The Border Wall and Birdbrained Liberals

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Fact number one…most of the folks who inhabit the mainstream media are liberals. Fact number two…most of the people who appear on cable alphabet new channels are liberals.

Fact number three…most liberals are…morons.

Which leads us to the inevitable conclusion that most of the people appearing on MSNBC are, in fact, liberal morons.

This would be a theory were it not for inescapable proof and there can be no better proof than the case made between an MSNBC anchor and his absurd guest a few nights ago, as the two tried, insanely, to promote a reason not to build a border wall between our country, and the one just to the south of us…Mexico.

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It’s Time to Go Nuclear For Gorsuch

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to Chuckles Schumer, the standard for confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice is 60 votes in the Senate.

According to Ronald Reagan…

“The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

Before Trump even nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to a seat on the Supreme Court, Chuckles showed the liberal’s hand in an interview conducted by snowflake Rachel Maddow…“It’s hard for me to imagine a nominee that Donald Trump would choose that would get Republican support that we could support.” At which point the mad cow asked Chuckles if that meant that liberals would do their best to keep the Scalia seat open…and Chuckles responded…

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ObamaCare Repeal…the Big Picture Explained

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots

Remember, “you have to pass the bill, to find out what’s in the bill.” That was the liberal standard before any Republicans could be given a glimpse of ObamaCare, and exactly why not a single Republican in either the House or in the Senate voted in favor of it.

It was also the very reason why some liberals…because they had already seen what was in Obamacare…had to be ‘bribed’ by the Obama regime to vote in favor of it…a bit of history that has been all but forgotten in the ObamaCare saga.

Once all 2,777 pages of the bill were passed without a single Republican vote in 2010, ObamaCare became the law and was then bolstered down the road by Chief Justice John Roberts, who was willing to alter the language of the ACA bill to make it the law of the land. But the real question was what were the objectives to ObamaCare? Was it to cover each and every American and provide affordable health care, or was it something else entirely?

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Neil Gorsuch…From Judge to Justice

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Did ya hear some of the crap that was being spewed at the Neil Gorsuch confirmation hearings the other day, from the mouths of liberal manure spreaders?

Take Al Franken for instance…he literally told Judge Gorsuch…who, by the way, will soon be JUSTICE Gorsuch…“Your Constitution isn’t MY Constitution!”

Franken, I suspect, was 100% correct…as Judge…I mean JUSTICE Gorsuch’s Constitution is the one written and ratified by our nation’s Founders and Framers…while Franken’s is in manifesto form penned for the ilk of communist parties everywhere.

That said…

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About That Letter of Apology…

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

A few days ago, Valley High School faced off against Des Moines North in an Iowa High School State Basketball Tournament game.

Valley won that hard-fought game, at least, they won it on the scoreboard…but elsewhere, they lost it big-time.

You see…it is something of a tradition at Valley High School, that when they play in the state tourney, their fans forego the school’s colors of black and orange, and instead wear red, white and blue as inspiration, cheering on their team to something greater than just a high school behind where the weathermen stands.

It is Iowa, after all, in the heartland of the nation where patriotism grows like crops in the fields and pride in one’s country is as natural, and normal, as going to the movies on a Friday night.

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Liberals…Glass Houses and Dancing Doofi

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

You know what they say…

Those who live in glass houses…will have many dead birds at their foundations.

While liberals make slobbering fools of themselves regarding Jeff Sessions and his meeting with a Russian Ambassador, insisting that he either recuse himself from any investigation related to the Trump administration and the Russians…which he has done…or resign over HIS meeting with Ambassador Kislyak…they forgot to close their own drapes.

Did Sessions meet with Kislyak? Yep, he sure did.

Did he discuss the 2016 election with Kislyak? He says he didn’t, and there is no evidence to counter that claim.

Was his meeting with Kislyak illegal, in any way, shape or form?

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Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Allow me, for a moment, to channel my inner snowflake…


This is bigger that Watergate,

This is potentially more devastating than Pearl Harbor…more of a disaster than 9/11.

It’s bigger than the Hindenburg, Titanic, the San Francisco earthquake and Mrs. O’Leary’s cow in Chicago all rolled into one.

And that cow was pretty good sized.

Hide the women and children, buckle up and put on your helmets…this is HUGE!!!

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Mainstream Media…Harmful if Swallowed

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“This not a laughing matter. I’m sorry, delegitimizing the press is un-American.”press 1

That was the tweet let loose last week by Chuck Todd, the Host of NBC’s “Meet the Press” after President Trump played BEAT the Press in a news conference with reporters at the White House in which the President spent a good deal of time absolutely blasting the mainstream media.

Todd is almost half right…it’s no laughing matter…but even that is somewhat dubious, as I will point out in just a bit.

The other half of his obtuse tweet is so 100%, dead wrong, on so many levels, that it’s difficult to know exactly where to begin.

First of all, what Chuck Todd and his gaggle of echoing mainstream media ninnies have been harping about since what should be considered one of the greatest presidential press conferences in history, is just how wrong it was of the President of the United States to step forward and say what he said…about them.

In other words…

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Sessions, DeVos and Liberals Are Nuts…All Confirmed

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

dev 1It’s been quite a week for liberal moonbattery and they’re writing IOU’s for marbles, as they have long since lost their last one.

Nancy Pelosi, whose head is a sanctuary void for senseless remarks, sputtered that she just can’t find any way to work with…President Bush.

Obviously, the Botox has seeped in a bit too deep. Bush hasn’t been the President since January of 2009…and that’s assuming she was talking about Bush 43 and not Bush 41.

Then there was Maxine Waters, who insisted that President Trump’s actions are what led Putin to invade…KOREA.

In the first place…

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A Memo to Moonbats

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Dear Liberals…lib 1

Either you’re lying, or you’re as dumb as a box of bricks.

I suspect it’s a combination of the two.

The entire world is watching your complete and utter meltdown and third world regimes that are holding on by a thread are laughing at you. You want to become the Emperor and yet you continue to run amok stark naked believing that everyone is admiring your make-believe cloak of tolerance.

You’re not fooling anyone.

To you, the entire world exists in 140 characters or less, and in your world, your actions only have a shelf-life of a nanosecond, or as long as it takes for your Twitter feed to scroll down because ten other people either tweeted a photo of themselves in a bathroom mirror, or they tried to abbreviate a series of monosyllabic words into a bag of barfed up alphabet soup with a hashtag they hope beyond hope will catch on.

Oh…I’m just getting started…

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