Liberals…Outsmarted By Their Own Stupidity

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

So, it’s been three months since President Trump won the 2024 election is a fashion that simply boggles the minds of liberals. They were incredulous during the campaign when nothing they tried seemed to work, beside themselves when Joe Biden’s trolley came off the tracks during the debate, and completely gobsmacked when Kamala Harris went down in flames on election night.

One would think that with now better than 90 days to reflect on their own nincompoopery, liberals would have employed a little bit of self-examination and party agenda introspection in the attempt at arriving at an a-ha moment regarding what they did wrong.

But these are liberals we’re talking about here…garden variety liberals, elected liberals and liberal propagandists in the mainstream media.

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Lori Lightfoot – Chicago’s Nero

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Just a day before Chicago’s mayoral election, Lori Lightfoot went off on Time Magazine for NOT giving HER the same boost they once gave Rahm Emanuel. Lightfoot played the race card, which is what elected black officials do when things aren’t going their way.

According to the soon to be ex Mayor of the Windy City, “I remember Rahm Emanuel appearing on the cover of Time Magazine, the headline was basically like: ‘Tough guy for Chicago.’ No woman or woman of color is ever going to get that headline.”

Lightfoot claimed that she had been judged “harshly as a black woman.”


In making that statement, Lightfoot admits that she should have been judged on the basis of the color of her skin rather than on the content of her character, and essentially what she said was that because of her skin color, the bar should have been lowered with regard to expectations. In other words, less should have been expected of her because she’s black.

That’s crap, and no self-respecting black person should agree with her.

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Unmasking Liberal Hypocrisy

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

“It is shameful that our opponents are using a Black History Month reading event for Georgia children as the impetus for a false political attack, and it is pitiful and predictable that our opponents continue to look for opportunities to distract from their failed records when it comes to protecting public health during the pandemic.”

That obtuse quote came from the Stacy Abrams campaign after she was photographed, a week or so ago, sitting on the floor with a classroom full of kids in an elementary school just outside of Atlanta. In the photo, Abrams is NOT wearing a mask despite the school’s mask mandate, but every kid in that room IS wearing a mask.

Let me be clear on this, in that statement from Abrams’ campaign, they are telling you serfs that because it’s black history month, and because Abrams is black, she doesn’t need to mask up and you should shut up.

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What Liberals Say and What it Means

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Just a week ago or so, California’s liberal Marxist Governor, Gavin Newsom was addressing the crisis of train robberies taking place around Los Angeles.

Newsom stood in front of a microphone and said, “This is not one-off. This is organized theft. These are organized gangs of people that are coming out.”

At that point, the liberal Marxist Governor felt the sudden need to correct himself by stating, “Forgive me for saying ‘gangs,’ that’s a pejorative. They’re organized groups of folks that move from site to site.”

A perjorative is defined as “expressing contempt or disapproval.” That’s an important definition to know because what Newsom said in his immediate self-correction was that he did not intend to show or express “contempt or disapproval” toward those who are breaking into trains, looting those trains and trashing the area around the tracks in Los Angeles. In other words, Gavin Newsom, the liberal Marxist Governor of California APPROVES of the actions of “organized groups of folks” moving from site to site that BREAK INTO TRAINS full of goods that other people have paid for, LOOTING those trains and leaving in their wake TONS of trash which can then easily be infested with rats and other disease-ridden vermin.

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Liberals Are Idiots…Can I Get an AMEN?

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Amen is commonly used after a prayer, creed, or other formal statement. … It means “it is so” or “so it be.” Amen is derived from the Hebrew āmēn, which means “certainty,” truth,” and “verily.” In English, the word has two primary pronunciations: ah-men or ay-men.

The word is not now, nor has it ever been a matter of gender but don’t tell that to “woke” liberals because they won’t believe you.

Last week, during the opening prayer in the House, a “woke” obviously liberal idiot Congressman Emanuel Cleaver from Missouri ended the prayer by saying, “Amen, or Awoman.”

