Obama’s Contempt for Israel Continues

It’s hard to believe that Obama’s support among Jewish voters is not eroding. Of course, the Jewish vote going traditionally to the left has always been something of a point of confusion.

This past weekend, Mitt Romney once again visited Israel and any comparison to Obama’s visit there nearly exactly 4 years ago as a candidate can be quickly dispelled.

In July of 2008, candidate Obama stopped in Israel but the visit was far, far different than Romney’s.

In 2008, Obama told the Israelis that, “I’m here on this trip to reaffirm the special relationship between Israel and the United States and my abiding commitment to Israel’s security and my hope that I can serve as an effective partner, whether as a U.S. senator or as president.”

Obama, at the time, also stated, “A nuclear Iran would pose a grave threat and the world must prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

And, of the Palestinian issue, Obama said, “Israelis desire a secure peace in which both they and the Palestinians can fulfil their legitimate aspirations: a strong secure state of Israel living alongside a viable and peaceful Palestinian state. We must support Palestinian leaders who share this vision.”

So…Over his time in office, how has Obama done regarding these promises?

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Israel in the Balance as Syria Nears Collapse

Syria is primed and ready to fall. The clock is ticking on Assad and his brutal regime and it’s now in the 11th hour.

If Assad is lucky, he’ll be killed outright either by rebel troops in a gun battle or by the sort of bomb attack which took out 3 of his top thugs yesterday.

If he’s lucky.

A little less luck would have him meet the same fate as Saddam…at the end of a rope after being tried for crimes against his own people.

Or…He go out as did Qaddafi…captured, beaten and shot in the street like the cur that he is.

Assad’s one and only chance would be to leave on his own and flee to a friendly Iran but even that comes with risks. What are the chances he can escape alive? Slim. What are the chances that, given the opportunity, even Iran would want him?


Iran already has Ahmadenijad and that raises the question…Is Iran big enough for 2 rabid dogs?

Yes but it comes with conditions. Iran could well accept Assad IF Assad brings his weapons of mass death along with him.

Anyway you look at it…Assad is near death from naturally occurring unnatural causes.

What then of his civil war torn nation? What becomes of Syria itself?

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A Fox, a Weasel and 2 Badgers Now on Guard

This is perhaps the most obvious case of the fox guarding the hen house ever.

In this case, it’s worse than that.

Here, we have a weasel, guarding the hen house and reporting his findings to a fox.

Eric Holder, perhaps the most corrupt Attorney General in our nation’s history, has appointed 2 investigators to look into leaks coming from the White House. Those two investigators report only to Holder; and he, in turn, reports to perhaps the most corrupt president in our nation’s history.

Seal Team 6.

The doctor who helped identify bin Laden.

The CIA double agent who helped nab the 2nd underwear bomber.

The cyber virus that hit the Iranian nuclear program.

Obama’s drone kill list.

Somebody high up…VERY high up…Can’t keep their mouth shut.

Last week, Obama in a press conference, stated that to insinuate that the leaks were coming from his administration was both wrong and offensive.

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Obama’s Crusade Against Israel Comes Out in the Wash

Imagine if one of our allies, during WWII, had let the cat out of the bag regarding D-Day…the date and the location or, leaked our information regarding Midway Island or the Doolittle raid. Imagine it, if you can, the damage that would have been done.

For some, WWII is too distant a memory and probably not taught in schools. Trust me, even if you’re not familiar with these important and decisive moments of WWII, such leaks would have been devastating to our efforts, would have cost thousands if not tens of thousands of our soldier’s lives and most likely would have prolonged the war by years.

In fact, such leaks by our allies would have been unforgivable.

Got that?


And yet, this is exactly what the Obama administration and therefore, Obama, is doing to Israel.

It was less than 2 months ago when Leon Panetta sat before a Washington Post reporter and let loose of the “possible” timeline for an Israeli attack against Iran regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities.

According to Panetta, “there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June.”

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On the World Stage…Obama is Prancing

The same guy who handed out well more than a thousand waivers from Obamacare has now handed out 11 waivers from Iran sanctions and the Obama Doctrine continues.

Oh, Obama has been TALKING real tough…Saying he was going to squeeze the fight out of Iran. He was going to sanction them to their knees. We have time…and space…for sanctions to work he said. He has sent his puppets to Israel time and time again trying to TELL Israel not to load up and attack Iran BECAUSE of the sanctions.

It’s not at all hard to believe that while talking TOUGH…Obama was, behind the scenes, telling Iran…Trust me…it ain’t gonna be that bad…I just have to put on a little show over here.

10 European Union nations and Japan are going to be allowed to continue to purchase oil from Iran…as long as they cut back a little.

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When Netanyahu’s in Town, We Have a Leader in D.C.

