Will Voters Aid and Abet the Criminal, Hillary?

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radiowei-1

Hillary says it’s a whole bunch of nothing and that she welcomes the new FBI investigation.

“We’ve heard these rumors, we don’t know what to believe, and I’m sure there will be even more rumors. That’s why it is incumbent upon the FBI to tell us what they’re talking about. Even Director Comey noted that this new information may not be significant so let’s get it out.”

There are only three things absolutely wrong with her statement, made from an Iowa campaign stop Friday night…

First…what we all heard are not “rumors,” they’re a fact. The FBI discovered, apparently on Thursday, emails from Hillary Clinton on Anthony Weiner’s computer and those emails also apparently contain sensitive, or perhaps classified material.


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Hillary…Above the Law, Beneath Contempt

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

James O’Keefe, whose Project Veritas Action is in the business of outing political ok-1corruption and has outed Planned Parenthood for their politically tied, despicable and immoral activities, now has the goods on one Hillary Clinton.

Through a series of sting videos, Project Veritas Action has exposed Hillary’s operatives and their corruption tied to the 2016 election, and now, in the third tape of the series…

Project Veritas has captured, on video, several of Hillary’s operatives admitting that Hillary herself was not only aware of some major corruption…but authorized it.

That’s right…we’re talking felonies here…and Hillary authorized them with full knowledge…and with clear intent.

The law she broke in this case, 52 U.S.C. § 30109(d)(1)(A)(i), involves the willful creation of coordinated expenditures from prohibited corporate sources.

According to O’Keefe himself…

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Trump’s Words vs Hillary’s Actions

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

While the collective mainstream media continues to have a mass orgasm over comments pers-1made by Donald Trump more than a decade ago, and while several key Republicans, including Paul Ryan whose wife is a millionaire lobbyist for the liberal/socialist party who has raised a substantial amount of money for the Hillary Clinton campaign continue to run away from their nominee like cowards…

I think a little perspective is in order.

Americans, and for that matter, America herself have but two choices in November as no 3rd party or write-in candidate has ever had a chance of winning…Trump or Clinton and while Trump is obviously a cad, a lewd and foul-mouthed cad…he’s still a better choice than Hillary.

As Conservatives, we can’t be so consumed with looking for the next Jesus Christ to be our candidate of choice or our nominee that we risk ignoring impending doom for our Constitutional Republic in the process.

News flash…

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It Was NOT a Mass Shooting, It Was an Act of War

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

50 Americans were killed and 53 more wounded early Sunday morning, at a nightclub by a suspected Islamic terrorist.orl 1

It was a bloodbath.

It all started at 2am and it ended some 3 hours later when a police SWAT team killed the killer…one Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, a US citizen from Port St. Lucie, Florida.

It was Paris all over again but this time, it was in Orlando Florida.

The Islamic murderer, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, was 30 years old and born in the U.S. of parents from Afghanistan. According to the FBI, in the early hours of the investigation, it has been ”suggested” that the killer had “leanings” toward radical Islam.

It has also been stated by law enforcement that this murderer was well prepared and well organized both of which also “lean” toward some radical Islamic involvement as the “religion of peace” or what I call the ideology of hate, death, destruction and genocide, is well known for having produced “how-to” instructions for any who care to carry out such an attack.

Yesterday, both Hillary Clinton and Obama stepped up to the nearest microphone to once again, go after gun owners and advocate for more gun control telling the nation that the event in Orlando highlights just how easy it is for Americans to get guns and that “we must decide if that is the type of country we want to be.”

Well…here’s the problem…

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Liberals and Their Common Core Bathrooms

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

For the love of Pete.toi 1

We have a gaggle of brain dead celebrities, and equally brain dead politicians who just can’t tolerate the most basic toilet etiquette.

Because some states have passed into law, statutes which require men to use the men’s room and women to use the women’s room, liberal moonbats are coming unglued left and…left.

What’s going on here is stupid on more than one level.

