Israel’s Allies and Enemies: The Truth Exposed…Part 2

isr 1The fact of the matter is clear, the political landscape regarding the current and protracted situation between Israel and the “Palestinians” is greatly different than the biblical landscape, set forth in Genesis, where it comes to the borders OF Israel.

“From the Nile river (which is mainly modern Egypt and Sudan) to the Euphrates (modern-day Iraq).”

Since its inception in 1948, Israel has never been in the business of conquering other nations, never insisted on the biblical borders and instead, only wanted to live in peace. A peace often interrupted by the hatred for the Jews by other surrounding entities but Israel, having never let down her guard, has repelled all such incursions and has, in fact, sought peace through the giving up pieces of what little land she has.

Today, all Israel wants are the borders drawn after the 1967 war, a war she did not start but a war she won and to be left alone to exist in the world as a Jewish nation.

To understand the dynamics at hand and arrive at a viable solution, we must first break down the entities involved.

In part one of this investigative series, Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor provided crucial insight into the real position of Jordan and Jordan’s King. Trust me, we’re not done exploring Jordan’s role on all of this but, more on that later.

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Israel’s Allies and Enemies: The Truth Exposed…Part 1 of 3

“I will make you (Israel) a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great… and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:2,3)

“Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are – northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see, I give to you and your seed forever.” (Genesis 13:14,15)

The true borders of Israel have been breached as per the word of God…the current borders of Israel mean NOTHING to those out to kill us all.

And so sides have been taken and alliances of sorts made, but while the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan appears on the surface to support Israel in its current battle with Hamas, all is NOT as it appears for below the surface facade lies Jordan’s deep ties with Israel’s enemies, and with a king who speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

“We condemn the Israeli aggression and we support the Egyptian cease-fire proposal,” King Abdullah II said last week…seemingly taking both sides yet taking NO side (remember, Egypt’s proposal favors Israel over Hamas)…in other words trying to appear neutral but being neutral in this case is in reality Jordan’s king being what he really is…a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And in this battle for Israel’s very survival, you either stand with Israel or you stand with Israel’s enemies, and Jordan’s king is in fact Israel’s enemy NO matter how the media tries to paint him as Israel’s friend.

To understand this one must look at the modern history of Jordan starting with Israel’s birth as a nation in 1948, and one must also look at who Hamas’ friends and enemies are. It’s easy to say who Hamas’ friends are…as the battle in Gaza goes beyond the obvious battle of muslims versus Jews. Now with this battle…this proxy war…becoming a true ideological battle of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, and their backers Iran, Qatar and Turkey against Israel and the more moderate muslim nations of Egypt and Saudi Arabia…Jordan falls somewhere in between friend and foe with foe actually being their dominant role.

For example, the infamous oil rich nation of Qatar (who Obama made the keeper of the five terrorists he exchanged for one American traitor) outwardly funds Hamas. Giving $400 million to Hamas in 2012 alone, the Qataris do NOT hide the fact that they support and fund other radical islamist groups as well, including the Muslim Brotherhood under whose umbrella Hamas falls. And Turkey…a nation with deep philosophical ties to the Muslim Brotherhood yet a nation at odds with its desire to become part of the western world…has as its Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who heads what in actuality is an islamic government, and who is a man that outwardly criticizes Israel’s rightful military action in Gaza. And Iran…the very nation who vocally expresses its desire to wipe Israel off the map…while being muslim but NOT being an Arabic nation…is a nation once at odds with Hamas who did NOT share their support of Bashar al-Assad’s government in Syria…is a nation who Hamas has now made amends with and who has now pledged to rearm Hamas as their weapons…their rockets…run low.

To read the rest of Part 1 of this 3 Part series…CLICK HERE!!!

Obama “DEALS” Israel to the Brink of War

The die has been cast.

Saturday night, Obama announced the signing of a “deal” with Iran that he claims will slow down Iran’s nuclear dreams and one that will lead to a permanent, rather than a 6 month deal.


This “DEAL” is nothing but a speeding UP of Iran’s ambition to destroy Israel and Obama knows it.

In this “DEAL” Iran will reap BILLIONS of dollars…from the United States and and the European Union and all they have to do is “promise” to behave themselves.

They will be allowed to CONTINUE their uranium enrichment program and there is only 1 reason for them to want to enrich uranium past 3.5%…

TO BUILD A NUCLEAR WEAPON and, there is only 1 reason IRAN wants a nuclear weapon…


Short of preemptive strikes against Iran, which should have been carried out YEARS ago, sanctions against the terror sponsoring Islamic nation shout have been TIGHTENED to the point of STRANGULATION…NOT eased back.

According to Obama, congress should not be considering increased sanctions because, “doing so would derail this promising first step, alienate us from our allies, and risk unraveling the coalition that enabled our sanctions to be enforced in the first place.”  

By this “DEAL,” Iran is “required” to neutralize its stockpile of near 20 percent enriched uranium, and halt progress on its enrichment capacity and not enrich any more uranium over 5 percent.

They will NOT adhere to this but…

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Bombing Syria – “FOR THE CHILDREN!!!”

It’s absurd.

It has, for decades, been the whining cry of socialists and it has been as overplayed as that stupid race card.

“Do it for the children.”

“Oh…DO it for the CHILDREN (sob, sob) do it for the children.”

Whenever and wherever, common sense and logic interfere with socialists and their agenda…


As soon as all their unsubstantiated rhetoric is proven false…


Millions…HUNDREDS of millions…BILLIONS…HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS…TRILLIONS of dollars have been goaded out of We the People because simpering elected officials are wetting their collective beds over the possibly of NOT “doing it for the children.”



No matter the situation. Regardless of the circumstances. In SPITE of the degree of NONSENSE and in the FACE of any reality…

It has become as predictable as an ACME anvil falling on Wile E. Coyote.

A long, drawn-out slide whistle, pitching down…a second of silence…a faint…boom…

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