The Race to the Bottom of the Barrel

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The race is on.

No, not the 2018 midterm race…not even the 2020 presidential race.

I’m talking about the race to see which liberal can be the most un-American…the race to the bottom of the barrel, and it’s a tight race with the lead shifting with almost every tweet, each interview or statement made by some abject liberal idiot.

Andrew Cuomo, the governor of NY and an idiot of the 1st order said last week that, “America was never that great.” Really? When we beat the British in the Revolutionary war…we weren’t that great? When we beat them in the sequel, the War of 1812…we weren’t that great? When we abolished slavery we weren’t that great? When we united north and south, when the south figured out how to grow economically without slave labor, when we won 2 World Wars, instituted the Civil Rights Act, went to the moon, invented things, created things, pioneered things, cured things and did all the other things that have become the envy of the world…we weren’t that great?

I’ve got news for that monumental moron…

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Liberalism’s Moral Abyss

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The ship, the U.S.S. Liberalism, is sinking being dragged to Davy Jones’ locker by the weight of its own hypocrisy…and I have to admit, there is a certain amount of pleasure in watching it slip beneath the waves.

The NFL, once the highest floating ship in the American sporting world, has become a sunken, man-made reef. As players continue to disrespect the nation of fans who made them millionaires, and as league officials continue to cling to their liberal union inspired agenda of allowing such disrespect, the fan base is continuing to turn their backs on the kneelers, and turn off the televised games bringing the NFL to its lowest ratings ever.

Now even advertisers are floating away in life rafts trying to put enough distance between themselves and the rapidly sinking vessel so as not to get pulled down along with it.

Last week, while the players from New Orleans actually stood for our National Anthem, they suddenly took a knee in a show of disrespect for a New Orleans police officer who was recently murdered…

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The NFL Can Take Knee and Kiss My…

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

An open letter to the NFL…

Dear owners, coaches and assorted uniformed thugs, miscreants and felons,

For the past several weeks, we, the people who spend our hard-earned money on things like tickets, merchandise and the products you pretend to like and use…in other words…those of us who pay your ridiculous salaries…have a little something we’d like to share with you, but first…a question…

Just what is it you are protesting?

You claim it’s got something to do with the police, or injustice toward deeply tanned people by the police, or something else along those lines…right?

You do realize that more white people are killed by the police than black people…don’t you?

You do realize that the overwhelming majority of black people killed in this country of ours are killed by other black people…to the tune of about 93%…right?

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