By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
It’s time to call them exactly what they are.
And yes…
By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
It’s time to call them exactly what they are.
And yes…
What Mr. Gabby Giffords has a bad week…He really has a BAD week.
First, he had to pull his daughter’s dog from a sea lion pup on the beach. No…The sea lion didn’t survive and yes…It WAS all caught on video…
Mark Kelly isn’t going to get his gun.
You will remember, just a couple of weeks ago, Mark Kelly was photographed at a Tucson gun store, just a day or so after his holier-than-thou testimony AGAINST buying guns and AFAINST the 2nd Amendment in Denver, filling out paperwork to purchase a Sig Sauer M400 5.56mm rifle, a semi-auto AR-15 style weapon.
Once THAT image went viral, Mr. Giffords had to quickly walk it back on CNN telling us all that he only did it to prove how easy it was to pass a background check and buy a weapon AND that he would turn it over to the cops as soon as he had it in his possession.
Well, as you may well remember…
So…There he was, a week ago, in Tucson where even dogs know exactly who he is, at a gun store…BUYING a .45 caliber semi-automatic handgun.
The day AFTER giving testimony in Colorado as they attempt to ban everything from pea shooters to shotguns.
Mark Kelly.
Mr. Gabby Giffords and former astronaut.
Socialist controlled puppet for the gun ban crowd.
Here’s what he told CNN.
“As I was leaving, I noticed a used AR-15. Bought that too. Even to buy an assault weapon, the background check only takes a matter of minutes.”
“I have no use for a gun like that.”
Gun for the goose…None for the gander.
Naturally, in the age of cell phones and citizen journalists, he was snapped filling out the paperwork and as often happens in the 21st century (and beyond) Buzz Lightyear (to the left of liberal) Kelly was outed.
Isn’t it something when…
Exhibit A
According to Leon Panetta, “It’s clear to all of us that women are contributing in unprecedented ways to the military’s mission of defending the nation.”
Said the Dictator: “Today, by moving to open more military positions — including ground combat units — to women, our armed forces have taken another historic step toward harnessing the talents and skills of all our citizens.”
“I congratulate our military, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for the rigor that they have brought to this process. As Commander in Chief, I am absolutely confident that — as with the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ — the professionalism of our armed forces will ensure a smooth transition and keep our military the very best in the world. ‘
“Today, every American can be proud that our military will grow even stronger with our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters playing a greater role in protecting this country we love.”
Above, you see this administration’s position on placing American women in combat situations as part of our United States Military.
While I don’t share their enthusiasm, they certainly do sound confident in making their pronouncements. Don’t they?
You just have to love the irony of it all.
Here’s the question of the day:
What do those who fear guns fear MORE than guns???
The answer:
Emails and phone calls.
Try not to laugh.
I mean, really try.
I dare ya.
The Journal News…That NY Newspaper that published an online interactive map of registered gun owners in a couple of counties has…
Wait for it…
Oh yes they did.
The armed security, they say, is in response to…
Wait for it…..
Well my friends…Here we are, staring a brand new year square in the face.
What a year it’s been huh?
52 weeks…52 Fridays…
52 FUMES!!!!!
Since we all made it through the Mayan end of the world, ate far too much between Thanksgiving and Christmas and are now facing the fiscal cliff, higher taxes and more government intrusion into our lives and homes…
We have a couple of choices.
We can either let the pressure build up until we explode or…
We can take a few minutes at the end of the week to let off a little steam and laugh at the socialist idiots.
I choose the latter.
It’s Friday Patriots and…
I’m fuming.
New Year’s Eve just won’t be the same in Brasstown North Carolina this year.
For the past 19 years, the folks there have celebrated by…
LOWERING a ‘POSSUM in a cage from the top of a building and then…SETTING IT FREE IN THE WOODS.
Not any more.
PETA sued them for animal cruelty and put an end to the fun.
So…This year…event organizer, Clay Logan, the owner of Clay’s Corner Store, says they’re working on a plan.
It could well employ…
We all knew it was coming didn’t we?
Another high profile murder.
More calls for gun control.
It’s that damned 2nd Amendment isn’t it?
If ONLY there weren’t guns. No guns…no more murders.
That is what socialists WANT you to believe. They are DESPERATE to find a way to make you believe that or, rather, to make just barely enough Americans believe it to wipe out the 2nd Amendment.
So desperate that they will latch onto ANY situation to push their agenda.
Saturday, Jovan Belcher killed his girlfriend and then, drove to the KC Chiefs practice facility, thanked his coaches for all they had done for him and, in front of them, shot and killed himself.
Sunday, during halftime, Bob Costas pushed for gun control.
It was expected…
It was inane…
Costas was so unprepared to make his OWN comments that he had to read from an op-ed written by a former football player.
Have a listen…