Walker’s Reforms = Obama Referendum

Tomorrow is reelection day in Wisconsin. REELECTION DAY.

Forget the RECALL, it’s not going to happen.

When Scott Walker was running in 2010, he knew his state was on the edge of the abyss. He knew the financial disaster looming would be bad and he ran on a platform of making substantial decisions aimed at pulling Wisconsin away from the brink.

Walker said that collective bargaining of public sector unions had to go. Wisconsin could no longer afford them. Walker said that union Members would have to start paying for a portion of their own pension programs for the same reason…Wisconsin could no longer afford to foot the full bill.

Walker won that election over his liberal rival, Tom Barrett.

Once he became the Governor OF Wisconsin, Walker set about putting into place exactly what he said he would when he was a candidate.

His actions, and those of his conservative majority in the state legislature set ablaze the liberal/socialist machine.

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Holder Perpetrating Voter Fraud in Florida

“We have an obligation to make sure the voter rolls are accurate and we are going to continue forward and do everything that we can legally do to make sure than ineligible voters cannot vote. We are firmly committed to doing the right thing and preventing ineligible voters from being able to cast a ballot. We are not going to give up our efforts to make sure the voter rolls are accurate.”

That is the message from the Florida Attorney General’s office regarding Eric Holders desperate demand that the state cease and desist in purging voter rolls of illegal aliens  who are registered to vote illegally.

Florida has had quite enough and one can see fit to they are not alone in that sentiment.

Where exactly does this leave Holder? In a not so enviable position really.

Section 5 is the basis for his argument but, it’s a long shot at this point. Section 5 protects minorities from illegal practices regarding voting in several southern states where, admittedly in the past, such things took place. Voter intimidation, refusal to register minorities etc.

Now, due to Section 5, those states must okay any change in voter law with the nation’s Department of Justice.

Holder is really, really reaching to use Section 5 in this way. Really reaching.

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Obama’s BRILLIANT Economic Plan

Well…I’m not exactly sure WHAT to say. I am STUNNED by the depth and breadth of Obama’s knowledge of economics.

Finally, yesterday, he made a clear and concise statement regarding his plan to fix the economy.

Oh, it’s late in coming but, better late than never…Right?

Obama was in Minnesota, speaking to liberal voters who, naturally, hang on his every utterance, and he substantially cleared up his, up to now, foggy approach to the nation’s struggling economy.

It seems to me that I MIGHT have to take back every bad thing I have said regarding his economic prowess over the years for truly, we are in the presence of greatness.

Here is what he said, word for word.

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Friday Fume

GREETINGS my Patriot friends!!!!

We have, against great odds, survived yet another week of liberal/socialist nuttery. It wasn’t easy…It never is…But, we manage one day at a time.

As we take a look back at the week that was, and shake our collective heads, just know that today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Let’s get started today in Gitmo. Gitmo, unlike Solyndra, is a place Obama WANTED to close down but couldn’t. Of course, knowing what we know NOW…Were Gitmo trying to produce SOLAR PANELS…they would have been out of business a long time ago.

Here’s something ELSE we know…Obama sits at his desk with Axelrod and decides which terrorists he’s going after week by week. Oh…NOT to capture them and put them INTO Gitmo…oh no…He decides, as judge jury and executioner…WHO HE WON’T BE EXTRACTING INFORMATION FROM BECAUSE HE IS ABOUT TO DRONE THEM TO DEATH!!

Meanwhile…INSIDE Gitmo, we have learned from a documentary by Al Jazeera…THAT THE PRISONERS IN GITMO ARE RECEIVING A TORTURE FAR, FAR WORSE THAN GETTING WET!!!


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Presidential Portraits Unveiled…

Today, in the White House, the official portraits of George W. Bush and Laura Bush were unveiled.

In attendance were friends and family of President Bush including his parents and daughters as well as many members of the White House staff. It was a lighthearted and respectful ceremony.

Official Presidential portraits always try to capture the true essence of the President and First Lady and the images revealed today certainly did just that.

While watching the televised unveiling, one could not help but wonder how the true essence of Barack and Michelle Obama would be captured in a few short years.

First, an artist will be commissioned and that artist will then take input from the Obama’s.

The official Obama portraits will attempt to show them, their personalities and their true character.