Clearly, this was a glaring sign of two things.

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Biden v. Reade – Hold the High Ground

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

Joe Biden.

Let’s set the gaffes and the now all too obvious dementia aside for the time being and focus on what has become a glaring problem for both him, and the democrat party.

Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade.

According to Reade, that assault took place back in 1993 when she was a staffer for then Senator Joe Biden. The accusation is that Biden kissed her…touched her inappropriately, and even penetrated her with his fingers…all without her consent.

There are some parallels here with the Christine Blasey Ford accusations against now Justice Brett Kavanaugh that must be addressed.

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The Ugliness That Is Political Correctness

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By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Over the years, both together and separately, we have written in our respective blogs and spoken about on our RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio show the insanity of “political correctness.” In fact, the very term “political correctness” is itself quite telling

To examine the abject insanity of it, the term must be separated into its two parts, and perhaps the best way to go about that is to examine it back to front starting with the word “correctness,” which basically has three definitions. First, “correctness” is “the quality or state of being free from error; accuracy,” and there’s nothing wrong in that definition. Second, “the quality of being right in an opinion or judgment” is the second definition of “correctness,” and again, that’s perfectly acceptable as a definition. But the third definition, “conformity to accepted social standards,” shows just where the definition of “correctness” goes to “hell in a handbag.”

Then there’s the word “political,” the front part of the phrase with said word having two distinct definitions. The first definition states, “in a way that relates to the government or public affairs of a country,”  which seems pretty straight forward and right to the point. The second definition is also straight forward and quite accurate, as in “interested in or active in politics.” But once again it’s in the third definition where we see the real issue, and that is “motivated or caused by a person’s beliefs or actions concerning politics.”

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Who Let the Cuckoos Out of the Nest?

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last Thursday, in a stunning reversal of rhetoric regarding the GOP’s border bill that passed in the Senate 84-8 last Wednesday, Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to liberals in the House stating, “In order to get resources to the children fastest, we will reluctantly pass the Senate bill. As we pass the Senate bill, we will do so with a Battle Cry as to how we go forward to protect children in a way that truly honors their dignity and worth.”

Oh, the hypocrisy.

Those little illegal alien spawn don’t know how damn lucky they are to have been dragged through God knows how many countries, across God only knows how many borders by adults, whether or not those adults are indeed even related to them, and held in what liberals insist are Nazi-like “concentration camps.”

If those were your garden variety American kids, liberals like Pelosi would have tried to stop them from even being born.

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Illegal Aliens, Liberals and the 5th Element

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The rotten egg that is sanctuary cities is about to explode in the faces of liberals, and they are not the least bit happy about it.

Such liberals have for years advocated for, and built their cities into such sanctuary cities, where illegal aliens, criminals by choice who have entered our country illegally can live, most of them sponging off of American taxpayer dollars, without fear of being detained or deported.

Sanctuary cities are where the lawless illegal aliens go because it is their safe space, and because in those sanctuary cities, liberals protect them. Liberals pitch a fit when you suggest building a wall to keep them out…but suggest to liberals that they turn their city into a sanctuary city…and they dance with glee in the streets.

Suggest to liberals that you’re going to cut off their sanctuary city’s gravy train…that you’re going to discontinue the flow of federal dollars to their sanctuary city…and you know what happens next…

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Holy Guacamole, Cow Farts and Reparations

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It is now early April, 2019, and while the calendar says we’re 19 months away from the 2020 election, I can assure you we are both a whole lot closer than that to the campaigns in earnest, and it’s going to seem like an eternity before Election Day.

It seems like every few days, some other democrat crawls out of their hole, sees their shadow and announces that they too are running for the presidency in 2020.

At this point, it bears a striking resemblance to one of those little cars at the circus that stops at center ring and about a hundred clowns come pouring out of it. Politics in this metaphor would represent the circus, the 2020 election would be the center ring, and…

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