Buh Bye Boehner!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

BUH 1So, John Boehner finally did something right. He announced he will be stepping down as Speaker of the House and retiring from Congress altogether at the end of October.

Buh bye Boehner and don’t let the door hit you in the Obama on your way out.

Boehner rose to the Speaker’s chair in 2011 after the shellacking Obama and liberals took in the 2010 midterm election. We had hopes that he would represent the Conservatives on whose coattails Boehner rode into the position but that soon proved not to be the case.

Boehner was a RINO and far, FAR too often ended up either siding with or simply caving in to Obama’s agenda. As the leader of the republican majority in the House, John Boehner was a crying, slobbering failure.

It was revealed last month that Boehner didn’t have enough votes to retain his Speakership and, as losers often do, Boehner moved the goal posts, by cancelling the vote and hoping to somehow salvage his position for a later attempt.

It was never to be.

As Boehner put it to reporters, after dropping the bombshell behind closed doors Friday morning…

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Kim Davis – Agenda of a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

kd 1When my Right Side Patriots radio partner and friend, Diane Sori and I wrote and published yesterday’s article, “First Amendment Held Hostage in Kentucky,” I had no intention of writing a follow-up article but, considering the comments received after yesterday’s article…I felt compelled to address a few things which some folks out there just refuse to grasp.

Far too many of the holier-than-thou religious Conservatives out there, and one can only guess from some talking points memo, are feigning ignorance which makes them appear foolish…their top question has been…”What law did this woman, Davis, break to be sent to jail?”

That of course was followed by an often repeated, in nearly the exact same wording…”What law did congress pass making gay marriage legal?” And the direct talking points memo statement of…”She’s in jail for her beliefs…not for breaking any law,” was another oft repeated comment being made so…let me make this clear for the terminally religious fabricaters of spin out there…

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Like Vultures, Liberals Circle Virginia Murders

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

vir 3It sure didn’t take long did it…for liberals to seize upon a crisis and not let it go to waste.

Yesterday, before the bodies of Alison Parker and Adam Ward had a chance to cool, before their families and friends, her boyfriend and his fiancé had time to even gather their thoughts, well before Vicki Gardner was out of surgery and in a recovery room…liberals of note were squawking about the need for more and more and more anti-gun laws…the calls for more regulation of guns by the government were flying off the liberal agenda’s shelf.

The murderer was still leading the police in a chase…he hadn’t even taken the coward’s final way out yet before giddy liberals started grasping the moment.

It was as sick a display of agenda fever as I have ever seen and it was led by nothing short of ghouls.

First, it was Virginia’s Governor and former head of the DNC Terry McAuliffe, who ran to the nearest cameras to make his pitch.

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Trump, Trumpers Trumped by Truth

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

trumper 1For the past month, and with few signs of letting up…Trumpers, some of them Conservatives…most of them Trump trolls…shills for the liberal/socialist machine…continue to try and sway voters to vote Trump or NOTHING in November 2016.

Trump, they claim, is THE Conservative answer we need.

I will say this much right here at the top of this article…should Trump either secure or purchase the Republican nomination, he will have my vote because I…unlike Trump himself…WILL support whoever the republican nominee happens to be.


Trump is not the answer we, as Conservatives, have been seeking all these years.

As Conservatives, we have held, for years, to a certain set of standards we have wanted in a candidate. We want a solid Conservative. ..someone who has exhibited solid Conservative practices over a considerable time span from which we can see the candidate’s true motives, true agenda and voting record.

Is Donald Trump a fit regarding that standard?

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We, As Conservatives, Deserve Better Than Trump

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

tru 2If Donald Trump is the best we, as Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers or Teapublicans can up with as a candidate for the presidency…we have set the bar far, FAR too low…in fact…we have made that bar subterranean as that is where moles reside.

As Conservatives, we have for years demanded a candidate that has a long record OF conservatism but does Trump possess such a record?

No, he does not.

Donald Trump has changed his voter registration, from one political party to another, over and over again. When asked, point blank in last Thursday’s prime time debate, “When exactly did you become a Republican?” Trump responded by NOT responding at all. He gave a shrug and a smirk and changed the subject, refusing to answer a direct question.

Is that what we want from a candidate for president?

No…no it is not.

As Conservatives, we have always vetted a candidate’s voting record. We have always looked for a candidate who consistently votes Conservative.

Is THAT what we find in Donald Trump’s voting record?

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Derailing Distractions With Facts

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

Conspiracy theories to the left of us…wedding cakes and pizza parlors to the right of us…and a regime caught in the middle facing in all likelihood the probability that not only cta 1will Congress stay ‘red’ in 2016 but that the White House will turn ‘red’ too. And having no real platform to run on what with our economy in the tubes and our enemies laughing at us, the only tactic they have left to salvage anything of substance is to divert and deflect our attention away from the prize.

