Friday Fume

Gee WHIZ what a week.

We have an 11 year old girl being told by socialists that she CAN’T…SELL…MISTLETOE to help pay for her braces but…IT’S PERFECTLY OKAY TO…SIT THERE AND BEG FOR THE MONEY…

The Department of Energy just blew ANOTHER…$139 MILLION BUCKS on a “LOAN” to FISKER ELECTRIC CARS!!!



Some people are getting’ all bent outta shape because NORAD has SANTA escorted by FIGHTER JETS!!!



My Patriot Friends…Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Let’s start with this…

Yesterday, we heard of a 33 year old teacher from Texas who was GUNNED DOWN and KILLED in…


This comes on the heels of the 80 something year old VETERAN who was jailed in NORTH KOREA a couple of weeks ago.

Remember those 2 “hikers” who were held in IRAN a couple of years ago???


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Obamacare’s Liberal Logic – Explained???

Let’s have a little look at liberal logic as it applies to Obamacare.

Now…Don’t start with me.

I can hear you saying there is no such THING as “liberal logic” but, all I ask is that you take a few minutes to read this as, I am reasonably sure, this WILL make the entire Obamacare experience make more sense to you all.


Let’s begin with this little give and take from yesterday’s Sebelius testimony.

Congresswoman Renee Ellmers went down this path…

Ellmers: “You also brought up the issue that when you were in Kansas that you fought against discriminatory issues… As far as essential health benefits, correct me if I’m wrong: do men not have to buy maternity care?”

Yep…THAT path…

Sebelius: “Policies will cover maternity coverage. For the young and healthy, uh, under thirty year-olds will have a choice also of a catastrophic plan that has no maternity coverage.”

Having failed to answer the question, congresswoman Ellmers tried again…

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Weekend Edition: The Root Cause of Gun Violence

Liberals, liberal politicians, liberal media and liberal talking heads would like you to believe that a “gun culture” in our country is responsible for gun violence and that, if guns were outlawed, that source of violence would simply disappear.

This is, perhaps, one of the most idiotic beliefs in a boat load of idiotic beliefs held by liberals.

“If guns weren’t sold, gun violence would not be a problem” is what they want you to believe. The GOVERNMENT…Banning guns is their solution to the problem.

At the same time, liberals will go to great lengths to tell you that our prisons are overcrowded because we keep putting drug users, who pose no “real” threat to society, behind bars and we must let them out.

The last time I checked, one cannot buy meth or cocaine, or any number of illegal or, “banned” narcotics in stores .

The drugs being used that send their users to prison have been banned and yet, the users still get them just as those bent on using guns for violence would get then should THEY be banned but liberal logic can’t be bothered with facts or common sense.

Liberals will tell you that should abortions be banned, people will simply get them from unreliable sources in back alleys.

Where, exactly, do they think people will get guns should guns be banned?

Chicago has the strictest gun bans in the nation and their gun murder rate is the HIGHEST in the nation but, liberals will tell you that one city doesn’t mean squat in the grand scheme of things.

I give you…

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Socialism – The Mental Disorder Explained

Socialism is a disease. It’s a mental affliction and it causes those infected with it to lose their minds.

It’s also contagious.

As the disease afflicts liberals, its progressive nature turns them into socialists.

It starts in childhood unless inoculated against and is fostered through the government school system where it becomes an epidemic.

Many, already infected in THEIR youth become carriers, spreading the disorder to others.

Symptoms are visible and include the eating of bean sprouts, the wearing of Birkenstocks even during winter, extremely short hair cuts on women and long hair on men, a constant and improvable belief in global warming,

Perhaps the MOST notable signature symptom of SMD (Socialist Mental Disorder) is the uncontrollable proclivity to blame others for your own ideology’s behavior.

A case study can be made with Ed Schultz.

Just a couple of nights ago, Schultz, host of a barely seen MSNBC propaganda show, made a rather odd statement.

He blames Detroit’s financial demise on…

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Friday Fume

In the loony bin of socialist wombattery, there are just FAR too many issues from which to choose and SO little space to dedicate TO them.

Every week, I try to narrow it down and every week I have to leave the vast majority of the list out of the piece.

Forgive me.

This week is no exception to the rule.

Sit down, strap in and try to find a laugh or 2 to get you through the weekend.

It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

Do we have an illegal alien problem in these United States?


Not if you ask THIS administration but…

Ask somebody ELSE like…Oh…I don’t know…


Daniel Jupa-Fino, 21, of SONORA…MEXICO…Was arrested last week in Pinal County Arizona.

The ILLEGAL had just been involved in a traffic accident and low and behold…HE HAD MORE THAN 200 POUNDS OF POT IN HIS CAR!!!

