The Ultimate Denouncing of Racism

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Lately, and by “lately” I mean for the past 4 years, the mainstream media and liberals at large have been ridiculously concerned over President Trump denouncing racism, and racist groups.

To be clear, they have ramped that up to a delusional fever pitch over the past couple of weeks, and there’s a reason for that. They have seen more and more minorities showing their support for President Trump in the upcoming election, and why wouldn’t they? After all, it was under Trump’s pre-COVID economic policies that record low unemployment, and record high employment for minorities was achieved.

Along with those numbers came record earnings for minorities, as well as across the board records for women in the workforce and their earnings being at all-time highs as well.

But none of that has quelled the liberal nonsense, pushed by their propagandists in the mainstream media that Trump is inherently racist, and now they’re pushing the false notion that Trump refuses to denounce racism and racist groups.

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John Lewis – A Bridge Too Far

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Revisionist history seems to be one of liberalism’s foremost platform planks. When history, real history doesn’t fit their agenda, they just ignore it, and replace it with a myth.

The problem liberals have with history is that it tells a story of the past, and while it has been said that the victors get to write the history, thus implying a grey area as to accuracy, nonetheless, revisionist history simply dismisses the facts and replaces them with a myth.

Historical myths, such as those conjured up by liberals, and purported as being truth, are anything but, and just as liberals often invent victims from thin air where no real victims can be found, they also often invent heroes of their cause where none can be offered by reality.

John Lewis is a prime example of this.

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Dear BLM…I’m Sorry

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Over the course of the past several weeks, we have all seen a Marxist organization running amok in our streets trying to form a political party and wreaking havoc in our cities. This band of thugs has been defacing and tearing down monuments and statues, looting businesses, committing arson, and targeting cops, and civilians alike.

They have done hundreds of millions of dollars in damage, severely injured scores of good people, killed some police officers and left some cities in tatters.

Liberal elected officials in this country are trying to appease the thugs, not out of a sense of altruistic intentions, but for their votes, and garden variety liberals have been pretending to be apologetic to the BLM, even taking a knee in solidarity with them, or bowing and scraping to them to show their supposed displeasure at their own skin color.

Many liberal celebrities have taken to various forms of social media to tell the BLM goons and thugs how sorry they are for their supposed privilege.

In fact, the BLM goons, thugs, looters, arsonists, and murderers have encouraged all of the rest of us, via domestic terrorism, to pony up and say we’re sorry.

I have decided to take the unprecedented step, as a Conservative blogger and radio co-host to do just that…to say I’m sorry…and so here I go…

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A Very Bad Week For Liberals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week was a bad week for the stupid liberals…a very bad week…which has resulted in a perverse sense of glee on my part.

I just can’t help it.

As the liberals grow evermore desperate, they have started doing some of the most obtuse things that even a six year old could see as doomed to failure…but as we are all too well aware…your average liberal’s intelligence doesn’t rise to the level of your average six year old.

The real question is…from where do I even begin?

Okay…how about with what’s going on in the state of denial…Virginia?

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The Inescapable Legacy of Democrat Racism

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Let me begin with this perfectly valid fact…nobody alive today in America was ever a slave in America, and nobody alive in America today was ever an American slave owner. Those are inescapable facts.

Also inescapable as fact is that nobody alive in America today had parents who were either slaves in America nor were they slave owners in America and it would be hard, if not impossible to find anybody alive in America today whose grandparents were either slaves in America or American slave owners.

Slavery in America was abolished in 1865…better than 150 years ago…another inescapable fact.

If one really wants to look at the facts surrounding slavery in America, or for that matter…racism in America and be both honest and factual about them…there is yet another inescapable fact with which many in America today must come to grips…

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Hypocrisy For the Left of Us…Condemnation For the Rest of Us

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The real shame of racism in the U.S. is that racists are controlling the national dialogue, while non-racists are allowing it to be that way. To discover just how true that statement is, and why it’s true, one first must identify just who the real racists are.

Historically speaking, the real racists in America have enjoyed a singular political party affiliation…to the democrat party.

Democrats fought for slavery. Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan. Democrats developed Jim Crow laws. Democrats stood for segregation. Democrats initially blocked the Civil Rights Act and democrats invented Affirmative action….the process of separating blacks and people of color from the rest of the nation for the business of protecting and advancing people based solely on race, regardless of their abilities as individuals.

Those are all historical facts, but today’s democrats, today’s liberals, are no less racist than their historical political party predecessors.

Today, driven by liberal ideology, and the liberal agenda, if you’re black… Continue reading

And the Bronze Binky Goes To…

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Lobotomized liberal lunatics are losing their last limp brain cells over imaginary or fabricated elements of racism, and the resulting meltdown is reaching epic proportions.

Does racism really exist?

Of course it does…but it exists only in the vast MINORITY of Americans, as evidenced by what transpired a couple of weeks ago in Charlottesville Virginia.

For more than five months, various racist organizations, including the Ku Klux Klan and an assortment of white nationalist idiots promoted, and advertised on anti-social media, their own websites and I’m reasonably sure in backwater trailer parks everywhere, that they were holding some sort of a rally in Charlottesville on a specified date, at a specific time.

Still with me so far?

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Charlottesville…A Perfect Storm of Perfect Idiots

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There was a whole lot of stuff going on in Charlottesville Virginia last weekend. There were a whole lot of people in Charlottesville Virginia last weekend who didn’t actually live there. There were many different groups represented, a vast number of diametrically opposite agendas and plenty of tension.

There was also something most clearly missing in Charlottesville last weekend…


Nobody there, engaging in this march, that protest or the other thing was thinking. In fact, it may well have been the largest gathering of a vastly divergent number of brainless morons I have seen in quite some time.

The alt-right was there…a brainless bunch of idiots. ANTIFA was there…a brainless bunch of idiots. White supremacist groups were there…brainless idiots all and Black Lives Matter was there…brainless idiots all, but if you think the brainless idiots in Charlottesville last weekend were confined to the aforementioned groups…

Think again…

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Defining the Democrat Party…Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

As I pointed out in “Defining the Democrat Party…Part 1”…they continue to repeat their ang 1failures of history, expecting a different result having not learned from their mistakes, and while on the surface, it might well seem they are stuck on stupid, that simply is not the case.

What they are, is angry, and desperate…which makes them dangerous…but what is it exactly that has them so desperate?

That’s the question, isn’t it?

The answer is both simple, and complex…it is power, or the lack thereof that has them flailing about, repeating their own mistakes.

But there is a whole lot more to it than that…

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Defining the Democrat Party…Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has often been rightly said, that “those who fail to learn from the mistakes of history, are doomed to repeat them,” but what does that mean, exactly?mis 1

It means that history is where we make both great strides forward, and where we make our mistakes and what we learn from both should guide our steps in the future. From what we did right, we grow in the future. We use those things as stepping stones to greater and greater things. We improve on our successes to achieve even greater successes.

From our mistakes, we should also learn what not to do again. From our history’s failures, we should learn what to do to prevent future failures of a like nature.

Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. In other words, those who fail to learn for their history’s failures, are doomed to thus fail again by repeating those failures in the future.

Einstein once said that “doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity.”

I submit, that by combining the two quotes, one can find the very definition of the democrat party.

To illustrate this point, let’s look at four prime examples.

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