Netanyahu, NOT Obama…Leader of the Free World

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

bib 1By Wednesday morning, the European Union had congratulated Bibi Netanyahu on his election victory over labor party rival Herzog.

By Thursday morning…Obama had done no such thing.

In fact, according to Reuters, John Kerry who is in Switzerland working on the ‘deal’ with the Islamic Terrorist State of Iran…REFUSED to address the questions posed by reporters regarding Netanyahu and the Likud Party victory.

Little wonder…after all, Obama had sent his top campaign adviser to Israel to mastermind the Herzog bid to get rid of Bibi and, Kerry’s Department of State sent the V15 group some $350,000 of U.S. Taxpayer money for the exact same purpose.

The goal naturally was to rid the world stage of Netahyahu so that the forces if Islam would have a much easier time of things. With Netanyahu out of the way…the path toward the nuclear arming of Iran would have been paved in gold…without Netanyahu…ISIS could actually become ISIL as Obama so optimistically calls them.

It’s fair to speculate that there was a meeting in the Situation Room at the White House on Tuesday night and that Valerie Jarrett was NOT at all happy.

I mean…they thought they had that election bought and paid for but things just didn’t work out the way they THOUGHT they would.

So sure were the liberals of the mainstream media that Netanyahu would LOSE that they geared up for it all day long on Tuesday just giddy over the opportunity to be the first to utter the phrase: “Netanyahu LOSES!!!”

Lester Holt who has replaced the lying Brian Williams over at NBC put it this way…

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Amnesty and the DHS…DEFUND THEM BOTH!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

dhs 1They will, of course, lay the blame on Republicans but…so far…the bill that would fund DHS has been blocked. Not once…not twice…not three times but FOUR times and all four of those blockades have been put in place by…LIBERALS.

Even CNN has admitted it.

The house-passed bill would fund DHS and eliminate all funding for Obama’s amnesty dictate and THAT is why liberals are blocking it.

Mitch McConnell, the nutless wonder that he is has caved to support Obama’s call for a CLEAN DHS funding bill but since such appropriations bills must originate in the HOUSE…the question becomes…will Boehnar cave this time as he has done so many times before?

Here’s the most absurd part of this whole thing…

LIBERALS are INSISTING that Obama’s amnesty executive order be FULLY FUNDED…even though he has been BLOCKED by a FEDERAL JUDGE from enacting it at all.

One term being used to describe the liberal’s motives in this situation is blackmail.

Other terms for it are wheeling and dealing or…standard operating procedure for congress as for as long as there has been a United States congress, this is how things get done . You want this…then give us that or…if you don’t give us that, we won’t give you this.

To understand the “dire” nature of allowing DHS funding to lapse…we must look at exactly what the DHS is and how they spend our taxpayer dollars.

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Don’t Take Rudy’s Word For It…Take Obama’s!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

rudy 1“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.”

“He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

“What country has left so many young men and women dead abroad to save other countries without taking land? This is not the colonial empire that somehow he has in his hand. I’ve never felt that from him. I felt that from [George] W. [Bush]. I felt that from [Bill] Clinton. I felt that from every American president, including ones I disagreed with, including [Jimmy] Carter. I don’t feel that from President Obama.”

Rudy Giuliani was spot on with those comments last week. Spot on and the reaction from liberals was 100% expected.

Josh Earnest, Whitehouse town liar and spokesweasel said: “I can tell you that it’s sad to see when somebody who has attained a certain level of public stature, and even admiration, tarnishes that legacy so thoroughly. And the truth is, I don’t take any joy, or vindication, or satisfaction from that. I think, really, the only thing that I feel is sorry for Rudy Giuliani today.”

Al not-so-Sharpton said: “Rudy, first of all, needs a hug,”

“The best thing that can happen to the Democrat that succeeds President Obama is for Rudy Giuliani to keep running his mouth.”

Sharpton continued…

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Kayla Mueller’s ISIS Assisted Suicide

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

kay 1Oh…Poor Kayla Mueller.

 An American…held captive by ISIS and now…dead at the age of 26.  Poor…POOR…Kayla Mueller.

We have been told that she died in a Jordanian bombing of an ISIS position. The Islamic terrorists sent photos of what was left of her to her hopeful parents and they confirmed that their daughter…poor Kayla Mueller was indeed…dead.

The mainstream media and even some Conservative leaning media organizations made her untimely and…tragic death…their front page news.


I just can’t bring myself to well up even a single crocodile tear for Kayla Mueller.

If you think she was killed in some Jordanian bombing of an ISIS position…might I suggest you put down the Kool Aid and take a sip of reality instead. ISIS most likely killed Mueller long before those bombings ever took place and we’ll most likely never know exactly how or when she died because ISIS was just looking for and taking advantage OF a crisis.

Never let a crisis go to waste…right?

And since nobody else seems to want to put a realistic cause of death tag on Kayla Mueller…allow me to step up with THIS dose of reality…

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American Sniper, Chris Kyle and Liberal Loathing

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

chris 1On December 2nd, 2013, Eddie Ray Routh reportedly told his sister and brother in law that he had sold his soul for a new truck.

Those were his words apparently…”I sold my soul for a new truck.”

The pickup he was driving wasn’t his. It belonged to someone else and Routh’s sister and brother in law called the police.

The trial of Eddie Ray Routh begins next month and he’s on trial for murder.

It’s not going to be one of those ‘IF’ trials…it’s a ‘WHY’ trial as Routh has admitted what he did…we just don’t know why he did it. We all want to know…why?

