Liberals Say the Dumbest Things

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has long been said that kids say the darndest things, and while that may well be true, it can also be said with certainty, that liberals say the dumbest things.

When it comes to the dumb things liberals say, one particular liberal just can’t help herself, and despite being called out over her abjectly stupid musings time and time again, Alexandria Common Core-tez just won’t shut up.

It seems that she is blissfully unaware of just how moronic she sounds nearly every time she opens her yap and spews forth her nonsense, but in the grand scheme of things, we need to let her continue unabated because with every utterance, she is galvanizing Republicans to vote against liberals in 2020.

Over the past couple of weeks, AOC has made a series of inane and idiotic comments, some of which have even left the left doing face-palms.

Common Core-tez, who has often taken to video selfies to air her deepest thoughts to liberal idiots who follow her social media accounts the way that blue bottle flies follow the aroma of horse apples, did so again last week with this stunningly absurd bit of liberal wisdom…

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The Desperately Obtuse World of Liberalism

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio


I mean, for the love of GOD, seriously.

In the liberal’s world of inexplicably trying to make all things equal that were never, in a million years ever meant to be equal, and with an eye toward gender neutrality, liberals have come up with the most absurd, most obtuse thing yet.

At the University of Arkansas, a true asylum of higher indoctrination run and staffed by liberal loons, the student government, liberal morons all, are trying their level best to mirror proposed legislation by the Arkansas House of Representatives.

The plan is to implement the disbursement of free menstrual products to those who need them in restroom dispensaries across campus.

In all restrooms dispensaries across campus….

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Gun-Free, Target-Rich – By the Numbers

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Living in a world full idiots is one thing. Living in a world run by abject idiots is something else altogether.

By now, we all know how liberals feel about guns. They detest them. They don’t want you to have them, and if you do have them, liberals don’t want you to be able to keep them, and they demand that you get them registered so that they will know where  you and your guns live, thus making it easier for liberals to come and get them.

There’s a second reason for why liberals want you to register your guns. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they intend to create a gun owner website…like the sex offender websites…where good lilt liberals can visit to see where not to buy a house, and where bad little liberals can map out which houses to rob.

A couple of weeks ago, some liberal jackass walked into the municipal building in Virginia Beach, Virginia and opened fire killing 12 people.

There was something special about that building too…

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Pelosi – One Week and a Few Tariffs Short

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has to be hard to be Nancy Pelosi these days. Really hard. Poor old confused bat doesn’t know what to be mad at next, and there’s a pretty good chance that she’s forgotten what she was mad at last.

All the stuttering, stammering fool knows, is that she’s supposed to be mad at President Trump. The problem is, Trump is running circles around Pelosi and the dizzy old broad can’t keep up.

Just a couple of days ago, the ol’ Botox queen issued this statement…

“President Trump undermined America’s preeminent leadership role in the world by recklessly threatening to impose tariffs on our close friend and neighbor to the south. Threats and temper tantrums are no way to negotiate foreign policy.”

That was on Saturday, June 8th, and that statement was in response to President Trump’s call for tariffs against Mexico on May 31st, but…

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Why Lie About Blind Octopi?

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Well, the global warming, climate change loons are at it again.

Lately, we’ve all been regaled with predictions of doom and gloom form weather weenies like AOC, who told us a while back that civilization would end in 12 years if we don’t do something about climate change now, and by something, she meant that we need to do away with cars, boats, trains and airplanes immediately.

That would make it virtually impossible for any such given loon to make it to wherever the next climate change conference is to be held, but that’s quite beside the point I suppose.

Then it was Beto O’Dork who shaved 2 years off the AOC prediction and told us all that we only have 10 years left before civilization comes to an end if something isn’t done regarding the weather at taxpayer expense.

Apparently, according to liberals…

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Biden’s Boondoggle – Healthcare for Illegals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, Joe Biden was asked whether illegal immigrants “should be entitled to federal benefits like Medicare, Medicaid.”

His response was stunning, but not unexpected.

“Look, I think that anyone who is in a situation where they are in need of health care, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for.”

“An obligation?”

We are obliged to take care of people who have entered our country illegally? We’re obliged to provide healthcare, at American citizen’s taxpayer expense to those who are illegally in our country, who are breaking our nation’s laws by setting foot in our country, and who are making a mockery of our nation’s rule of law?

Liberals should be ashamed of themselves, but perhaps not for the reasons most Conservatives are thinking of right now.

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Skin the Snakes…Barr None

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay, so the Mueller report finally got finished, after two years, 2,800 subpoenas, the interviewing of some 500 witnesses and after somewhere near $35 million taxpayer dollars were spent on it.

That report was then delivered to the Attorney General, as it was supposed to have been.

The Attorney General read through the report and then did exactly what he was supposed to do…he released a summary of the report.

That’s pretty much where the things that were supposed to have been done ended, and the crap storm began.

Liberals weren’t at all happy that the Mueller report failed to find any collusion between Trump and the Russians, and they weren’t at all happy that Mueller couldn’t find any obstruction of justice on Trump’s part either. After all, the liberals had pinned their hopes and dreams on the Mueller report. That report was supposed to make all their gnashing of teeth and wadding of panties worthwhile.

That report was to have vindicated elected liberals and the mainstream media who had been beating the “Trump colluded with the Russians” and “Trump obstructed justice” horses long past their expiration dates.

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Liberals Taking the Bullet Train to Pandersville

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

With now some 21 official 2020 liberal presidential candidates having thrown their wadded up panties into the ring, and with liberals having neither core values nor any legitimate planks in their socialist collective platform…there is something they all both share, and are trying desperately to one up each other on…

Pandering for votes.

What we have here are a whole gaggle-o-idiots who know that they don’t stand a chance on the real issues, and given where they do stand on real issues, it’s no wonder.

Take taxes for instance…

Liberals want to hike your taxes into the stratosphere. They would have to in order to pay for all the free crap they’re trying to bribe voters with. Free college tuition, paying off student loans, free healthcare for all, free this, free that and one of them is even offering free cash.


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Collusion Delusion

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The easy thing would have been writing an article last week when the Mueller Report came out. In fact, I could have quoted most of what was unredacted with just a few keystrokes. That would have been the easy thing, but…

It wouldn’t have been anywhere near as fun as waiting.

By giving that report a week to ripen, I was also able to provide just the right amount of time for liberals to come to full boil over it.

To begin with…that report didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know. President Trump did not collude with the Russians, and President Trump did not obstruct justice. We all knew that before the release of the Mueller Report, and I can guarantee you that liberals were fully aware of that fact even before we knew it.

In fact…liberals were all too well aware there was no collusion because…

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Illegal Aliens, Liberals and the 5th Element

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The rotten egg that is sanctuary cities is about to explode in the faces of liberals, and they are not the least bit happy about it.

Such liberals have for years advocated for, and built their cities into such sanctuary cities, where illegal aliens, criminals by choice who have entered our country illegally can live, most of them sponging off of American taxpayer dollars, without fear of being detained or deported.

Sanctuary cities are where the lawless illegal aliens go because it is their safe space, and because in those sanctuary cities, liberals protect them. Liberals pitch a fit when you suggest building a wall to keep them out…but suggest to liberals that they turn their city into a sanctuary city…and they dance with glee in the streets.

Suggest to liberals that you’re going to cut off their sanctuary city’s gravy train…that you’re going to discontinue the flow of federal dollars to their sanctuary city…and you know what happens next…

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