This wasn’t Jupa-Fino’s 1st interaction with the law in our country either…

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I’m Waiting…By My Phone…

There’s something I feel I need to get off my chest.

I’m tired of living in the shadows and tired of being shunned by politically correct Members of society.

What I’m about to tell you may come as a shock to some but, nonetheless, it needs to be said. Needs to be told and, I believe, the time is ripe.

Please, sit down.

I’m straight.


That’s right.


I think I’ve known it since I was in kindergarten or the first grade.

That’s when I used to walk Marty Epp home from school. We’d hold hands as we walked across the back playground and crossed the street to her house.

Sometimes, I’d kiss her.

Marty was my first girlfriend.


I have felt, for some time, that I needed to make this statement in order to live a full and open life. I was tired of hiding it and, in today’s society, well…I just wanted to get it out there.

But wait, there’s more…

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Molesters and Murderers Welcome in Colorado!!


You know who you are.

Those with evil in their hearts, a lack of respect for life, those devoid of conscience and so easily offended by a sideways glance that you believe the glancer’s life should be ended.


The welcome mat is about to be rolled out for YOU!!!!

It seems that the mind-numbed socialists of the Rocky Mountain High as a Kite state are delusional enough to believe a new law or two will stop you.

Yesterday, some nut, “claiming” to be a Republican stated that HE wants these new Colorado gun bans passed and he wants them passed NOW!!!

According to the foothills fool, if the new gun bans are NOT passed…

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Facebook’s Anti Social Assault on Conservatives

Facebook, as social media goes, has become decidedly ANTI social.

Not for all who use it but for those of us with a clear conservative leaning, Facebook has become the place where we’re NOT allowed to friend who we want, NOT allowed to share WHERE we want and NOT allowed to POST what we want.

It’s been getting way, WAY out of hand since socialists started openly talking about banning the 2nd Amendment after Sandy Hook, the “deal” on taxes and now, calls for unlimited presidential terms.

For instance, Facebook will “tell” you “Here is someone you might like to friend.”

So, you send that person a friend request and then, Facebook tells you…”You don’t have permission” to send that person a friend request” and because you DID, Facebook blocks you from sending any MORE friend requests for 30 days.


As a conservative, I belong to about 125 conservative groups on Facebook.

Facebook ALLOWED me to belong to these groups and the vast majority OF them ASKED me to join because they WANTED to see my articles daily.

For more than a year and a half, I have posted my article in each of them, every day…no problem.

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Obama: Dossier of a Shadow


A sociopath is typically defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others.  A sociopath is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused – it is done to get one’s way).  Sociopaths have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others.  Sociopaths are often charming and charismatic, but they use their talented social skills in manipulative and self-centered ways.

Compulsive Liars.

A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit.  Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions.  Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small.  For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right.  Compulsive lying is usually thought to develop in early childhood, due to being placed in an environment where lying was necessary.  For the most part, compulsive liars are not overly manipulative and cunning (unlike sociopaths), rather they simply lie out of habit – an automatic response which is hard to break and one that takes its toll on a relationship.

Pathological Liars.

A pathological liar is someone who consistently lies (about anything- from the most mundane subject to detailed stories). They are very insecure people who lie to present themselves better than they really are.

A pathological liar often believes the lies he is telling, he manages to convince himself they are true, in comparison to a compulsive liar who will lie for any reason, and knows they are lies but apparently can’t stop himself from doing so.
When the lie is more difficult, a pathological liar may not know he lies, he may believe himself to be as honest and trustworthy as anyone else. But a liar in general lies to make himself sound better and to avoid confrontation, and disappointing people.

A pathological liar might exhibit the following behaviors:

  • Lie to control and get their own way
  • Often change stories
  • Exaggerate, lying about almost everything.
  • Not value truth
  • Live in their own reality most of the time
  • Behave defensively when questioned or challenged
  • Lie for sympathy
  • Don’t admit they lie
  • Contradict what they say because they don’t remember their lies, although there are exceptions

These are 3 distinct categories of liars. 3 separate categories of disorders…

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Time To Leave the United Nations of Despots

It’s beyond the pale.


It’s downright OBSCENE and exactly what we should expect from the world’s most corrupt organization.

Omar Al-Bashir, the Sudanese warlord and a man with a warrant out for his arrest by the International Criminal Court is about to be named to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

That warrant, by the way, is directly related to…GENOCIDE…Carried out by HIS regime in Darfur!!!


The United Nations, by allowing such a vile MURDERER to sit on that council is literally making the ABSURD and VILE argument that…

GENOCIDE is a basic human right!!!!!

My God.

And just exactly who is “Omar the GENOCIDAL Maniac” replacing on the U.N. Human Rights Council???

I hope you’re sitting down…

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