Why did a troubled Marine who had brushed in and out of mental care shoot and kill Chad Littlefield and Chris Kyle? They were trying to help Routh. They were there for him to talk, work things out, ease Routh back into the world and provide him with friendship he could lean on.

But that’s not how it ended up.

It ended on that early December day when Routh, at a gun range near Chalk Texas, shot and killed Littlefield and Chris Kyle and then took Kyle’s truck and drove to his sister’s home. She asked about the pickup according to reports. Where did he get it? WHEN did he get it. How…did he get it?

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Water the Tree of Liberty or Hang Them From It

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

fein 1Any and all future attacks by the religion of peace, Islam, and its 7th century barbarians against any and all Americans can now be laid directly at the feet of 21st century traitors masquerading as democrats.

Diane Feinstein and the liberal enemies of America comprising the Senate Intelligence Committee have released…to our enemies…a detailed 500 page summary of a 6,300 page report that will accomplish nothing but inflaming jihad against the American military and the American people and outlined in that report all the measures used to extract information from enemies captured on the battlefield.

Make no mistake…this is treason.

This incomprehensible and reprehensible move has and will aid our nation’s enemies. It will motivate our enemies and it will lead to events from the size of the attacks in Benghazi to the scope of the attacks on the World Trade Center Towers.

In my opinion, each and every member of that committee who sanctioned and supported the making of this report and then sanctioned and supported its release yesterday should have been immediately arrested and sent to GITMO as enemies of America in a time of war.

Theirs is a high crime and punishable by death according to our Constitution.

They are not innocent nor have they taken the moral high ground and…

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Obamacare – Uber Truths About Utter Lies

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

gruber 4So just who in THE hell IS Jonathan Gruber anyway?

I mean…other than the guy who has exposed liberals, democrats and socialists as being stupid American voters. At least in that respect, Uber Gruber is spot on in his assessment but who IS this guy?

Well…he has a degree in economics from MIT…we know that much and…I’m reasonably sure if you ask ensconced and elected liberals he has explosive diarrhea of the mouth as it seems, he has a penchant for telling the TRUTH…at THE most Inappropriate of times…an anathema for any liberal.

What seems to make Uber Gruber giddy is that he knows that he is eminently smarter than any liberal voter out there…on the street or in congress. He wallows about in his narcissism, marinating in it and while it doesn’t really take that much intelligence to back the claim…an I.Q. equal to the pot in which a houseplant resides would fill the bill…Gruber’s ability to fool Conservatives has now been proven to fall light years short of the mark.

Trust me liberals and socialists…

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Amnesty – A Dictator’s Criminal Enterprise

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

AMN 1We now have Uber Gruber on tape, not once, not twice but THREE times questioning the mental acuity of liberal/socialist voters…both the street variety and elected ilk, regarding Obamacare and one now has to wonder if the Lame Ducktator is also counting on liberal/socialist voter stupidity to sell his latest turd to the gullible.


Just as these willfully knot-headed smarter-then-their-voter-base elitists have changed the name of “global warming” to “climate change” counting on liberals and socialists to be too stupid to realize all they’re talking about is THE WEATHER…they have also decided to call ILLEGAL ALIENS…”undocumented workers” and AMNESTY…”immigration reform.”

What should we expect from regressives who call THEMSELVES…”PROgressives?”


After the red tide rolled in on election night and blue became the decided MINORITY in both houses of our governmental body, the Lame Ducktator has had to ramp up his efforts regarding the rewarding of ILLEGALS for the breaking of our laws.

Yesterday, Obama’s insipid 10 point plan to bolster his voting base of stupid sheeple was made public and the rush by both elected and anointed lame brains to support the Executive Orders was amusing…amusing if one such as a Conservative, smart enough to employ the liberal bullcrap decoder ring came along to translate.

Please allow me…

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By Craig G. Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

v 1It’s election day in America.

Today, we determine the direction of our nation. Will we continue down the socialist path to ruin or will we begin to steer the ship of state back to a more Constitutional Republic as our founders and framers envisioned?

The choice is ours to make.

To be clear, for Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Party Faithful and Teapublicans…this midterm election is ours to win or…to lose.

By voting a straight Republican ticket…by setting our personal, emotional connections to the various social issues aside along with our individual beliefs in faith and voting the straight Republican ticket on our ballots without write-in votes or third party votes…we will WIN this election.

We will WIN the senate and we will KEEP the house.


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Nobody Left to Blame Part 2 of 2

plod 1Yesterday, at the end of my article, “Nobody Left to Blame – Part 1 of 2” I said…”With but 2 weeks to go before November 4th, there are only two ways we can lose.”

“Voter fraud perpetrated by liberals or…our own self- implosion.”

Let’s take those one at a time.

First…voter fraud.

Ask a liberal, elected or on the street and they’ll tell you that voter fraud doesn’t exist and when confronted with the proof of it, they STILL claim it doesn’t exist.

There is a reason liberals don’t want voter ID laws as such overbearing laws would force voters to provide a photo ID in order to cast their votes. Oh, the humanity.

ID is required for just about everything from doing business at your bank to buying things like beer and tobacco. Try boarding a plane without a photo ID or buying nail polish at the CVS. You can do neither yet, according to everyone from Obama to the contemptuous Eric Holder, minorities are at a disadvantage where photo ID’s are concerned. They just can’t seem, for unknown and unexplained reasons, obtain a photo ID.


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