And boy have the diversions worked up until now. Let’s see, first we had ebola the supposed death of us all; then Ferguson and Baltimore where the ‘element’ behaved oh so badly; and now we have Jade Helm a supposed military op to take over America and lock us all up in a Walmart somewhere. And all this because 2016 looms large and all this because of two upcoming Supreme Court decisions that could put the final nail in Obama’s nefarious agenda and legacy.

So with Ebola and Ferguson over and done, and with Baltimore still simmering, let’s look at Jade Helm…

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Baltimore and Their Crap-Happy Looters

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

str 1Well, it’s about damn time.

With irrefutable evidence staring them in the face…maybe black America is starting to wake the hell up.

After all, statistics show that in 2013, there were 2491 black people murdered in the United States and that 2.245 OF those murders were at the hands of other BLACK people and while that stat simply shows murders…here’s something a little more poignant…in 2014…cops killed 414 white people but only 233 BLACK people and yet BLACK people, who comprise just 13% of the U.S. population, are responsible for 42% of all cop killings.

Yesterday, the streets of cities across our nation FILLED with protest marches…BLACK people…PROTESTING black on black violence.

In Atlanta…New York…Detroit…Dallas…Los Angeles…from sea to shining sea…BLACK people took a stand…a long awaited stand…a much NEEDED stand against black perpetrated violence.

Jesse was on the streets of Chicago leading the protests…Al was in Atlanta leading the way and Barack, from a golf course somewhere added HIS voice to the rising chorus of black leaders decrying black violence.


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Freddie Gray is the EXCUSE, Not the REASON

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

gray 2Congratulations Baltimore…

Your Mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has not only ALLOWED the city to be turned into a war zone…she SANCTIONED it.

Just a couple of days ago, during a press conference regarding the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody…Rawlings’Blake said…

“It was a very delicate balancing act because while we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on – um – we also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that, as well.”

Of course her office is now trying to backtrack that statement claiming what she MEANT to say was that they INADVERTENTLY gave those wishing to destroy, space to do that as well but that CLEARLY is NOT what she said and the walk back came only AFTER the BLOWBACK came her way regarding the original statement.

Protesters always have the right to protest but…street thugs are always hell bent on destruction of other people’s property and there is no right that covers that. Each and every one of them should have been arrested and held accountable for the damage and loss of property they inflicted but…Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake not only turned a blind eye toward the thugs…

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2016 – Too Many Hats in the Ring

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

Why are they running or, at the very least, even thinking of running?ran 1

That is the question that must be asked regarding several potential Republican presidential candidates as the time to go fishing or cut bait for 2016 is directly upon us.

Mike Huckabee…a nice enough guy and the former Governor of Arkansas has announced that he intends to announce on May 5th but why? Why would he or SHOULD he be throwing HIS hat in the ring?

He ran in 2008…he came in 2nd…soooo…he has a chance in 2016? Well…no…not at all because that 2nd place finish was such a DISTANT 2nd place it’s almost as though he never ran at all. McCain, in 2008, the establishment choice garnered some 1,378 delegates to become the nominee while Huckabee only managed to scrape together a mere 240.

In 2012…Huckabee looked good in the pre-race polling but, declined to enter the race at all so…why NOW? Is he basing his 2016 run on a distant 2008 2nd place finish and a never ran at all 2012 election?

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Hillary – Disciplined? Humble?? Responsible??? SERIOUSLY???

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

Over the weekend, the wife of Monica Lewinski’s former boyfriend announced her bid to hill 1become the next Muslim Brotherhood connected, gender neutral, heir apparent to the White House….a move that if successful, would make Bill the SECOND first spouse with a winky in his pants…possibly the third as we’ve never been completely sure of Eleanor Roosevelt.

Hillary Clinton has thrown her pant suit into the ring.

She’s a walking, stumbling, falling down scandal wrapped in deceit and treason.

Hillary was FIRED from the Watergate investigation of RICHARD NIXON for UNETHICAL behavior and LYING. In other words…HER actions were as bad or worse than NIXON’S were.

HILLARY CLINTON engineered the nuclear ‘deal’ with North Diarrhea and we all know how that worked out. She pressed the RESET button with Russia and Putin hasn’t been a problem since has he? Hillary was the overseer of the Benghazi disaster but…”At this point, what difference does it make???” And she says we need to EMPATHIZE with our ENEMIES to gain a better understanding of their positions.

I don’t know about you but I don’t WANT to understand why 7th century barbarians cut off people’s heads or burn them alive and I certainly don’t think showing EMPATHY for their acts in inhuman behavior is going to make things all better.


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