Friday Fume

I’ll be the first to admit that there are a great many things I don’t understand.


If there’s one thing I know with certitude…It’s that liberals are completely off their collective rockers.

It’s an epidemic. Thank GOD conservatives have a natural immunity to LDS…Liberal Derangement Syndrome.

Listen, aside from all the liberal insanity happening in various far-flung corners of the world…Right here at HOME they are doing their level best to prove they’re stark-raving bats in the belfry, marble-free NIMRODS!!!

What amazes me most of all is that liberals keep trying to get elected.

For GOD’S sake…If they’d just listen to the words and ideas that come out of their mouths…THEY wouldn’t vote for THEMSELVES!!!



Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

An age old common place bit of American fun is falling prey to liberal insanity in Rhode Island.

The Father Daughter dance.

Apparently…liberal/socialists believe…BEYOND ALL REALITY…that the father/daughter dance is the embodiment of GENDER INEQUALITY!!!


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A Potato Will NOT Get Us All Killed

Back in 2002, we caught a Member of the Muslim world, Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu , in Pakistan and locked him up in GITMO.

He wasn’t there because he let his kid play in a cul-de-sac.

Well, Back in 2007, we let him go. We sent him to his home country…LIBYA…on the ONE CONDITION that he would be KEPT imprisoned there.


Now…Obama HAD to KNOW this on Tuesday evening when he appeared on Letterman,  as the report ON it was obtained by Fox News Yesterday.

And KNOWING this…he told Letterman and the world that, “The message we have to send to the Muslim world is we expect you to work with us to keep our people safe.”

I had to run that one back on my DVR and played it over and over again.

Did he REALLY say that?

Is that what he REALLY thinks???


“The message we have to send to the Muslim world is we expect you to work with us to keep our people safe.”

I am going to explain this as delicately and with as much insight as I possibly can. I am going to make this so crystal clear that even liberals stand an outside change of grasping it.

I am going to make this as nonpartisan as is humanly possible so that those independents who are, at this moment, undecided as to how to vote in November, can make a completely unbiased decision.

Here we go…

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November 6th – The Bottom Line and the Red Line

You will, I hope, excuse me if I take Prime Minister Netanyahu’s word for it when he says that Iran may well be only 6 or 7 months away from attaining nuclear weapons.

I base this on the idea that the Prime Minister most likely attends his Daily Intell Briefings.

Just a few days ago, Prime Minister Netanyahu, in a most rare statement, ask for our help, as American voters, to, “elect a president willing to draw a “red line” with Iran.”

Our current part time occupant of the oval office has declined to do so.

In fact, Barack Hussein Obama has declined to so much as MEET with Prime Minister Netanyahu on the topic this week while the Prime Minister is in our country.

According to Obama…such a meeting just doesn’t fit into his schedule.

Appearing on Letterman last night, however, did.

Meeting with the Egyptian leader of the Muslim Brotherhood this week, also fits into Barack Hussein Obama’s jam-packed schedule.

The Prime Minister of the only true democracy in the Middle East, whose nation has been threatened with annihilation by the Adolph Hitler of the 21st century…Not so much.

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Obama’s Pattern of Death and Deceit

Regarding the attack in Libya a week ago today, here is what we know.

First the embassy in Cairo was attacked.

The embassy released a twitter statement apologizing for the event.

The embassy doubled down on that apology.

Mitt Romney released a statement criticizing the apology.

The Obama administration then disavowed the apology.

Hillary Clinton issued a somewhat reworded apology and blamed the event on a You Tube Video.

The attack in Libya then occurred.

Our Ambassador to Libya, another diplomat and 2 Navy Seals were brutally murdered.

Hillary Clinton reissued her statement and doubled down on the “blame the video” rhetoric.

Mitt Romney held a press conference where the press badgered him over the timing of his statement the day before.

Obama made a Rose Garden statement where HE claimed that the 2 events were in response to the video, before jetting off to Vegas for a fund raiser.

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As Hillary Clinton once put it…

“You would have to suspend disbelief.”

To buy into the lies being told by Obama and Clinton, by Jay Carney and Susan Rice…To buy the lies being told by this administration and their lapdog media propagandists…

You would have to “suspend disbelief.”

This administration is in desperation DEFCON 1 mode right now and they are counting on a willingly duped electorate to simply overlook the facts of the terrorist strike in Benghazi last week.

To believe this administration you would have to believe that:

The attack on the consulate which killed Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans was just a group of protesters upset over a video.

You would have to NOT believe that the first communication FROM that consulate as the attack began stated that it was coming from 3 different directions with arms fire and RPG’s.

To believe this administration, one would have to believe that the date of the attack was simply, coincidence.

You would have to NOT believe that the attack in Benghazi falling on the 11th anniversary of 9-11 was planned and coordinated.

To believe this administration you would have to believe that that concerned Libyan citizens took the Ambassador to the local hospital.

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Weekend Edition: To HELL With It!!!

When Muslims with a 7th century mentality, arm themselves with 21st century weapons and threaten to kill anyone who refuses to revert to their way of thinking…

What exactly do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When a high school football player points to the sky after a touchdown…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

When Muslims start acting on their threats by bombing buildings and market places, busses and trains…What do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When a statue of the Ten Commandments is placed in a courthouse…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

When Muslims hijack our planes and kill 3000 of us on a single day…What do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When someone wants to offer a prayer at a city council meeting…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

When Muslims turn their underwear into bombs, strap explosives to their own children and kill our soldiers on our own soil…What do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When a cross is placed in the dessert or an artifact that resembles a cross is to be placed in the 9-11 Memorial Museum…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

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Weekend Edition: On World Stage, Obama NOT an ACTor

While listening to Jay Carney, the white house Press Secretary, I couldn’t help but be reminded of Baghdad Bob.

