The Cure for Liberal Conundrum Syndrome

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Personally, I am so glad that I’m a Conservative. There are so many, many reasons for my state of giddiness over it I hardly know where to begin, but I suppose one of the main reasons for my glee, is that I don’t suffer from a particular mental illness that afflicts a growing number of liberals.

To be certain, it’s reaching epidemic status, and I’m reasonably sure that the Centers for Disease control are trying to work up a vaccine to ward it off…but…judging by their success rate in combating the flu…

I’m not holding my breath.


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Facebook: The Truth Exposed…Part 2 of 2

Investigative Report

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Authors Note: The information we are about to disclose is based on our research and reflects our opinions and beliefs alone.

In Part 1 of Facebook: The Truth Exposed, we told you about who Facebook’s partners are and which companies and countries they are connected to, and which companies Facebook bought up or into and why.

So, given everything we have told you thus far, you’re probably wondering how this all applies in the real world, to real world, here and now events, and why this is all so dangerous. For the answer to that, to provide you with the end result of the big picture, allow us to bring in to this investigative report, what we refer to as the Hillary/Russia trifecta.

Over the past couple of years, we have both written, sometimes together, and at other times separately, about Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One sale of American uranium to Russia. We have also written, both together and separately with regard to Hillary Clinton’s deep involvement in the Steele dossier which was pieced together in large part from bogus information culled from Russian agents.

It’s the third leg of the Hillary/Russia/Facebook trifecta that is perhaps the most disturbing however, and it relates directly to Facebook, and the key players we mentioned earlier.

To begin with, the name Brett Sinclair Armitage should ring a bell.

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Facebook: The Truth Exposed…Part 1

Investigative Report

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Authors Note: The information we are about to disclose is based on our research and reflects our opinions and beliefs alone.

What we about to tell you might surprise some while affirming what others have suspected for quite some time but either way it needs to be told. And why…because ‘Big Brother’ is indeed watching us, but in a far more devious and sinister way than those two words usually imply for the simple fact is that he who controls the media, social networks, and the internet controls not just the flow of information but controls exactly what information is disseminated.

‘Fake news’ has become a buzz word for conservatives since the early days of the Trump campaign, but ‘fake news’ doesn’t really even begin to explain the depth and breadth of the situation we now face. It is becoming harder and harder to believe anything you see or hear from Twitter, newspapers, magazines, the mainstream media or on the internet, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for conservatives to express or share their ideas, thoughts, support, or concerns on Facebook.

There is a reason for all of this, and by the time you’re finished reading this investigative report, you will have a much better understanding of the dire situation we are all facing. You won’t feel any better about it, but you will see the big picture.

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The Law of the Land in La La Land

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

This is the time of the year when states…all of them…introduce new legislative proposals, hoping, often times beyond hope, that such proposals will, indeed, become the laws of their respective states.

Some of the new proposals make sense, but, a vast majority are just plain stupid.

When it comes to stupid…

You can’t fix it, but you can sure find it in California.

Yes…that bastion of left coast liberalism, California, is perhaps the nation’s leader in butt-stupid laws every year, and this year is certainly no exception. Before we get into what may well be this year’s bone-crushingly stupid law proposals from the land of fruits, nuts and flakes…perhaps we should first have a look at what they’re trying to top.

Back in 2017…

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Too Many Liberals…Not Enough Straightjackets

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Liberals are desperate. That’s nothing new, but their desperation is growing by the day, if not by the hour, and they’re getting their socialist collective panties all wadded up.

In fact, they’ve become so desperate that they are now willing to blame President Trump for…any and everything that they, themselves do, regardless of how transparent the lie.

Take what happened in Hawaii last weekend as an example.

Last weekend, some numb-nuts issued an incoming ballistic nuclear missile alert that resulted in panic for the citizens of the Socialist Republic of Hawaii. Then, about 38 minutes later…

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Lessons Learned from Liberals in 2017

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

History is a funny thing isn’t it?

It has often been said that those who fail to learn the lessons of history, are doomed to repeat it, and that much is certainly true.

President Ronald Reagan once said, “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

That too is very true.

So…now that 2017 is history, and because liberals are liberals, perhaps it’s time to have a look at just what lessons we learned from those who “know so much that isn’t so.”

To begin our history lesson…

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Flunky Monkey See, Flunky Monkey Do

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

In the wide, wide world of places to go, and things to see…from time to time we all like to watch entities that appear to look quite a bit like ourselves, but think nothing of performing acts of self-gratification, ala Pee Wee Herman, and throw their own poo at the crowd of spectators.

Of course, I’m either talking about going to the zoo and standing in front of the monkey enclosure…or…watching liberals being liberals.

For the sake of this article, I’ve packed a travel bag, a couple of sandwiches and a soda and I’m off to Looneyville in an attempt to explain the behavior of liberal monkeys.

Oh, don’t think that I’m relocating…

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Sanctuary Cities…Harboring Injustice

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots

“A disgraceful verdict in the Kate Steinle case! No wonder the people of our Country are so angry with Illegal Immigration.” – President Donald Trump

He was knowingly here illegally, in fact he had already been deported five times before and yet he always did manage to return. And it was during his sixth and last return that this illegal alien murdered an innocent 32-year old woman in the prime of her life…and so Kate Steinle became the rallying cry for all that is so very wrong with our immigration system.

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Common Core Values

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Hunter Day, Katherine Ross Ridenhour, Madeline Marx, Jaclyn Truman, Shawnetta D. Reece, Shelley Dufresne and Rachel Respess, Sarah Fowlkes, Hope Jacoby, Lindsay Massaro, Haeli Way, Carrie McCandless, and Amy Northcut. These are names that you may well not recognize right off the bat, but trust me, the list of such names just goes on, and on, and on.

Mervyn Affoon, Robert Pimentel, Tad Cummins, Matthew Book, Alan Wade Coleman, Jason Gorski, Farley Ashford Simon, F. Leon Wilson, Lawrence Lilly II, Samuel Barrett, Zachary Drew, Jeremy Eusea, Mike Airo, Santiago Chavez, Donald Sharp, Nathan Lee Martin, Benjamin Zollo, and James Smith are but a few more names on an ongoing list that you may well also not be familiar with.

So…who are these men and women?

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