Megalomaniac Putin – Return of the Russian Czar

putin 1After yesterday’s article, “MH-17: Searching for the Truth,” co-written by myself and Diane Sori, a small handful of readers, some with connections to Ukraine, got their panties in a wad and accused us of all manner of things.

Naturally, they have a right to do so but while only one, Michael Hutton, did indeed offer thoughtful discussion, the rest of them offered no viable or even veiled facts to refute anything in that article. They did however, resort to personal attacks in their knee-jerk reactions as they blindly follow their Ukrainian government the way liberals here are velcroed to the ass of Obama.

In examining evidence and pouring through sources, none of which are the sources we were accused of pouring through by the way, both Diane and I presented the possibilities and identified what, according to the available information, looks like the most likely scenario for the downing of MH-17.

Sometimes, the intel doesn’t lead in the direction you would like it to but that will never keep us from exposing where it DOES lead.

But let’s get something clear right off the bat here…

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MH-17…Searching for the Truth

mh 17 1a

Article Co-Written by Diane Sori

On July 17th another Malaysian plane…MH-17… went down but this time it was different. Different than MH-370 in that this one did indeed crash. However, crashing is NOT what makes this different…being shot down out of the sky does.

While early reports have everyone blaming Vladimir Putin or Russia for this take down there are a few things that just do NOT add up.

First, Putin was the one who told Obama that a plane was down and that in and of itself seems an odd thing for someone supposedly involved to have done. What’s even odder is that Obama was fast to accuse Putin of downing the plane before the debris of the plane even had a chance for its fires to die down.

The more we learn…in mere bits and pieces…the more questions are raised. Questions like…was this an actual surface-to-air take down or was this done by an air-to air-missile?

The actual flight path as compared to what should have been the flight path was changed. According to Malmh 17 2aysian air officials, the common route for these planes traveling to Asia would have been about 200 miles south of the flight path this plane was on. Malaysian Air is saying that air traffic control out of Kiev moved MH-17 to a flight path 200 miles north of the one normally used which sent MH-17 directly over the war zone, an alteration probably done while the plane was still in Polish airspace.

Why did they move this plane 200 miles north over the exact area where other military planes had recently been shot down? Part of the problem is that the Kiev government has reportedly seized those records from air traffic control so we might NEVER know.

Another part of the problem is that air traffic control knew damn well this was a civilian airliner and NOT a military plane yet they diverted it over rebel held territory, which raises the question of why would Ukrainian officials send a civilian plane over enemy territory?

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Weekend Edition: Hey Obama…Who’s Your al-Baghdadi Now?

tnp eagleIraq is all but lost today. The green zone is all but awash in a sea of blood. Baghdad is falling, the people are fleeing…running for their very lives but to where? We don’t know. THEY don’t even know but they know they can’t stay there.

What started as maybe 1500 Sunni insurgents has turned into tens of thousands of them and as they continue to stream into Iraq from the northwest, from Syria, they gain strength, momentum and rage.

Having taken the Iraqi central bank in Mosul, ISIS is now the most well-funded terrorist operation on the planet. They, unlike so many other terrorist hoards, don’t have to rely on third party financial support because, from that bank in Mosul, they plundered more than $425 million dollars and as they extend their terror from one Iraqi city or town to the next, they gain more riches.

Into each town or city they enter, they carry the heads of those they have murdered on their bayonets and on poles. In their wake, they leave the mangled bodies of those they crucify and headless corpses litter the streets behind them.

The purple ink that once was a proud display of having voted has faded from the fingers of the dead though it never faded from their hearts and it is very much on the minds of those who flee.

I am sickened by those who, in their desperation to excuse Obama for this, attempt to blame Bush.

“Bush started an illegal war” they say. No…no he didn’t. Bush had the consent of congress to go to war in Iraq and that included a damn good number of liberals. “Bush LIED” they scream but, no…no he did not as he provided TO congress all intel gathered on Saddam and it wasn’t just our intel either. The world’s intel operations showed Saddam’s Iraq to be in possession of chemical weapons and trying to build nukes.

Then liberals try to claim that Bush falsely blamed Iraq for 9-11 but I have yet to have so much as a single one of them provide me with proof that Bush blamed Iraq for that. They can’t because, he never did and they know it.


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Weekend Edition: Benghazi TREASON – An Orchestrated Convenience

tnp eagleWhat in the hell was former Deputy Director of the CIA, Mike Morrell, TALKING about last Wednesday under sworn testimony before the house committee?



He agreed to appear at the hearing, to in his words, “Lay out the facts,” regarding the altering of the CIA’s Benghazi talking points memo because, again in his own words,  “The ethical code under which intelligence officers carry out their responsibilities calls for total objectivity.”

What followed was, in fact, THE most SUBJECTIVE testimony, full of abject contradictions, he could have possibly delivered.

It was, to be blunt, nothing less than a stunning exercise in ass covering that left more questions than it answered including one very important query…

Exactly who’s ass was he covering FOR???

Michelle Bachmann, who doled out perhaps THE most pointed and forceful line of questioning during the hearing has her theory on that answer.

According to congresswoman Bachmann, Mike Morrell was, “taking the fall” for Hillary Clinton.

“She couldn’t have a better person to take the fall for her because Morrell was involved in rewriting the talking points as he was the No. 2 at CIA,” congresswoman Bachmann related to WND in a candid interview. Bachmann was submitting that Morrell was cleaning up the mess to allow Hillary, “WHAT DIFFERENCE, AT THIS POINT, DOES IT MAKE” Clinton to make a 2016 run for the oval office, “so, he can come in authoritatively [and] say, ‘No, that’s not the story. The story is the fake story we tried to push.'”

Perhaps but, Morrell would also have to be confirmed in 2016 and, the way things are shaping up for the 2014 midterms, even IF Hillary runs and wins, she may well be facing a republican majority in the house AND the senate rendering such a confirmation highly unlikely.

That said…

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Obama – Put Your Hands UP and Get Your Feet Off the Desk

Every Time Ed Snowden sneezes, there’s a breaking news update.

If the guy breaks wind, I’m reasonably sure the media would glom onto it as though a petrified rat had just been found on Mars.


Because Ed Snowden is a wanted man. He’s on the lamb and he’s looking for a nice, quiet little communist community where he can settle down.


For espionage.

In a “phony” scandal.

Under a long defunct provision called the Espionage Act of 1917.

ESPIONAGE they say. He has harmed the nation’s security…Or so they say.

As Snowden prances about the globe applying for asylum and being turned down and, as he finally gets out of the Moscow airport…Snowden is America’s most wanted American.

I have to tell you…I don’t get it.

What’s so special about Ed Snowden anyway?

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