May we humbly suggest…

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Lobotomized Shepherds Tending Their Flocks

They do walk among us. Really, they do.

Stupid people.


Pardon my redundancy.

A couple of days ago, in what can only be seen as a non partisan, clearly not racial, and certainly a prime example of the separation of church and state they liberals so heavily preach in favor of sort of event, Eric Holder spoke to a group of black religious leaders and the Congressional Black Caucus about…

How they could use their pulpits to help reelect Barack Hussein Obama.

So…there he was, the Attorney General of the United States, who is under investigation and possibly facing contempt of congress charges, speaking to black preachers and black caucus members.

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The National Patriot On The Air

Last night, it was my great pleasure to be a guest on Rapture Ready Radio with Matt Buff and Jim Fletcher.

Over the course of the hour, we delved into many different political issues and topics including Allen West, the 2012 elections, foreign and domestic policies, Mitt Romney and a good deal more.

I thoroughly enjoyed the interview and hope to again be asked to in their conversation!!

The National Patriot portion of last night’s show begins at the 72:30 mark. Please have a listen and, like me, become a fan of Rapture Ready Radio!

To hear last night’s show, please CLICK HERE!!!

DHS is Watching YOUR Social Media Posts

GOOD MORNING fellow Patriots, users of social media…Facebook, Twitter etc. Are YOU thinking of posting something today? Maybe tomorrow? The next day? I’ll bet you are.

I am.

I post EVERY day and I’m willing to bet YOU do also.

We have known for some time that we are being watched. Big brother IS out there watching what we do, post, say and reading our comments. If you think this is 2012, you’re dead wrong.

THIS is 1984.

What our administration fails to realize is that “1984” was a BOOK…Not the instruction manual for a government takeover of the people but it HAS become that manual…Hasn’t it?

Here’s the deal Patriots…YOU and I are being watched via social media and its being done under the guise of national security. In fact, it’s the Department of Homeland Security who is monitoring what we’re doing. That’s right…DHS under the thumb of Janet Napolitano is watching our posts tweets and comments.

They have a list of words and key phrases that are RED FLAGS and whenever those words or key phrases show up in social media…DHS takes a closer look.

It’s not as bad as you might think however. If YOU don’t want to be spied on by your own government, all you need do is avoid using those red flag words or key phrases. Simple.

Below are those very words and key phrases released by DHS through a Freedom of Information Act request.

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On Memorial Day We Salute Our Heroes

Some died in well known battles. Some in lesser known. Many died in places whose names are known to all. Others in places we have never heard of or on nameless plots of ground. Many were returned home. Many were not. Some were lost for years and decades and some remain…missing.

They died in faraway places. Germany, France, North Africa. They died in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan. They died on Pacific islands and many more places too numerous to mention.

Some lost their lives on hills…San Juan…Hamburger…881 and Porkchop.

Some lost their lives on beaches…Omaha…Sword…Juno and Gold while others died on beaches we may have never heard of at all.

They died in forests, cities, mountains, swamps, rice paddies, deserts and trenches too.

Many died here at home…the Revolutionary War…the War of 1812…the Civil War.

Some died in the air. Some died at sea. Some died in places that were never talked about on missions never officially sanctioned.

Many volunteered to go and many didn’t but, they went. All of them went.

Sometimes, it was easy for them to identify the enemy and sometimes it was impossible. Some died in the heat of battle while bullets filled the air and bombs exploded all around them. Others died sleeping in their barracks, eating a meal or in places they thought were safe from harm.

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2 Soldiers – Memorial Day 2012

As we celebrate Memorial Day, we take time to remember and honor those who have served our nation. It’s not enough to honor them once or twice each year. We must honor them always.

Yesterday, We published an idea. I simple idea but one which we believe will have lasting honor for our fallen Veterans. We Call it…National Patriot Honors.

If you missed that article, please click here and let us know in the comment box if you will take National Patriot Honors to heart and build YOU National Patriot Honors team.

Sometimes, an image can say more than an entire article. Today, rather than an article, we will leave you with a specially created image we call “2 Soldiers” which we, at The National Patriot, believe captures what Memorial Day is about. Don’t forget to check out and comment on, National Patriot Honors and be safe this Memorial Day weekend.