We are just a few days away from the end of the world as Obama knows it.

Sequestration is like giving the government growth machine a vasectomy…NOT a full castration.

To be quite honest, I was far more scared of the end of the Mayan calendar than I am of sequestration and for good reason.

What we’re talking about here is NOT the massive cuts and mayhem projected by the Dictator but a 2% slowing of the GROWTH of government this fiscal year or…roughly over the next 6 months.

That’s 2% of a projected $1.3 TRILLION DOLLAR SPENDING SPREE which means, at the end of this fiscal year, our big government spenders will STILL have spent more THIS year than last year.

This is, naturally, the truth the Dictator would rather you NOT know.

HE, and his faithless minions would much rather have you TERRIFIED of what will happen after this Friday’s deadline and he’s going to do everything he can to send you that message.

Sequester is NOT the doom and gloom, mass extermination event this Dictator is wailing and gnashing his teeth over and if your IQ is anywhere near double digits, it should cause you no alarm.

However…That said…

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Liberals: Victims of Their Own Victimization


We all know that liberals love victims but, it goes much deeper than that doesn’t it?

Liberals NEED victims and where they can’t FIND them, they’re more than happy to CREATE them.

Were it not for victims, liberals would cease to exist. They’d dry up and they’d blow away. There would be no further need for them.

This has been their Mode of Operation for DECADES.

It’s no different today that it’s ever been.

Class warfare.

Those in the middle class are now the victims of the upper class. Just ask a liberal.

It’s those vicious greedy evil people who HAVE money but aren’t paying their “fair share” of the taxes that are the problem. Right? They have to cough up more, and more, and more…Don’t they?

Never mind that those making $250,000.00 every year or more are already paying 64% of ALL the taxes while accounting for only 29% of the people…THEY’RE not paying THEIR “fair share” are they?

Therefore, if you fall below that magic $250,000.00 income number…YOU…ACCORDING TO LIBERALS…ARE A VICTIM!!!

Illegal aliens.

Those who break the law by entering our country illegally are victims.

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Friday Fume

As the polls start to shift, the liberal LOONS are getting twitchier by the minute!!!

They’re seeing their grip on power slip faster t than their GRIP ON SANITY!!!

In desperation, they are grasping the thinnest of threads as they dangle over the abyss and knowing they are about to take the plunge…they seem more and more bent on trying to take us all with them!!!

But guess what?

We’ve GOT all our marbles and we believe in our values…AMERICAN VALUES and unlike the liberal lemmings…WE WILL NOT GO WILLINGLY OVER THE CLIFF!!!

My friends and fellow Patriots…Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

For GOD’s sake…

The Freedom From Religion Foundation dipsticks are at it again.

This time, all the way from Wisconsin, they are trying to force an investigation into a GEORGIA high school because the football coach ALLOWED LOCAL CHURCHES TO PREPARE PRE-GAME MEALS FOR THE TEAM!!!

HEAVEN forbid…

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Is Obama a “Dreamer???”

Is it simple pandering to a voting bloc in the months leading to the election or, is it something far, far worse?

Frankly, it’s hard to tell and while neither is good, the outcome, either way, it is clearly against the very principles of this nation.

Last week, it came to light that an ICE agent was threatened with punishment…A 3 day suspension…And for WHAT exactly?

Enforcing the law.

The ICE agent in question arrested a 35 year old ILLEGAL immigrant because that ILLEGAL alien had amassed 10 traffic violations.

For an American citizen, according to the Newark Police Department, such an arrest would have landed the arrestee in jail.

In THIS case…ICE supervisors ordered the ILLEGAL alien to be RELEASED and now, the Agent who made the arrest is facing a 3 day suspension.



Not a high priority target.

Tell THAT to Zach and Aileen Smith who, in a separate incident, were involved in a vehicle crash when their car was struck by…AN ILLEGAL ALIEN WHO HAD 4 DUI’s ON HIS RECORD!!! Aileen was 7 months pregnant and after being rushed to the hospital for an emergency C-Section found that her baby did NOT survive the crash.

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The Truth Behind Obama’s Immigration Decree

Well, as of yesterday morning, we have a clear and concise picture of the Obama jobs plan.

It’s stunning.

The Emperor’s plan is to drop nearly 1 million illegal aliens into the United States workforce.

Given the fact that unemployment is at 8.2 percent and the number of those dropping out of the workforce or those who are way under employed is significantly higher than the “official” figure, the Emperor has, in his unlimited and pandering wisdom, decided the best thing he could possibly do, is dump 1 million illegal aliens into that workforce.


It depends on who you ask.

Ask Obama and he will tell you because “It’s the right thing to do. It’s the right thing for America.”

If that’s not galling enough, he goes on to say that “We are a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.”

Allow me to decode that for you.

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Holder Perpetrating Voter Fraud in Florida

“We have an obligation to make sure the voter rolls are accurate and we are going to continue forward and do everything that we can legally do to make sure than ineligible voters cannot vote. We are firmly committed to doing the right thing and preventing ineligible voters from being able to cast a ballot. We are not going to give up our efforts to make sure the voter rolls are accurate.”

That is the message from the Florida Attorney General’s office regarding Eric Holders desperate demand that the state cease and desist in purging voter rolls of illegal aliens  who are registered to vote illegally.

Florida has had quite enough and one can see fit to they are not alone in that sentiment.

Where exactly does this leave Holder? In a not so enviable position really.

Section 5 is the basis for his argument but, it’s a long shot at this point. Section 5 protects minorities from illegal practices regarding voting in several southern states where, admittedly in the past, such things took place. Voter intimidation, refusal to register minorities etc.

Now, due to Section 5, those states must okay any change in voter law with the nation’s Department of Justice.

Holder is really, really reaching to use Section 5 in this way. Really reaching.

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