and where his true loyalties lie.

To put the pieces of the puzzle together we need just look at Obama’s actions, policies, and words since he became president. Let’s start with his Cairo, Egypt, speech soon after he assumed the office of the presidency. In that speech Obama aligned himself with the muslims by saying his job as president of the United States was to “fight against negative stereotypes of islam wherever they appear.” However, that is not the job of an American president…his job is to ‘protect the health, safety, and welfare’ of the American people above all else, as it is his job to show America in a positive light where and whenever possible. An American president does not defame or dishonor his country, its military, or its people…which Obama routinely does…nor does an American president bow to any foreign leader… especially to a leader whose allegiances are still somewhat in question. And in this case we mean Obama’s bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia in whose country islam’s (supposed) holy city of Mecca lies.

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More Anti-Gun Laws? To Combat TERRORISM???

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

ft 1Illinois Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky was doing a radio interview a few days ago and she tried to make a case that was devoid of logic and any aspect of intelligence.

Before I continue, allow me to point out that Schakowsky is a congresswoman, from ILLINOIS and that IS important to this article.

Schakowsky’s inane point was this…because of the recent terrorist, the recent ISLAMIC terrorist attacks in Paris…we should adopt stricter GUN CONTROL laws in OUR country.

Here’s what she had to say on the matter…

“Obviously it is frightening for every western country, but I do want to remind you that before we killed a jihadist named Awlaki, he did a video that said to Americans, ‘Join the jihad and get guns,’ because it’s so easy in the United States of America to get a weapon. And that ought to be a chilling reminder because, aside from blowing themselves up, which is of course is not about small weapons. These people used the kinds of weapons that are still available in the United States of America. I think it ought cause us to have another consideration of sensible gun safety laws.”

You have got to be kidding me…

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O Christmas Cups, O Christmas Cups…

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

cup 1The whole world, it seems, is going to hell in a handbag.

Look around…Syria, Russia, Ukraine…Iran is getting nukes for the love of God. Iraq is a disaster, Afghanistan is too and nearly every Butt-Crackistan in the region is either fighting some absurd 7th century civil war or all their jihadis are invading Europe.

China is building islands…THEY’RE BUILDING ISLANDS…in the South China Sea and threatening us and Japan over them and that little sawed-off twerp over in North Diarrhea keeps promising to attack South Korea and US with HIS nukes.

The Palestinians, who are really Jordanians, are attacking Israelis because Israelis keep building homes…IN ISRAEL.

And now…Paris and Mali with ISIS making global threats…

Here at home…the economy still stinks…job participation is at an all-time low…welfare participation is at an all-time HIGH…Obamacare is predictably failing at warp speed, violent crime is UP…WAY UP in our most LIBERAL cities and taxes are going up higher than pants at a “Black Lives Matter” protest are getting lower.

If there’s really a correlation there…perhaps we should lower taxes to get those idiots on the street to pull up their damn pants and while I’m on that topic…note to all common street thugs…wearing the waste of your pants below your ass is not a fashion statement…it’s an I.Q statement that screams you’re so damn stupid you don’t know how to get dressed when you get out of bed at the crack of noon.

The whole world is going to hell and what did the Evangelical holier-than-thou Christians have their saintly skivvies all wadded up over last week?

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Obama’s Syrians – Refugees or Refujihadis?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

There can now be absolutely no doubt…Barack Hussein Obama is deliberately putting our rj 1national security and our lives in the crosshairs. He is decidedly, willfully and abjectly risking the lives and well-being of every single citizen of these United States.

Just a day ago, Barack Hussein Obama, in the wake of the terrorist attacks, the well-orchestrated terrorist attacks in Paris, threatened to veto any legislation passed by congress aimed at providing improved and stricter screening for any Syrian refugees trying to gain entry into our nation.

The threat from Obama is in regard to a bill that would impose FBI background checks and sign-offs by high level officials upon Syrian refugees before they would be able to set foot on American soil. Obama’s statement made his intentions quite clear.

Obama said that the proposed legislation would create… “significant delays and obstacles” for the existing vetting program.

Here’s the rub…

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Political Correctness and the Criminal Element

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

ll 1“The Department of Justice is committed to giving justice-involved youth the tools they need to become productive members of society.”
– The Obama regime’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch

Once again, the Obama regime and liberals at large are trying to spare the oh-so-delicate feelings of an element of our society that simply doesn’t give a crap about anything, anyone else and for that matter, themselves.

What Lynch is talking about, what she is calling “justice-involved youth” are punks, thieves, delinquents, thugs, drug users and whatever else today’s youths do to break the law. It seems, to her, the Obama regime and assorted liberals and socialists, all those little criminals need is a new label, a round or 2 of Kumbaya and an atta boy or girl to make them productive members of society.

They aren’t society’s losers…not according to the liberal/socialist agenda anyway…what they are is participants and being called “justice-involved youths” is their trophy…their reward for just showing up.

We can’t damage their complete lack of self-esteem by calling them exactly what they are now can we? No…we must somehow find a way to make them feel more proud of their criminal activity by calling them what they are most certainly not.


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Obamacare, According to Plan, is Failing

‘By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

Obamacare.coop 1

You remember Obamacare don’t you? The “you have to pass the bill to find out what’s in the bill,” bill? You remember…the bill that would allow us all to keep the insurance plans we had and liked…keep the doctors we had and liked?

Obamacare…the “fix” to our insurance nightmare that would provide “affordable” coverage for the estimated 30 million Americans who didn’t HAVE healthcare insurance?

Yeah, THAT Obamacare. It was in all the papers a year or more ago. Remember that ONLY the democrats voted for it. Not even ONE Republican in the House OR the Senate voted for the damned thing but that was before the initial shellacking that put Republicans in charge of the House.

Well…hang onto your seats because that awful, festering, stinking pile of crap is coming back into the news but Obama isn’t going to like it much.

First of all…Obama WAS supposed to, at least according to liberals, insure ALL Americans and they told us and TOLD us that back then, there were some 30 MILLION Americans who didn’t HAVE any health insurance. Remember? Well, that number has now been trimmed all the way down to…30 million Americans. Yes, you read that correctly…there are STILL 30 MILLION Americans without healthcare coverage and the thanks for that goes to…Obamacare.

But that’s not the big news regarding this mess…

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