Mullen, Nebraska Schools a Triggered Indoctrinator

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Let’s face it, libImage result for liberal crying meltdownerals have problems…lots of problems, and most of them are of their own making. That’s not a secret. We know it…they know it…pretty much everybody knows it.

The list of liberal’s problems is far too long to get into, but one of their biggest problems is that they are far too easily triggered.

Ever since their hopes and dreams for a third term for Obama went up in smoke in the wee hours of November 9th, 2016, liberals have been triggered. The party of tolerance has become just about the most intolerant bunch of triggered trolls one can imagine.

Just about.

There a couple of other groups however that are running stride for stride with liberals in the triggered department, and they are groups fully supported by liberals.

It should come as no great surprise that in being perpetually triggered…

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Hillary’s Campaign WILL Fail Again

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

sink 1Look…we ALL know of Hillary Clinton’s sordid past…her scandals past and present and we all know of her tirades some of which are still coming to light regarding how she used to throw things at and pummel Bill during the White House years.

A new book by Kate Andersen Brower, entitled “The Residence: Inside the World of the White House, reveals how, during Bill’s antics regarding his affair with Monica Lewinski, Hillary took a book to his head leaving blood on the bad and Bill needing stitches.

We know…

And so too does the DNC.

This puts the DNC is something of a quandary.

In 2008, Hillary, the narcissist, felt the nomination was hers…all wrapped up and that the DNC would, along with the liberal media, propel her to the White House. It wasn’t to be. The DNC found a much more engaging candidate in Barack Hussein Obama and given their choice between two socialists, they backed Obama because, quite frankly, he wasn’t as abrasive as Hillary.

First Black president vs the first woman president…it didn’t matter…first is first and with Obama’s past safely hidden away and with his much more charismatic persona…Obama it was.

Hillary got the Secretary of State job, as a make-good for not being the nominee and that was supposed to have been that but again…

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Liberals Have the MAD COW Over Ebola

COW 1It was bound to happen.

Sooner or later, the proof that liberals suffer from mad cow disease would surface and, now we have it.


On Friday, the Dictator did what any left thinking ass hat would do to ease people’s undue panic over Ebola.

He named an EBOLA CZAR because, as everybody is aware, Czars have a long history of fixing things.

So…who IS our czar savior from the rampaging wild Ebolas?

Why…it’s none other than the FIRST person anybody would THINK of for such an important position. It’s the name that virtually LEAPS to mind when our health is at risk.

Ron Klain of course.

Ron Klain…oh come on…KLAIN…RON KLAIN!!!

I know what you’re wondering. Just who in THE hell is RON…FRIGGIN’ KLAIN??? He’s an…ummmmm…attorney. Naturally…but not just ANY garden variety ambulance chaser…oh NO…THIS Ron Klain used to be the chief of staff for…

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Obamacrap’s New Marketing Plan – “FAABULOUUS!!!!”

Yesterday, Jay Carney was at the podium READING a provided talking point regarding how Obamacare was already saving MILLIONS of people money.

I hate to break it to you but, Carney may well be right.

I hate to break it to Carney but, the reason millions are saving money is because they once paid FOR health insurance and now, because of Obamacare…THEY’RE NOT…because they figure it’s better to not pay and just hope nothing goes wrong.


Anyway…That’s not what this article is all about.

Remember just a couple of weeks ago when this administration was out there telling us that what Obamacare really needed to become a success was a…MARKETING PLAN???

I mean, they spent 3 ½ years having Obama market it with lies about keeping your plans and keeping your doctors.

They spent $677 MILLION dollars on the Obamacare website to make enrolling in Obamacare as easy as buying a TV on Amazon.

They marketed it to their own party in congress by BRIBING them to vote for it.

Obama and his crack (smoking) team of marketing geniuses TRIED to enlist the NFL to push Obamacare but only the Ravens took him up on the deal and scored a cool $130 thousand to do…something.

The Obama administration used cute, fuzzy critters and tried to call the whole thing…”ADORABLE CARE!!!”

They paid some advertising firm a boatload of taxpayer dollars to create ads featuring frat boys doing keg stands and horny young women with their panties in a knot over some dweeb touting Obamacare’s Sandra Fluke, slutcare benefits but…sadly…that didn’t pan out either.

Celebrities…Obama and his Hollywood pals were using a gaggle of paparazzi targets to convince us all that enrolling in Obamacare would make us ALL more glamorous but…As soon as the “As-Easy-to-Use-as-Amazon” website crashed…the stars disappeared.

But all Obamacare really needs, to take off like a Russian rocket is…

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Friday Fume

Oh man…Just when ya think you’ve seen and heard it all…

Along comes yet ANOTHER week of despicable socialist behavior.

Can you even BELIEVE some of the stuff this week?

Some socialists daughter gets the brainiac idea to JUMP OFF THE ROOF and INTO THE POOL but…She MISSED and NOW…The MOM posted the video of the event and is BEGGING for people to send more than $4,000.00 FOR THE MEDICAL BILLS!!!

Just because your daughter is an IDIOT doesn’t mean she’s entitled to OUR MONEY…GOT THAT???

Reporters asked Beltway Jay Carney, the paid liar, about the DOJ’s targeting and spyng on James Rosen a few days ago and Carney told them, “I would refer you to the Justice Dept”.

Well…Since Holder refuses to answer any questions…Maybe the reporters should just wait for details to leak out of the white house and Obama can learn all about it when HE READS IT IN THE DAMN PAPER!!!!!

And…In an effort to prove, once and for all, that Tea Partiers are just a bunch of paranoid conspiracy theorists for getting upset over the DHS buying nearly 2 BILLION rounds of hollow point ammo…Last week…The DHS sent…ARMED AGENTS TO MONOTOR A TEA PARTY RALLY IN MISSOURI!!!

That should put the conspiracy to rest huh?

My friends and fellow Patriots…Sit down and hold on…Today is FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

Well, I WILL admit its few and VERY far between when I will CONGRATULATE a Member of the SOCIALIST party much less…SOMEBODY FROM THE LICE INFECTED EPA BUT…

Richard Windsor has EARNED a hearty ATTA BOY!!!

Windsor has been named a “Scholar of Ethical Behavior” at the EPA for what?

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