Last week, from an AP wire story, we had this:

“Israeli officials said that if they eventually decide a strike is necessary, they would keep the Americans in the dark to decrease the likelihood that the U.S. would be held responsible for failing to stop Israel’s potential attack. The U.S. has been working with the Israelis for months to persuade them that an attack would be only a temporary setback to Iran’s nuclear program.”

This comes from a top level official in the Intelligence Department who, reportedly, is familiar with such discussions.

Bear in mind, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, will be in Washington DC on March 5th and will meet with Obama. They may talk about a variety of things. The Palestinian Authority…The price of rice in China…Why Obama is such a schmuck…

One thing Netanyahu will NOT talk to Obama about is Israel’s plans or a direct timeline to attack Iran “to decrease the likelihood that the U.S. would be held responsible for failing to stop Israel’s potential attack.” You don’t have to read between the lines here. It’s perfectly clear.

Allow me to translate…

Israel will not let Obama in on any plans because the fool and his administration have proven they can’t keep their anti-Israeli pro-Iranian pie holes shut.

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Give Iran Exactly What They’re Asking For

It’s time to connect the dots in regard to Iran – and since Obama refuses to do it, we will.

Obama’s podium puppet, Jay Carney stated that, “There is time and space for diplomacy to work, for the effective sanctions to result in a change of Iranian behavior, an agreement by Iran to live up to its obligations, to engage in negotiations to resolve this matter peacefully.”


Someone needs to explain to this Alice in Wonderland administration that we have no diplomatic relations with Iran. In fact, we haven’t had diplomatic relations with Iran since 1980 and we have had a trade embargo against them since 1995.

Really? There is time and space for diplomacy to work? We’re talking about Iran here. The only way diplomacy works is if both parties involved have an interest in diplomacy; and guess what? Iran doesn’t.

Iran decided diplomacy with the United States was finished in 1979 as they took 52 Members of our Embassy in Tehran hostage and held them for 444 days – and here’s a little something else the great pretender needs to get a grip on…Those hostages were NOT released via diplomacy or because their behavior changed as a result of sanctions.

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Israeli Action vs Obama’s Inaction

Not since Jimmy Carter was in office has an American administration so lacked the political will to engage either our enemies or the enemies of our allies.

With the clock ticking between Israel and Iran, Obama seems much more inclined to try and stop any Israeli action than to force Iran into compliance.

Yes, Obama is enacting sanctions – but sanctions don’t work against such an ideology as Iran’s. If sanctions, even strict sanctions, have any effect at all, it isn’t noticeable for years; and rarely, if ever, even after years of implementation, do sanctions have the desired effect.

Anyone who believe sanctions will keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons would also be apt to believe in rainbow farting unicorns.

In reality, the sanctions pave the way for Iran to “claim” a desire to talk at which point they will make ransom demands for halting their nuclear weapons program while continuing their nuclear weapons program.

National Security Adviser, Tom Donilon, just ended several days of talks IN Israel. Along with Netanyahu, Donilon also had talks with Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Chief of the General Staff Benny Gantz, and National Security Adviser Gen. Yaakov Amidror.

With Iran ramping up THEIR efforts to develop nuclear weapons and with their near non-stop calls for Israel to be eliminated, sanctions in play against Iran, Iran stating they will cease oil shipments to France, Iranian agents trying to kill Israel diplomats in various countries, Iran’s threats to bring THEIR form of terror attacks to OUR nation, a plot regarding the Iranian assassination of Saudi diplomats on OUR soil uncovered last year…

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Israel vs Iran – Whose Play Are We Backing?

As allies, Israel and the United States should be so close together one could not slip a single sheet of paper between the two.

In the face of Iranian threats against Israel, that piece of paper should be reduced in thickness by a property of ten and still not fit between the nation of Israel and the United States.

Should we act on behalf of Israel? No. Israel is perfectly capable to act on their own and  they have never once asked us to defend them, act for them or take the lead in their issues.

None the less, we should be there, with them, side by side never flinching, never blinking.

As things now stand, this is not the case.

Last week, in reported comments, Leon Panetta made that abundantly clear.

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In what will only be seen as a direct and clear sign of weakness, reports have leaked of a letter sent by Obama to Iran asking for direct talks regarding Iran’s nuclear program and the issues surrounding the Strait of Hormuz!!

Iran, which weeks ago, became the recipient of a top secret drone which went astray and landed itself in pristine condition I Iran, yesterday taunted Obama by offering to send a plastic toy model of the drone to the white house.

In a previous and clear sign of weakness, Obama has asked Iran to return the drone but refused to either destroy it or attempt to retrieve it.


Iran is currently holding a former Marine on charges of spying and has sentenced him to death. They have the drone. They are now refining uranium. Ahmadinejad has been traveling and joking with Chavez and Castro about HAVING a nuke and USING it against the United States.

Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz.

Last week, the U.S. called off joint naval operations with Israel.



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