First of all…we need LAWS regarding who should be peeing where? SERIOUSLY? It’s become so much of a problem, like people who tend to use their toasters in the shower for which we have safety stickers telling us not to…that we now need LAWS, passed by individual states, telling us which bathrooms we are supposed to use?

Apparently so, but…

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Cruz IS Eligible – The Facts…Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Yesterday, in “Cruz IS Eligible – The Facts…Part 1 of 2,” I began to provide indisputable eli 13facts regarding the Constitutional eligibility of Ted Cruz while also exposing the falsehoods of Trump’s followers and birthers.

Allow me to continue presenting those facts and further exposing the birther lies, because there is now an article out there being spread by low-info birthers which states, “NATURAL BORN CITIZENAs the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.” (The Natural Law as understood by the Founders in Article II of the US Constitution)”

First of all…Article II never mentions “natural law,” and second…the fact of natural law, as understood by the Founders and Framers would have been vastly different than what the birthers claim it was, because they hope that nobody does the proper research.  Blackstone wrote of natural born both as it pertained to England and to the American colonies, and in his writings, Blackstone is quite clear, in that “natural born,” whether they be from England or the American colonies included all those born “in” the lands under British sovereignty.


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Cruz IS Eligible – The Facts…Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Once again, now as their candidate, Donald Trump, faces not gathering enough delegates eli 1to secure the nomination on the 1st ballot at the convention, Trump’s low-information followers are screaming more birther propaganda


I’m not trying to change the minds of Trump’s blind followers here. There is little point in that as their minds are made up with little to no care for the end result. In that way, they’re like lemmings…blindly following their chosen leader over a cliff. No…this article is for those whose eyes are still open, and have yet to make their 2016 choice who might be influenced by Trump’s low-information voter propaganda.

In order to not be fooled by Trump’s fools…real information is needed so…here it is.

Ted Cruz is eligible to run for, and hold the nation’s highest office, and he is a natural born citizen.

Without research and proof…those words would mean nothing more than the words of Trump’s blind followers harping and hawking the Cruz is ineligible propaganda so…allow me to give you the proof that he is eligible and a natural born citizen.

Let’s start with the most recent and work our way back.

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I’ll Stand With the Constitutional Conservative

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

A few days ago, I was told, in no uncertain terms by one of Donald Trump’s blind followers to, cru 1take my support for Cruz and “stick it!”

She failed to say where but she was clear in that she simply didn’t want to read the truth about Trump, and in that respect, she is not alone as Trump’s followers just don’t seem to be capable of handling the truth.

I have always said that if one really wants to know what liberals are up to, just look at what they accuse Conservatives of doing. If there is a liberal handbook, I suggest that blaming conservatives for exactly what the liberal is doing is on page one.

Before the final tally from Wisconsin was in, but after it was clear that Ted Cruz would post a double digit victory there, Donald Trump issued another signature tantrum in which he accused Cruz of a crime directly related to this election.

Trump accused Cruz of coordinating directly with his Super Pacs which is in direct violation of election law and he did so without providing any details, without naming any witnesses and without even the slightest shred of evidence and while many regard such an allegation as little more than sour grapes, the incessant whining of one who acts like a 2 year old who didn’t get his way…I suggest there is much more to it than that.

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Real Facts vs Transparent Diversions

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Well, we knew this was going to become the latest attack mode to be employed by Donald tb 1Trump and we knew as well, that his substance-free appraisal would be echoed, far and wide, by the blind sheep who follow and support him.

Now that Marco Rubio has emerged as a serious contender to Trump’s coronation as Dictator in Chief…Trump is calling into question Rubio’s eligibility, and social media is abuzz with Trumpers sharing his latest blather.

Oh, you can scream “CONSTITUTION” and “NATURAL BORN” together in the same sentence all you care to but it doesn’t change one simple fact…that nowhere in the Constitution exists a definition OF Natural Born Citizen. It doesn’t. That’s a fact. Like it or not.

And you can scream that everybody back then knew what it meant and it meant that to be a Natural Born Citizen, one had to have TWO parents who were BOTH citizens but there is yet another nagging fact regarding that misguided assessment…

It isn’t true. More on that shortly.

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