That was the name pinned on Saddam’s official Press Minister.

Baghdad Bob sat before a TV camera back in the early days of the war and told his people that there were no members of the United States military within 300 miles of Baghdad.

The truth was something else to be sure. At the time, there were indeed Members of the United States military directly outside the building from which he was broadcasting, We had that building surrounded.

Yesterday, in the white house Briefing Room, Jay Carney stood in front of a TV camera and told US that the, “Protests are not directed at the United States.”

Where exactly does one begin.

First of all, calling what is happening in more than a dozen countries, “protests” is a gross understatement.

At best, they are riots.

At worst, they are acts of war.

But “Protests???”

Second, Carney HAS become our version of Baghdad Bob.

If the attacks against our United States Embassies and Consulates, If the burning of our school in Tunisia, If the murders of 2 United States diplomats and 2 United States Navy Seals, If the ripping and burning of United States flags before replacing them with flags of al Qaeda, If the chants of “Death to America” are NOT directed at the United States…

To whom, EXACTLY, are they directed???

At yesterday’s service as the bodies of our fallen from Libya returned, Hillary Clinton made remarks. After remembering Chris Stevens and the others, Hillary than, again, made strong remarks disavowing the U.S. Government having a thing to do with the “movie.”

There is, I believe, a reason for this constant denial regarding the “movie” and the apologetic tone regarding the “movie” from the State Department.

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Obama’s Messages Sent. Messages Received?

Our Embassies in Egypt, Libya, this morning…Yemen and Tunisia…It will not stop there.

Obama has blood on his hands.

It’s just that clear and that plain.

Obama’s actions and inactions in the Middle East and North Africa have led us, our allies and the world to the brink of disaster.

While Obama campaigns, touting his foreign policy “brilliance,” those very policies have led to acts of war against the United States and the deaths of our diplomats abroad.

Throughout 4 years of Obama’s foreign policy, he sends clear and unmistakable messages to our allies and our enemies alike. It’s brought about what we’re seeing right now across the Middle East and North Africa. It’s a disaster and, it’s going to get worse. What follows is a partial list of those messages.

For an American president to turn his back on Israel sends a clear and unmistakable message to our enemies in the region. Those are the same enemies of Israel.

Such actions as meeting with the Palestinian Authority combined with the inaction of never visiting Israel while occupying the white house tells these shared enemies that the United States will stand WITH the enemies and AGAINST our allies.

The actions of ushering Mubarak and Gaddafi out of power combined with the insistence that the Muslim Brotherhood have a seat at the table send clear messages that this administration wants Islam in control of the region and decades old peace accords rendered mute.

Inactivity by this perverse administration regarding the people’s uprisings in both Iran and Syria send the unquestionable signal that democracy, where Islamists are currently in control, is NOT something Obama wants to see.

It continues…

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Obama’s Weakness Leads to Acts of War Against U.S.

This morning, the black flag of al Qaeda is flying outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, along with 3 other Members of the Consulate staff are dead.

How did we get to this point?

It should NOT be unexpected!!!

Just a week removed from removing Jerusalem and any mention of keeping Hamas in check from the liberal convention platform, Obama has, once again turned his back on our most important partner by declining to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu next week.

While God and Jerusalem WERE added back into the platform after unholy hell was raised by conservatives, the wording regarding Hamas was not.

It was Obama, the last time he and Prime Minister Netanyahu met, who TOLD the Prime Minister that Israel should return to their pre-1967 orders.

At that point, Prime Minister Netanyahu had to take Obama to school on the topic in a very public moment.

Obama told France’s Sarkozy that he was tired of dealing with the Prime Minister…A moment of clarity caught on a live mic.

Indeed, Obama, as president has never made the trip to Israel. He did it as a pandering candidate but, never as president and that too, sends an unmistakable message to Israel and their enemies.

And yesterday’s snub of a meeting with Netanyahu adds more fuel to the Islamist fire.

An American leader who professes to be a friend of Israel and devoted to the security of Israel, would, at this moment in world upheaval, drop everything to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu. An American leader would stand with Israel and against our mutual enemies.

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Israel Readies for Confrontation, Obama Cornered

There is a VERY dangerous chess match afoot.

When pressed, one week ago by reporters regarding the situation between Israel and Iran, white house tough question dodger, Jay Carney said we must allow the, “most stringent sanctions ever imposed on any country time to work.”

He went on to say that there was still a “window of opportunity to persuade Iran … to forgo its nuclear weapons ambitions.”

Really? Allow the “most stringent sanctions ever imposed on any country time to work,” for WHO exactly?

In the LONG run, or short, when have sanctions EVER worked?

And exactly WHO’S window of opportunity are we talking about???

I’ve got some breaking news for ya Carney…Israel doesn’t have time for sanctions to work because, sanctions always work for the timeline of those they are levied against.

Iran will not be brought to their collective knees by sanctions of any kind but they WILL use the “time” provided by “diplomatic efforts” to stretch THEIR window of opportunity to produce nuclear weapons.

Sanctions are nothing but a wagging of a finger by the United Nations and regardless of how vigorously it is wagged, the offending nation always flips their own finger at the free world in response.

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