Liberal BS and the Farting Cows of Doom

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The liberal agenda is all BS. 100 percent, absolute, undeniable bullcrap…and I believe that I can prove it.

Honestly, I don’t give a happy damn what plank from their agenda you care to bring up…I can show you how liberals have taken both sides of the issue when it suits them…and many times, they take both sides at the same time.

Sure it’s tricky. You have to be accomplished, pathological liars to do it. You have to be the absolute definition of hypocritical to pull it off, and you must, and I mean MUST have no shame…but we’re talking about liberals here so…

It goes without saying that liberals hate President Trump, and they hate Conservatives who support President Trump. Liberals also hate opinions that not fall into line with their own opinions.

Liberals hate religion, law enforcement, guns…people who own guns and large sodas.

The list of things liberals hate is far too long to compile here, but suffice it to say…liberals are indeed a hateful bunch and yet, they portray themselves as…

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The Case for the Wall – Exhibit A

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Just imagine having elected leaders standing in front of a bank of American flags telling the nation that they are opposed to protecting and defending not only our nation, but the American people.

You don’t have to imagine it…it happened.

Just six years ago, Nancy Pelosi supported the building of 700 miles of border wall, and she was not alone. Far from it in fact.

Back then, congressional democrats were nearly unanimous in their support of such a wall.

Six short years ago, while Hussein Obama occupied the Oval Office, no less than Chuckles Schumer and Dickie Durbin had THIS to say regarding 700 miles of border wall…“Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary [of Homeland Security] shall establish . . . the ‘Southern Border Fencing Strategy,’ to identify where 700 miles of fencing (including double-layer fencing) . . . should be deployed along the Southern border.”

Oh, my…

That was in relation to the Gang of 8 bill which also made something else quite clear…

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The Social Reengineering of Our Justice System

Lindsey Graham, the Senator from South Carolina who went off on both the liberals in the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Republicans last week says he now launching his own investigation into the Kavanaugh matter.

Graham is not however investigating Kavanaugh…he’s investigating the liberals as to how they engineered what can best be described in the words of Kavanaugh himself, as a “search and destroy mission” against the man who I still believe will be the next United States Supreme Court Justice.

Good for Lindsey Graham…somebody needs to do what he’s doing and I hope he can find the truth.

As for why Christine Blasey Ford was chosen by liberals to be the delivery system for this “search and destroy mission,” I refer you to Diane Sori’s op-ed, The Details of the Democrats Evil Plan Exposed.


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A Steaming Vat of Liberal Hypocrisy

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

When was the last time you heard the mainstream, alphabet media praise President Trump regarding our nation’s economy?


I’ll get back to that shortly, but before I do let me tell you about why it is so very important that our economy recover from the stagnation under Obama during his 8 years at the helm.

It doesn’t matter in what area one looks…military, national security, energy, workforce participation…you name the area, and strength in that area can’t be had unless the nation’s economy is strong.

This is exactly why Obama never did one thing to improve the national economy…

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The Hypocrisy of Liberal Trolls

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Randa Jarrar is, or was a tenured professor at Fresno State University who, last week, tweeted her disgust for former First Lady Barbara Bush upon the 92 year old death.

Jarrar tweeted, “Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal,” and she added…“Fuck outta here with your nice words.”

Jarrar also sent forth this tweet, “PSA: either you are against these pieces of shit and their genocidal ways or you’re part of the problem. That’s actually how simple it is. I’m happy the witch is dead. Can’t wait for the rest of her family to fall to their demise the way 1.5 million Iraqis have. Byyyeeeeeee.”

With a Fresno State University investigation under way, Jarrar is on leave for the rest of this semester, and she has left the country even as her supporters rally on her behalf.

Let’s get something straight here…

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The Cure for Liberal Conundrum Syndrome

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Personally, I am so glad that I’m a Conservative. There are so many, many reasons for my state of giddiness over it I hardly know where to begin, but I suppose one of the main reasons for my glee, is that I don’t suffer from a particular mental illness that afflicts a growing number of liberals.

To be certain, it’s reaching epidemic status, and I’m reasonably sure that the Centers for Disease control are trying to work up a vaccine to ward it off…but…judging by their success rate in combating the flu…

I’m not holding my breath.


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Hypocrisy For the Left of Us…Condemnation For the Rest of Us

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The real shame of racism in the U.S. is that racists are controlling the national dialogue, while non-racists are allowing it to be that way. To discover just how true that statement is, and why it’s true, one first must identify just who the real racists are.

Historically speaking, the real racists in America have enjoyed a singular political party affiliation…to the democrat party.

Democrats fought for slavery. Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan. Democrats developed Jim Crow laws. Democrats stood for segregation. Democrats initially blocked the Civil Rights Act and democrats invented Affirmative action….the process of separating blacks and people of color from the rest of the nation for the business of protecting and advancing people based solely on race, regardless of their abilities as individuals.

Those are all historical facts, but today’s democrats, today’s liberals, are no less racist than their historical political party predecessors.

Today, driven by liberal ideology, and the liberal agenda, if you’re black… Continue reading

Ice Creamgate…2 Scoops of Liberal Hypocrisy

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Somewhere in a swirl of depression, delusion and desperation, exists the liberal/socialist party formerly known as democrats. They are unhinged, and more frenzied than a spastic poodle in a room full of ADHD squirrels.

The MINORITY in both halls of congress seems to think they have the power to impeach the president…because they apparently weren’t paying attention to School House Rock as children, and last week, their desperation manifested itself in epic fits of irrelevance.

Just a couple of years ago, Barack Hussein Obama traded 5 Taliban war council members for 1 U.S. traitor, thus releasing the Islamists back into the wild, and theaters of war…and the liberal/socialists said nothing.

No stink was raised by a single liberal anywhere…

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The Scale of Self-Righteous Indignation

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Self-righteous indignation is defined as: “Confident of one’s own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others, which do not match their own.” and dare I say it…there are two groups who, in today’s politically-charged American culture, embody that definition to a tee.

The first, of course, are liberals.

Liberals feel entitled to what others have earned through hard work and tenacity. Liberals claim the right to be offended by those who think, or believe differently than they do, and they believe their offense takes priority over our actual rights as outlined in the Constitution.

Liberals go stark-raving, foaming at the mouth mad when they don’t get their way, or when what they feel entitled to is not simply handed to them on a silver platter.

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Liberals…Glass Houses and Dancing Doofi

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

You know what they say…

Those who live in glass houses…will have many dead birds at their foundations.

While liberals make slobbering fools of themselves regarding Jeff Sessions and his meeting with a Russian Ambassador, insisting that he either recuse himself from any investigation related to the Trump administration and the Russians…which he has done…or resign over HIS meeting with Ambassador Kislyak…they forgot to close their own drapes.

Did Sessions meet with Kislyak? Yep, he sure did.

Did he discuss the 2016 election with Kislyak? He says he didn’t, and there is no evidence to counter that claim.

Was his meeting with Kislyak illegal, in any way, shape or form?

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