With Iran, Obama is in WAY Over his Head

Whatever is happening inside Iran, one thing is clear.

Crystal clear.

That is, that whatever is happening inside Iran is completely unclear.

Over the last few weeks, Iran has threatened to shut down the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. has said, OH NO YOU WON’T.

Sanctions have been put in place. More sanctions have been threatened.

Iran has said THEY have started the process of enriching uranium in an underground facility.

Ahmadinejad has been making smiles and nice with Chavez and Castro.

Behind the scenes, we hear reports that Obama and his administration is trying to tell Israel NOT to attack Iran.

We hear reports that Obama and his administration has told China that “we can’t hold Israel off” forever.

Iran is apparently holding and has sentenced to death an American with dual Iranian citizenship because the so called spy was visiting his grandmother yet Iran claims a nuke scientist who was killed in a car bombing was assassinated by the CIA…or Israel…or somebody.

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Going to Iran to Visit Your Grandmother? Good Luck With That

Iran says that Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, a “former” Marine (those of who know, know there is no such thing as a FORMER Marine) is a CIA spy and after a quick trial, they have sentenced him to death.

Hekmati has 20 days to appeal.

I say Hekmati is something quite different but what that is depends on to whom you relate his status.

To understand this, we must go back to the first sentence of this article.

Iran says Amir Mizraei Hekmati, a “former” Marine is a CIA spy.

The key word in that sentence is… “Says.”

They SAY he’s a spy. But what is he REALLY? To THEM…What is Hekmati REALLY?

This I believe is more reflective of reality.

To Iran, Amir Mirzaei Hekmati is a bargaining chip.

Iran is facing stiff sanctions from the United States and a naval presence near the Strait of Hormuz. This, of course, is in response to Iran’s growing nuclear program which, as we learned a month or so ago, is two years or less from developing a nuclear weapon.

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IAEA Report Details LEAKED and Iran IS Almost Ready to go NUCLEAR

The situation between Israel and Iran has taken another turn for the worse. We knew it was coming and now we have some degree of confirmation.

The IAEA report regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions comes out tomorrow – but already, some general details of that report are leaking out and the picture is not pretty.

Tomorrow’s report will talk about how Iran has a missile, the Shahab 3, which can reach from Iran to Israel. Many who have been steadfastly insisting that Iran poses no direct threat to Israel because they have no weapon with the range to hit Israel will be proven wrong. Iran does indeed possess that range but that’s not the worst of it.

Iran has also, according to the IAEA report, apparently found a way to fit such a missile with a nuclear warhead.

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Obama’s Latest Foreign Policy FAIL

“Seal Target Geronimo” is the name of a new book by Chuch Pfarrer. Geronimo, as you will remember, was the code name for bin Laden during the raid in Pakistan which killed him. In this book, Pfarrer describes, among other things, how this raid likely went down.

Pfarrer should know what he’s talking about too.

Chuck Pfarrer is a former Navy Seal, but that’s not the end of it. While not personally involved in the bin Laden raid, Pfarrer used to be with Seal Tem Six as an Assault Element Commander and I suspect, he has some pretty spot on contacts.

According to the author, it is most likely that the shot that took bin Laden out came within 2 minutes of the time those Seals broke through the front door of that compound.

That’s not what caught my eye.

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Ron Paul is Dead Wrong on Israel and Iran

Last Thursday, I wrote a piece titled, I Do, and We as a Nation Should, Stand With Israel which laid out the situation between Israel and Iran in what I felt was pretty clear language. At the end of that piece, I spelled it out this way:

“With Egypt now in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood, a Hamas affiliate, Iran in the hands of a madman, Syria growing bolder by the day and Libya in the hands of who knows who but certainly with al Qaeda taking root, Iraq up for grabs as soon as we pull out in the next 6 weeks, Pakistan harboring terrorist activity and Afghanistan soon to become a vacuum, time is of the essence and clearly NOT on the side of Israel.”

After posting the piece, I received a good number of emails from Ron Paul followers asking all sorts of obtuse and dismissive questions including, “What do you think we need to do, babysit Israel forever?” and, “Are you really saying that Israel should attack Iran because of what they only THINK might happen?” and, “We should stay out of Israel’s affairs and Israel should stay out of Iran’s. Why do people like you always want war instead of peace?”

I am going to make this as clear as I know how.

Ron Paul and his army of Paulbots are dead wrong.

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I Do, and We as a Nation Should, Stand With Israel

On Wednesday, November 2nd, Israel test fired a missile, said to be ballistic, which is also reported to have the range to reach Iran. This comes after a weekend leak of growing support for a preemptive strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

While such an attack by Israel against Iran has always been on the table, the news, or at least the reports of an eminent strike have been ramped up.

Iran, for their part, promises that Israel would be punished for such an attack.

To understand why this is much more a hot issue today than, say, a week ago, one must understand what has led to this – and then, what the implications would be should it happen.

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Iranian Terror Plot and More Exposed

Today, it became known that an arrest had been made in September regarding a triple threat plot to bomb the Israeli and Saudi embassies in Washington D.C. as well as to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the United States.

This plot, from reports, had the backing of the Iranians. The two men named in this plot are Manssor Arbabsiar and Gholam Shakuri. Arbabsiar is currently under arrest and has been since late September while Shakuri remains at large and is suspected to be in Iran. Shakuri is part of the Qods Force, a special operations unit of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard and according to reports, the one who signed off on a $100,000.00 down payment on the hit against the Saudi Ambassador.

First, these men were being watched, closely, as this plot unfolded and the contacts for this hit was made between Arbabsiar and an undercover DEA “source” in Mexico who was posing as a high level Member of a drug cartel. These contacts were made last spring. The arrest was made on September 29th.

Immediately, there are a couple of things that jump out in all of this.

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We Are All Iranian Prisoners Now

Having been bombarded, for more than two years, with countless stories of the hikers held prisoner in Iran, and having had quite enough of the political correctness so invasive in our daily lexicon, I have decided that somebody needs to say SOMETHING which is politically DIRECT about this whole situation. So, here we go…An open letter to the “hikers.”


What the hell is wrong with you people? Do you come by your stupidity genetically or is it a byproduct of your ideology?

Perhaps both.

The Iranians said you were spies but that can’t possibly be true…you’re far to brain dead to be spies.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and take a wild shot at it…You’re all liberals aren’t you?

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